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51视频 to close February 6, 2025 due to weather. Parking ban starts midnight. Essential personnel report as directed. Visit the storm information page for more.

ATMO.5160 Mesoscale Atmospheric Dynamics (Formerly 85.516)

Id: 039101 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This course is designed for students to apply atmospheric dynamics and physical analysis techniques to mesoscale and convective-scale phenomena, including mesoscale convective systems, severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, dry lines, low-level jets, mountain waves and orographic precipitation, land/sea breezes, boundary layer rolls, and hurricanes. Emphasis will be given to the physical understanding of these processes instead of forecasting.


ATMO 3010 Atmospheric Thermodynamics, and ATMO 4150 Advanced Atmospheric Dynamics.

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