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MGMT.6150 International Business

Id: 032002 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This course addresses the issues involved in doing business overseas, and how it differs form purely domestic business. It surveys the changing international business landscape, focusing on the opportunities and challenges that company decision makers face in the global marketplace, and the factors that influence their decision to internationalize. Special attention is given to the broad concept of globalization - of markets and production - multinational enterprises include: governments, central banks, financial markets, regional and multilateral institutions (e.g., World Band, IMF, WTO), and the role of individuals who shape the international environment.


ACCT.5010, and FINA.5010, and MKTG.5010, and POMS.5010, and MGMT.5010, or Matriculated MSA, or MSF, or MSEM, or permission of graduate program coordinator.

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