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HIST.4970 Tsongas Center Field Practice (Formerly 43.497)

Id: 035077 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This 3-credit hour course will be an addition to the History Department's other 400-level courses. Currently, students enrolled in the "Research Seminar" conduct primary original research and present that research in one or another format. Those in the "Directed Study" work with assigned faculty on the historiographic breadth of a particular topic, reading selected books, writing response papers, and meeting for weekly discussions. Additionally, the existing "Practicum" allows students to earn course credit for hands-on classroom and history museum projects. The "Tsongas Center Practicum" will combine elements of all three, and make it possible to identify the specific Tsongas Center focus as such on student transcripts.


Pre-Req: 43.298 Intro to Historical Methods.

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