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ARTS.3811 Game Design: Narrative (formerly ARTS.2810 Introduction to Game Design)

Id: 039942 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


The goal of this course is to introduce students to game design. Students will begin by creating basic tabletop games that take advantage of the playful classroom environment where different ideas and narratives can be quickly prototyped, played, and evaluated. Students will move to digital game creation for the screen using an industry standard game engine (Unity). The course includes exercises, lectures, readings, and two main projects. Students will be able to analyze the mechanics, dynamics, and aesthetics of games, create unique and innovative prototypes or games, contextualize class productions in the context of new media art and/or mainstream culture, work collaboratively in a group context, and learn the basics of a screen-based game engine.


ARTS 1010 Art Concepts, ARTS 1020 Art Concepts II, ARTS 1130 Digital Foundations, ARTS 2010 Form & Content, ARTS 1550 Drawing I, and ARTS 1560 Drawing II, or Permission of Instructor.

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