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MLSC.5800 Clinical Applications of Molecular Genetics (Formerly 36.580)

Id: 004848 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


The course starts with tissue sampling methods and basic DNA dynamics. Genetic technologies such as RFLP analysis, PCR, gene profiling and expression analysis, gene chips, FISH, and epigenetic analysis are covered. More advanced genetic techniques include Next Generation Sequencing of genomes and exomes, as well as metabolomics, and transcriptome analysis. CRISPR-cas9 is described in fine detail, and its potential use in all areas of gene editing is presented. Somatic vs. germline gene therapy techniques are compared in efficacy to CRISPR. In utero treatments by CRISPR and SLENDR are analyzed. Other topics include chromosome analysis, cancer genetics and cytogenetics, stem cells, cloning, and optogenetics. The genomic level of analysis is pervasive in the course.


Students with a CSCE or UGRD career need permission to take Graduate Level Courses.

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