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Credit and GPA requirements for BA degree with major in Psychology All CoursesPsychology CoursesNon-Psychology Courses Minimum 120 Credits Total GPA** 2.0 or higher 36 to 45 credits* GPA** 2.2 or higher 75 or more credits* Courses in a major used for any other purpose are still counted against the maximum. Double majors may count no more than 72 in the 2 majors and must have at least 48 outside both majors. **GPAs are calculated only on the basis of courses taken at 51Ƶ ONCE YOU MATRICULATE AT UMASS LOWELL, YOU MAY NO LONGER TAKE COURSES AT OTHER SCHOOLS WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING SIGNATURE ON AN AUTHORIZATION FOR OFF-CAMPUS COURSES. Psychology Advisors name: For Developmental Disabilities Specialization, contact Dr. Ashleigh Hillier, Professor, Department of Psychology. Enter number of credits in proper column: Earned, In Progress (i.e., current semester), Proposed. Use pencil to allow for changes over time as this worksheet gets updated. SUMMARY 120 credits required ______ credits earned and ______credits in progress as of ____________ Overall GPA 2.0 required ______ Overall GPA as of _____________ Psychology GPA 2.2 required _____ Psychology GPA as of_____________ Residency Requirements 52 UML credits* for students from 2-year schools 30 UML credits* for students transferring from 4-year schools 15 UML credits* in Psychology for all students Latin Honors Residency Requirement 60 UML credits* * UML Credits refers only to courses take at UML; authorized off-campus study or study-abroad credits are not UML credits Psychology Credits minimum of 36, maximum of 45 (Courses in Psychology used for any other purpose are still counted against the maximum. Double majors may count no more than 72 in the 2 majors) ______ Psych credits earned and ______Psych credits in progress as of ____________ Non-Psychology courses minimum of 75 (Double majors must have at least 48 outside both majors) ______ Non-Psych credits earned and ______Non-Psych credits in progress as of _____________ GENERAL EDUCATION UML courses for Gen Ed must be on Approved General Education Course list (www.uml.edu/gened) Transfer courses: must have UML course equivalent on Approved General Education Course list ( HYPERLINK "http://www.uml.edu/gened" www.uml.edu/gened) or, if ##.#99, be designated as AH, SS, SC/TN or SCL/TNL (An Exception request form can be submitted to direct a transfer course to meet a Gen Ed requirement if not on Gen Ed list; Psychology Chairperson and General Education Coordinator must approve request.) College Writing (6 CREDITS) UML Course # TitleIf Transfer, enter Original Course #For UML Courses: enter Grade/SemesterEnter # of credits Earned/In Prog/Proposed42.101College Writing I / / /42.102College Writing II / / / Arts and Humanities (9 CREDITS - No more than 2 courses from a single department) UML Course # TitleIf Transfer, enter Original Course #For UML Courses: enter Grade/SemesterEnter # of credits Earned/In Prog/Proposed / / / / / / / / /Social Sciences (9 CREDITS - no more than 2 courses from a single department and no courses from the major; therefore, no Psychology courses) UML Course # TitleIf Transfer, enter Original Course #For UML Courses: enter Grade/SemesterEnter # of credits Earned/In Prog/Proposed / / / / / / / / /Mathematics (3 CREDITS Any math course offered or accepted for transfer credit) UML Course # TitleIf Transfer, enter Original Course #For UML Courses: enter Grade/SemesterEnter # of credits Earned/In Prog/Proposed / / /Science and Technology (No more than 1 Technology course; At least 2 of the 3 Science/Technology courses must include a lab; A maximum of 2 lectures/labs from 1 department) UML Course # TitleIf Transfer, enter Original Course #For UML Courses: enter Grade/SemesterEnter # of credits Earned/In Prog/Proposed / / /Lab: / / / / / /Lab: / / / / / / DIVERSITY AND ETHICS: These requirements are met with specific major courses in Psychology. (If you change majors, you must check with your new major.) B.A. FOREIGN LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY REQUIREMENT Mastery of Intermediate II level/Language 4 by passing courses or proficiency exam or AP or CLEP. UML Course # TitleIf Transfer, enter Original Course #For UML Courses: enter Grade/SemesterEnter # of credits Earned/In Prog/Proposed / / / / / / / / / / / / PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS Developmental Disabilities Specialization 47.101, 47.260, 47.312, 47.362 (or 47/59.363 if prior to Fall 2007), 47/59.480, and 47/59.481. If you have reached maximum for psychology credits register for 59.xxx) General Psychology UML Course # TitleIf Transfer, enter Original Course #For UML Courses: enter Grade/SemesterEnter # of credits Earned/In Prog/Proposed47.101General Psychology  / / / Developmental Psychology (47.163, 47.260, 47. 