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MIST.6160 Advanced Data Mining (Formerly 63.798: Independent Study in Management Information, MIST 616)

Id: 006538 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


The course will cover advanced data mining techniques with applications in different business domains. Students will be introduced to advanced analytic solutions aimed at addressing issues related to big data including volume, variety, and velocity. Topics will focus on performing descriptive and predictive analytics through programmatic analytic platforms as well as text analytics techniques for unstructured or semi-structured data. Concepts will be introduced through a hands-on approach using state-of-the-art analytic platforms and tools.


MIST.6060 Data Mining for bus. Intel., or POMS.6120 Stat. for Predictive Analytics, or POMS.6220 Decision Analytics, or permission of graduate business programs coordinator.

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