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ECON.4130 Climate Change Economics

Id: 042122 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


Climate change affects populations around the world, underscoring the need to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. Many disciplines are needed for innovative solutions to climate change, and economics plays a key role. Economists provide assumptions for models of current and future impacts. Economic models permit to predict how incentives can modify individual and group behavior. Economists also use real-world data to obtain empirical estimates of the wide range of climate change effects. With this research, economists inform local and global climate policy. This course introduces concepts to understand how economists approach the development of climate polices. With this foundation and from the lens of an economist, students evaluate climate change impacts and policy solutions. Students also gain the skills to engage in active discussions of articles and other media related to these topics from a multifaceted perspective.


Pre-Req: ECON.2010 Principles of Microeconomics

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