ConnectKnee , DifferenceMakers

2020 Contribution to a Healthier Lifestyle (Sponsored by Circle Health)

Team ConnectKnee participated in the 2020 Rist DifferenceMaker $50,000 Idea Challenge. Kyle Hamblett, Connor Johnston, Jackson Kelley, a junior studying Mechanical Engineering, Tiffany Miller a junior studying Biomedical Engineering, Abby McNulty a junior studying Biomedical Engineering, and Jaime Waldron a senior studying Criminal Justice noticed that patients who are recovering from knee surgery often have a difficult time. This is due to the slow nature of the recovery causing the process following an injury or surgery to be discouraging.

Team ConnectKnee pitched their idea of a knee brace device that incorporates the use of EMG sensors and goniometers to track and record a patient鈥檚 recovery. This would allow the patient to have a better understanding of their health making their recovery more efficient and hands-on.

During the 2020 DifferenceMaker $50,000 Idea Challenge, Team ConnectKnee was awarded Contribution to a Healthier Lifestyle (Sponsored by Circle Health) which provided the team with $4,000 of funding to further develop their idea.