Outdoor Gear and Bike Rentals

Students By Campfire

If you plan to go on your own adventure, but do not own your own gear, borrow ours! We have all that you need to stay warm, dry and cozy over night. Our rentals are open to the 51视频 community as well as public.

Complete A Waiver

Please complete a waiver prior to renting equipment.

Make a Reservation

To make a reservation you can contact us by email: Freewheelers@uml.edu or phone 978-934-6797 at least 2-3 days prior to your trip if possible.

Equipment Pick Up and Return

Equipment may be picked up and returned at the Bike Shop and Outdoor Center during open hours.

Bike Shop and Outdoor Center Hours

Winter Shop Hours

  • Winter Break (12/21 - 1/20): Closed

Spring Semester Shop Hours

Spring Semester (1/21 - 3/16 through spring break)聽
  • Tuesday - Friday: 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
  • Saturday: 12 p.m. - 5 p.m.聽
  • Sunday and Monday: Closed
Spring Semester (3/17 - 5/8 after spring break)聽
  • Tuesday - Friday: 3 p.m. - 7 p.m.
  • Saturday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.聽
  • Sunday and Monday: Closed

Visit Us

5-2 Lawrence Drive
Lowell, MA 01854
Phone: 978-934-6797

Outdoor Gear and Bike Rentals

Rental Policy

Renters are responsible for equipment while it is in their possession. It is the responsibility of the renter to pay repair or replacement costs incurred should the equipment be stolen, lost, or damaged. Fees will be charged for late, excessively dirty, and/or wet equipment. Late fees are 1.5x the daily rental rate for each day past due. Equipment is subject to a two-week assessment period upon the return of damaged, excessively dirty and wet equipment. Fee payments are due within two weeks of the assessment.

Hiking and Backpacking EquipmentCost
Equipment TypeDescriptionOne Night PriceWeekend PriceWeekly Price
Sleeping Bag 5 51视频Mountain Hardwear Lamina Z Torch Mummy style$5$10$25
Sleeping Bag 20 51视频North Face 20 51视频 Mummy style$5$10$25
Sleeping Bag 40 51视频EMS 40 51视频 Rectangle style$5$10$25
Sleeping Pad FoamThermarest Ridgerest$3$6$15
Sleeping Pad InflatableBig Agnes or Thermarest$5$10$25
BackpackLarge Backpacking Pack$5$10$25
Dry BagSeal Line Dry Bag$3$6$15
Water BottleOne Liter Nalgene$2$4$10
Water FilterKatadyn Six Liter Water Filter$5$10$25
Water FilterMSR Water Filter$5$10$25
Dromedary6 Liter and 10 Liter Water Bladders$2$4$10
Stove - MSR DragonflyIncludes stove, aluminum heat/wind guard, fuel pump, fuel Bottle$5$10$25
Stove - Jet BoilIncludes stove, coffee press, fuel tripod, pot/cup and cover$5$10$25
HeadlampBasic Black Diamond or Petzl Headlamp$2$4$10
Rain JacketMarmot PreCip Rain Jacket (Small (S), Medium (M), Large (L), Extra Large (XL))$3$5$15
Rain PantsMarmot PreCip Rain Pants (S, M, L, XL)$3$5$15
Winter Hiking EquipmentCost
Equipment TypeDescriptionDay PriceWeekend PriceWeekly Price
Micro SpikesMiniature crampons for hiking icy conditions (Pair)$2$4$10
Snow ShoesMSR Evo Ascent Snowshoes with optional tails (pair)$5$10$25
Trekking PolesBlack Diamond adjustable trekking poles (pair)$2$4$10

Camping EquipmentCost
Equipment TypeDescriptionOne Night PriceWeekend PriceWeekly Price
TentKelty Outfitter or Gunnison 3-season tent, 4- person or 3-person$5$10$25
Tarp Shelter16x16 ft. Kelty Noah's tarp with cordage$3$6$15
Stove - ColemanLarge double burner stove and fuel line connector$5$10$25
Pot SetSet of assorted sized pots$3$10$15
Mess KitEating utensils, plate, bowl, cup$2$4$10
Cooler 48 QuartsLarge red cooler with handles$2$4$10

Bicycle TypeDescriptionDay PriceWeekend PriceWeekly Price
Mountain BikeFuji Big Horn 1.7 (S,M,L,XL)currently unavailablecurrently unavailablecurrently unavailable
Touring BikeFuji Jari 2.3 (S,M,L)$10$25$35