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ECON.4850 Internship in Economics (Formerly 49.485)

Id: 005938 Credits Min: 1 Credits Max: 3


Economics majors who locate an internship experience in a public or private, profit or non-profit organization which provides an opportunity to observe and apply Economics concepts to decision making and processes in the production of goods or services may with permission of the Economics Department chair receive three credits for satisfactory completion of the experience. Students are expected to have completed over 20 credits of economics classes before undertaking the internship. A five-page paper describing what was learned in the internship together with a note from the student's supervisor indicating hours worked and satisfactory completion of assigned work is required. "Variable credit course, student chooses appropriate amount of credits when registering."


Pre-Reqs: ECON 2020 Economics II (Macroeconomics) and ECON 2010 Economics I (Microeconomics).

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