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UTCH.3020 Research Methods (Formerly UTL.302)

Id: 037651 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


The goal of this course is to provide students with an understanding of and the ability to use tools that scientists use to solve problems. Students will also learn how scientists communicate their findings and engage in peer-review. Students design and carry out four independent inquiries, which they write up and present in the manner that is common in the scientific community. Students will work in multidisciplinary teams.. The course is divided between class and lab sessions, but is primarily lab-based. The topics of the class sessions are: Curiosity and Scientific Inquiry, Experimental Design and Analysis, Statistics, Modeling, Presenting Scientific Information. Students conduct their inquiries, incorporate statistics to interpret their results and present their scientific work orally. This course is required for the STEM TEACHING MINOR.


UTCH.1020 Inquiry-based Lesson Design, or UTCH.1030 Introduction to STEM Teaching. For Math, Science and Engineering majors only.

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