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CIVE.5270 Geotechnical and Environmental Site Characterization (Formerly 14.527)

Id: 003020 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This course is designed to give students a comprehensive understanding of various site investigation and site assessment technologies employed in geotechnical and environmental engineering. The course begins with introduction to site investigation planning and various geophysical methods including: seismic measurements, ground penetrating radar, electrical resistivity, electromagnetic conductivity, time domain reflectometry. Drilling methods for soil, gas and ground water sampling; decontamination procedures; and long term monitoring methods are studied. Emphasis in this course is placed on conventional and state-of-the-art in situ methods for geotechnical and environmental site characterization: standard penetration test, vane shear test, dilatometer test, pressuremeter test and cone penetration tests. Modern advances in cone penetrometer technology, instrumented with various sensors (capable of monitoring a wide range of physical and environmental parameters: load, pressure, sound, electrical resistivity, temperature, PH, oxidation reduction potential, chemical contaminants) are playing a major role in site characterization. Principles underlying these methods along with the interpretation of test data will be covered in detail. The course will also look into emerging technologies in the area of site characterization. (3-0)3

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