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CHEN.3040 Heat Transfer and Unit Operations (Formerly 10.304)

Id: 033342 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


The course provides an understanding of essential unit operations in chemical engineering practice. The design and operation of equipment for fluid flow (pumps, compressors) and heat transfer (heat exchanges, cooling towers, evaporators, boilers, condensers) as well as other fundamental operations and phase separation equipment (mixers/agitators, filters, settling tanks, and others) and discussed. The fundamental connections to heat transfer principles as well as fluid flow and mass transfer are considered. The analysis, design and operating characteristics of unit operations are illustrated through the solution of homework problems.


CHEN.2020 Energy Balance & Introduction to Thermodynamics and CHEN.3030 Fluid Mechanics and MATH.2360 Engineering Differential Equations, or MATH.2340 Differential Equations, or MATH.2440 Honors Differential Equations.

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