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ENGN.2180 Introduction to Aerospace (Formerly MECH.2080)

Id: 040873 Credits Min: 2 Credits Max: 2


This survey course introduces and discusses: basic lightweight structures, aerospace materials, aerodynamics, air-breathing/rocket propulsion, space environment, energy systems, thermal analysis, aerospace systems design, and the aerospace industry (economics, jobs, opportunities, etc.). The hands-on laboratory component of this course reqires students perform an aerospace system design in one of the following disciplinary areas (1) Aircraft design, manufacture and testing (2) Space system design, modeling and testing. The course has 2hours of lecture and 2 hours of laboratory per week.


Pre-Req: MATH.1320 Calculus II and PHYS.1410 Physics I, and Co-req: ENGN.2180L Introduction to Aerospace Lab, Permission of Instructor.

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