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UTCH.2020 Interactions and Equity (Formerly UTL.202)

Id: 037652 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This course examines the organization of instructional settings that maximize learning for all. Students will examine gender issues, cultural issues, bilingual education and learning disabilities as they impact learner success. A major portion of the course is a field experience in which students interview high school teachers, observe a high school classroom, then teach three lessons. The purpose of these experiences is to ensure that students recognize the diversity of students and their specific learning needs. This course is required for STEM TEACHING MINOR.


UTCH.1020 Inquiry-based Lesson Design, or UTCH.1030 Introduction to STEM Teaching, and UTCH.2010 Knowing and Learning in Math and Science, and UTCH.3020 Research Methods. For Math, Science and Engineering majors only.

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