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BIOL.4210L Biochemistry Techniques (Formerly 81.421)

Id: 007515 Credits Min: 2 Credits Max: 2


A series of discussions and "hands on" laboratory exercises emphasizing techniques and use of equipment most commonly employed in biochemicaI-biomedicaI research laboratories. Techniques to be mastered include: cell culture, cell fractionation, enzyme purification, ultracentrifugation, UV-visible spectrophotometry, spectrofluorometry, various types of chromatography (thin layer, gas, gel exclusion, ion exchange), electrophoresis, liquid scintillation spectrometry, and the safe handling and application of radioisotopes to problems in biochemistry. Wherever possible, the principles presented in 81.419 will be used as a basis for experimentation using the above techniques. Meets Core Curriculum Essential Learning Outcome for Written & Oral Communication (WOC).


CHEM.2300L Organic Chem Lab IIB, or CHEM.2280L Organic Chem Lab IIA, and BIOL.2330L Experimental Methods in Biology.

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