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MECH.3110 Applied Strength of Materials (Formerly 22.311)

Id: 003812 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


Strength of materials principles are applied to the stress analysis of machine components and structures. The effects of buckling and combined bending, torsion, and axial loadings are studied together with the effects of stress risers due to geometrical complexities. Topics include: 3D stress transformations; principal stresses; Mohr's circle; failure criteria; torsion of non-circular and hollow cross sections; stress concentration factors; equilibrium and energy methods; global and local buckling; introduction to finite element methods.


ENGN.2060, and ENGN.2050, and MECH.2960, and MECH.3610, and MATH.2310, and C- or better required for ENGN.2050 and ENGN.2060, or Spring 2020 grade of "P".

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