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Please bring back these completed sheets to the Student Affairs Office in the University Crossing, Suite 200. And that is it! Wasnt that simple? Please note: Incomplete packets will not be accepted. Thank you. Senate Appointment Procedure: Once you have completed your application,  HYPERLINK "mailto:sgagovernance@student.uml.edu" sgagovernance@student.uml.edu will inform your scheduled appointment time at the next SGA Senate meeting. The appointment process is limited to 15 minutes. During the Governance Committee update at the Senate meeting, Senate may ask you questions pertaining to your answers from the following page. After the questions are asked, the appointee (you) will be asked to leave the room. When you have exited the room, a discussion will begin and after a small amount of time, designated by the chairperson of the Senate, a vote will be cast. This vote can be either secret ballot or open vote. After all appointments are voted on, the Governance Chair, or designee, will execute the swearing in of the new senators. Any student accepted via the vacancy appointment process shall hold the position for the remainder of the term. Current vacancies are as follows: Senator At-Large: 2 Senator of Fine Arts and Humanities: 0 Senator of Business: 1 Senator of Engineering: 0 Senator of Health Sciences: 2 Senator of Sciences: 3 Student Government Association University of Massachusetts Lowell Application for Vacancies Applicant Information First NameLast NameMajorUML Campus I.D NumberCell Phone NumberMailing AddressPosition applying for Please answer the following questions as completely as possible. Attach additional sheets if necessary. How did you hear about this position? Why are you applying? What other activities have you been involved with in high school? (optional) What other activities have you been involved with at 51Ƶ? How would you contribute to this position? Do you have any potential time conflicts (i.e. job, etc.) What experience do you have that you think will enhance your abilities to perform in this position? What do you feel the Student Government through this position should be working on? What are the main issues you see on campus? Do you have any ideas on ways to improve this position or to address the major concerns of students? Optional: Awards/Honors_______________________________________________ Military experience: ________Yes _________No Commuter: _______ Yes _______ No Resident*: _______ Yes _______ No *If yes, which Residence Hall: ___________________________________ Senator Responsibilities 1. Attend the bi-weekly Senate meetings. 2. Sit on two (2) committees. 3. Have at least one (1) posted office hour. 4. Complete all tasks as assigned. 5. Participate in club booths or club activities put on by SGA. 6. Meet with your respective Dean once per semester. 7. Speak with students on campus about issues they see on campus. 8. Read minutes before the Senate meeting. Senators from a college 25 signatures from that college. Senators-at-large 25 signatures Please wait for a copy of page 2& 3 as confirmation of submission  Office Use Only Date and time vacancy packet received: ____________________________ Initials of Professional UML Staff receiving the packet:_______________________________ Copy of page 2 & 3 provided to Candidate: ____________________________ Student Government Association University of Massachusetts Lowell Application for Vacancies Candidate Name: _______________________ Position: ______________________________ By signing this vacancy form, I acknowledge that I am a student at 51Ƶ and understand that I am supporting this individuals application for the position stated above and his or her right to a Senate Appointment Hearing. Student Signatures Print First & Last Name Clearly SignatureUML Campus ID NumberCollege12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 These forms must be returned to the Office of Student Affairs, University Crossing, Suite 200      PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 `cd 6 N R h i ! = > ? @ j k ~ 쿸쿩|h]hwCJOJQJhD<0hwCJ aJ(h W*hw0J h hw hw5hD<0hw5 h??hw hw5>*hD<0hw5>* hphwh]hwaJ(hwCJ aJ h9hwCJ aJ hwjhwUhwCJ(aJ(-dh k ! 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