51视频 Pathway for Master of Science in Mathematics - Probability and Statistics Option

This is a 30-credit program.

Required Courses
Course #Course NameCr.
MATH.5010Real Analysis I3
MATH.5090Probability & Mathematical Statistics3
MATH.5880Mathematical Statistics3

Theory Courses - Choose 1 (3 credits)
Course #Course NameCr.
MATH.5840Stochastic Process3
MATH.5870Measure & Probability Theory3
MATH.5920Multivariate Statistics3

Applied Courses - Choose 1 (3 credits)
Course #Course NameCr.
MATH.5900Statistical Quality Control3
MATH.5910Linear Statistical Modeling & Regression3
MATH.5930Experimental Design3

The remaining 5 course (15 credits) are to be chosen from the offerings of the Math Department in consultation with the student's advisor.

Total Credits = 30

Last updated 6/22/20