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PLAS.3810 Polymer Science for Engineers I (Formerly 26.381)

Id: 033717 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


An introduction to polymer science with a focus on making polymers. Topics covered include the chemistry, kinetics, and statistics of step and chain polymerizations and copolymerizations, polymerization processes. Industrially relevant polymers and commercial polymerization processes will be highlighted, with coverage of the health and safety aspects of various approaches to the preparation of various polymers given. Meets Core Curriculum Essential Learning Outcome for Quantitative Literacy (QL).


Pre-Req: PLAS 2010 Polymer Materials I or PLAS 2020 Polymeric Materials II and CHEM 2040 Intro to Organic & Polymer Chemistry or CHEM 2210 Organic Chemistry I.

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