261, or 47.262count one here; no more than one more may be counted as a Psychology elective) UML Course # TitleIf Transfer, enter Original Course #For UML Courses: enter Grade/SemesterEnter # of credits Earned/In Prog/Proposed47. / / /Psychology of Personality or Abnormal Psychology (47.232 or 47.272) UML Course # TitleIf Transfer, enter Original Course #For UML Courses: enter Grade/SemesterEnter # of credits Earned/In Prog/Proposed47. / / /Social Psychology or Community Psychology (47.209 or 47.255) UML Course # TitleIf Transfer, enter Original Course #For UML Courses: enter Grade/SemesterEnter # of credits Earned/In Prog/Proposed47. / / /Experimental Psychology (47.273 or 47.276 or 47.277 or 47.278) UML Course # TitleIf Transfer, enter Original Course #For UML Courses: enter Grade/SemesterEnter # of credits Earned/In Prog/Proposed47. / / /Psychology Research I, II, III UML Course # TitleIf Transfer, enter Original Course #For UML Courses: enter Grade/SemesterEnter # of credits Earned/In Prog/Proposed47.269**Research I: Basics  / / /47.369Research II: Statistics / / /47.375Research III: Laboratory / / /**Must have a C or better grade in 47.269 in order to take 47.369 Advanced Psychology Seminar (47.472, 47.473, 47.474, 47.475, 47.477) UML Course # TitleIf Transfer, enter Original Course #For UML Courses: enter Grade/SemesterEnter # of credits Earned/In Prog/Proposed47.. / / /Psychology 400-Level Elective (any 400 level course, or graduate course with permission) UML Course # TitleIf Transfer, enter Original Course #For UML Courses: enter Grade/SemesterEnter # of credits Earned/In Prog/Proposed47. / / / Psychology 300-400 Level UML Course # TitleIf Transfer, enter Original Course #For UML Courses: enter Grade/SemesterEnter # of credits Earned/In Prog/Proposed47. / / /47. / / /Additional Psychology courses (in addition to the requirements above, students may take additional electives in Psychology but no more than 9 credits; courses in Psychology used for any other purpose must still be listed here and are still counted against the maximum) UML Course # TitleIf Transfer, enter Original Course #For UML Courses: enter Grade/SemesterEnter # of credits Earned/In Prog/Proposed47. / / /47. / / /47. / / / ELECTIVES Electives 300-400 Level (This requirement may be met by 300 level courses or above taken for Gen-Ed, Minor, or 2nd Major. These credits can only count once; if course credits are entered elsewhere on form, enter 0 for credits in this section. UML Course # TitleIf Transfer, enter Original Course #For UML Courses: enter Grade/SemesterEnter # of credits Earned/In Prog/Proposed / / / / / /Required Electives (Complete enough additional credits to reach minimum of 120; if you declare a minor or second major, enter those credits in the appropriate section on the next page) UML Course # TitleIf Transfer, enter Original Course #For UML Courses: enter Grade/SemesterEnter # of credits Earned/In Prog/Proposed / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / MINOR or SECOND MAJOR (Psychology majors are not required to have a minor or second major. If you choose to have one, contact the Department offering minor and/or second major for requirements. Courses taken for a minor or second major may also be used to satisfy General Education requirements and to satisfy the 300-400 Level Electives above.) MINOR: Area________________________ UML Course # TitleIf Transfer, enter Original Course #For UML Courses: enter Grade/SemesterEnter # of credits Earned/In Prog/Proposed / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / SECOND MAJOR : Area__________________ For double majors, no more than 72 credits in the 2 majors combined will count toward the degree; you must have at least 48 outside both majors When the second major is also a B.A. degree, the student graduates with a B.A. in both fields, both of which appear on the diploma. When the second major is a B.S. degree (e.g., Criminal Justice), the diploma shows only the B.A. in Psychology, with the second major noted on the official transcript. Students with two majors must present a minimum of 48 credits outside both major fields. UML Course # TitleIf Transfer, enter Original Course #For UML Courses: enter Grade/SemesterEnter # of credits Earned/In Prog/Proposed / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /     Page  PAGE 1 REV 10/2010 09<BFKu  ; @ | ~     " } ~ Ǻ h tCJh7Qh$CJ h$CJhh$5h7Qh$>* h7Qh$hiO h$>*h$h|Chq>* hq>*hqhdhq5CJaJh hq5CJaJh~yhd5CJ h:5CJ h~yhd5CJ 2;< A n } 2 3 $Ifgdd@&gd$dhgd$dhgdqgdd$a$gdd $@&a$gdd  0 1 2 3   C D E I K Z s t u 01{";=CDz{ʽʶʜ|v hdCJ hIX5 hF%N5 h$5h~yhd5h~yhdCJ hd>*hMrhd5 h/-CJ hnh$ h%hdh/6hdCJh/-hd hq>*hq h$CJh7Qh$CJ h7Qh$hh$5 h/-h$h$+    - 3 E F Z _ r ypppppppppp $Ifgddkd$$IflF d!  \ 06    4 la r s 1z{!"Dysssmmmsssg@&gd @&gd/-@&gddkd$$IflF d!  \ 06    4 la &efgp1XYnopqBCDϼ|xhX_w hX_w5CJ hiO5CJ h T5CJ h$CJh Th$CJh$h$CJh8h$5CJaJ h$5CJ h 5CJh th t56CJ h t5CJhXh 56CJh h 5CJ h/-5CJ hCJ h7Qhd-fgp0YqD7@&gdp@&gdiO & Fdh@&gd T & F@&gd T@&gd T dh@&gd T@&gd 78>?I\bl6abu÷}hX_whX_wCJjhX_wCJUhe4hX_wCJ hX_wCJhb/hdCJ hdCJhe4hdCJhb/hd5>*CJ hd5CJ hX_w5CJhX_whphX_w5hphpCJ 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Double      R2 ?/cmajors may count no more than 72 in the 2 major    S2 +0cs and must have at least 48 outside both majors.   2 c w2 .?Hc**GPAs are calculated only on the basis of courses taken at 51Ƶ   2 .c  2 <?c @Times New Roman- - - _2 L?8cONCE YOU MATRICULATE AT UMASS LOWELL, YOU MAY NO LONGER              \2 \?6cTAKE COURSES AT OTHER SCHOOLS WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING                 @Times New Roman- @Times New Roman-   @Times New Roman-  @Times New Roman-   @Times New Roman-  -  .2 l?cSIGNATURE ON AN AUTHOR    "2 lcIZATION FOR OFF     2 lvc-#2 lzcCAMPUS COURSES.    2 lc  2 |?c --- @Times New Roman- @Times New Roman-   @Times New Roman-  @Times New Roman-   @Times New Roman-  - ---12 ?cPsychology Advisors name  ---2 c: --- 2 c ! 2 c $ 2 c $ 2 :c $ 2 ^c $ 2 c $- @ !- --- 2 c ---\2 ?6cFor Developmental Disabilities Specialization, contact    2 Rc 2 UcDr. 2 icAshl 2 ce2  cigh Hillier 2  c, Professor, 12 ?cDepartment of Psychology.  2 c - - - 2 ?c --- 2 ?c - - - 2 ?c "System??????????????- -  ccbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa````՜.+,D՜.+,p , hp  51Ƶ^"4 1Department of PsychologyDepartment of PsychologyIf Transfer: PTotal number of transfer credits from 2-year schools: (Residency requiremenPTotal number of transfer credits from 4-year schools: (Residency requiremenQ* Courses in a major used for any other purpose are still counted against the maI**GPAs are calculated only on the basis of courses taken at 51ƵQONCE YOU MATRICULATE AT UMASS LOWELL, YOU MAY NO LONGER TAKE COURSES AT OTHER SC"Psychology Advisors name: QFor Developmental Disabilities Specialization, contact Dr. Ashleigh Hillier, ProQEnter number of credits in proper column: Earned, In Progress (i.e., current sem SUMMARY 120 credits required G______ credits earned and ______credits in progress as of ____________Overall GPA 2.0 required'______ Overall GPA as of _____________Psychology GPA 2.2 required (_____ Psychology GPA as of_____________Residency Requirements 252 UML credits* for students from 2-year schools ?30 UML credits* for students transferring from 4-year schools /15 UML credits* in Psychology for all students3Latin Honors Residency Requirement 60 UML credits*Q* UML Credits refers only to courses take at UML; authorized off-campus study QPsychology Credits minimum of 36, maximum of 45 (Courses in Psychology used for P______ Psych credits earned and ______Psych credits in progress as of _________QNon-Psychology courses minimum of 75 (Double majors must have at least 48 outsidP______ Non-Psych credits earned and ______Non-Psych credits in progress as of _GENERAL EDUCATION QUML courses for Gen Ed must be on Approved General Education Course list (www.umQTransfer courses: must have UML course equivalent on Approved General Education Q(An Exception request form can be submitted to direct a transfer course to meet Qnot on Gen Ed list; Psychology Chairperson and General Education Coordinator mus$College Writing (6 CREDITS) PArts and Humanities (9 CREDITS - No more than 2 courses from a single departmeQSocial Sciences (9 CREDITS - no more than 2 courses from a single department and=no courses from the major; therefore, no Psychology courses) Title Headings0 8@ _PID_HLINKSAlXOhttp://www.uml.edu/gened%  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]_`abcdejRoot Entry F@<=k|lData Q1Tablew)WordDocument82SummaryInformation(@ DocumentSummaryInformation8^CompObjy  F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q