Research Interests
My research centers on ethnomathematics with emphasis on mathematics knowledge systems across cultural contexts. Principled by multimodal approaches of cognition, I particularly focus on examining how indigenous/neo-indigenous and techno-literate groups engage in 鈥渕athematizing鈥欌 while immersed in their daily practices.
- Ph D: Mathematics Education, (2008), University of Minnesota - St. Paul, MN
Supporting Area: Curriculum & Instruction-Concentration
Dissertation/Thesis Title: The effect of using Rational Number Project Curriculum on the acquisition of basic fraction concepts by fifth grade Lebanese students - MA: Mathematics Education, (1997), American University of Beirut - Beirut, Lebanon
Dissertation/Thesis Title: The problem solving behavior of young street vendors in informal and formal settings - BS: Mathematics, (1985), American University of Beirut - Beirut, Lebanon
Selected Awards and Honors
- Eastern Educational Research Association Senior Scholar Award (2018), Scholarship/Research - Eastern Educational Research Association
- International Student Colonial Dames Scholarship (2017) - University of Minnesota
- Fuchs the Golden Years Anniversary Project (2016) - The Carl and Emily Fuchs Foundation
- GSU Faculty Award for Global Engagement (2013) - Georgia State University
- GSU Study Abroad Director of the Year Nomination (2013), Leadership - Georgia State University
- GSU Instructional Innovation Award for Excellence in Instruction and Learning (2012), Teaching - Georgia State University
- Service, Teaching and Research (STaR) Fellowship Program Award (2011), Scholarship/Research - National Science Foundation Program
- Conference Award, the Compact for Faculty Diversity (2010) - Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Scholars Program
- Seminar Award (2010) - NCES/IES 2010 International Database Seminar
- Seminar Award, The 22nd Annual convention of Revolutionary Sciences (2010) - Association of Psychological Sciences
- Conference Award (2008) - Long Island University
- International Student Colonial Dames Scholarship (2007) - University of Minnesota
- Graduate Fellowship (2004) - University of Minnesota
Selected Publications
- Chahine, I., Subramanian, U. (2017). Mathematics on thresholds: Kolams. Journal of Mathematics Teaching in Middle Schools.
- Chahine, I. (2016). Investigating Students鈥 Perceptions of Indigenous Mathematical Knowledge Systems through Immersion in Transcultural Settings. Jou rnal of Mathematics and Culture, 10(3) 50-69.
- Levi, I., Chahine, I., Garrett, L., Wang, H. (2016). Technology, active learning, and retention in general education mathematics. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 35(1) 81-105.
- Chahine, I., Khan, F. (2015). mproving the quality of learning outcomes and enhancing the performance of education systems: A case study in Kuwait. International journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 10(1) 1-20.
- Chahine, I., Shockey, T. (2015). Review of the book Gilsdorf, T. E. (2012). Introduction to Cultural Mathematics: With Case Studies in the Otomies and Incas, Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc. (9:1 pp. 160-162). Journal of Mathematics and Culture
- Chahine, I., Montiel, F. (2015). Teaching modeling in Algebra and Geometry using musical rhythms: Teachers鈥 perceptions on effectiveness. Journal of Mathematics Education, 8(2) 126-138.
- Chahine, I., Sanghoon, L., Belkasim, S., Grinshpon, M. (2014). A web application for the Knowledge Space Theory analysis: KST Web. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 3(9).
- Chahine, I. (2014). Investigating ethnomathematics and indigenous mathematical knowledge systems through cultural immersio. International Consortium for Research in Science and Mathematics Education
- Chahine, I., Garrett, L., Levi, I. (2014). The technology dichotomy: Computer-aided instruction versus conceptual development technology. MathAMATYC Educator, 5(2) 18-25.
- Plummer, A., Chahine, I. (2014). Mathematics lessons from "A place of light". The Mathematics Teacher: Mathematical Lens, 108(4) 254-257.
- Maxwell, K., Chahine, I. (2013). Cultural immersion and mathematics teacher education: Explorations in Morocco and South Africa. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 3(2) Article 4.
- Chahine, I. (2013). Delineating the epistemological trajectory of learning theories: Implications for mathematics teaching and learning. Mathitudes, 1(1) 1-18.
- Chahine, I. (2013). Ethnomathematics in the classroom: Unearthing the mathematical practices of African cultures (pp. 195-220). Information Age Publishing
- Chahine, I., Kinuthia, W. (2013). Juxtaposing form, function, and social symbolism: An ethnomathematical analysis of indigenous technologies in the Zulu culture of South Africa. Journal of Mathematics and Culture, 7(1) 1-30.
- Chahine, I., Naresh, N. (2013). Mapping the cognitive competencies of street vendors and bus conductors: A cross-cultural study in workplace mathematics. Latin American Journal of Ethnomathematics, 6(3) 7-35.
- Naresh, N., Chahine, I. (2013). Reconceptualizing research on workplace mathematics: Negotiations grounded in personal practical experiences. Journal of Research in Mathematics Education, 3(2) 316-342.
- Chahine, I., Kinuthia, W., Maxwell, K. (2013). Surveying technologies for integrating indigenous knowledge systems in the mathematics classrooms in Durban-South Africa: Potentials and challenges (12:1 pp. 37-51). Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems
- Chahine, I. (2013). The impact of using multiple modalities on students鈥 acquisition of fractional knowledge: An international study in embodied mathematics across semiotic cultures. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 32(3) 434-449.
- Chahine, I. (2013). Towards an engaged pedagogy: bell hooks manifesto and the teaching and learning of mathematics. Global Journal of Human Social Sciences, 13(10) 23-26.
- Chahine, I., King, H. (2012). Investigating Lebanese teachers' mathematical, pedagogical and self-efficacy profiles: A case study. Near and Middle Eastern Journal of Research in Education.
- Chahine, I. (2011). An ethnomathematical encounter: A cultural immersion of mathematics teachers in the daily practices of craftsmen in the Old City of Fez-Morocco. International Study Group on Ethnomathematics Newsletter (ISGEm), 5(2) 11-13.
- Chahine, I. (2011). Beyond Eurocentrism: Situating ethnomathematics within the history of mathematics narrative. International Journal for Studies in Mathematics Education, 4(2) 35-48.
- Chahine, I. (2011). Learning rational number concepts using a research based curriculum: The ethnomathematical experience of Lebanese students (pp. 95-107). International Consortium for Research in Science and Mathematics Education
- Chahine, I., Post, T., delMas, R. (2011). The effect of using a research-based curriculum on learning basic rational number concepts by Lebanese students. Near and Middle Eastern Journal of Research in Education, 3(2).
- Chahine, I. (2011). The role of translations between and within representations on the conceptual understanding of fraction knowledge: A trans-cultural study. Journal of Mathematics Education, 4(1) 47-59.
- Chahine, I., Clarkson, L. (2010). Collaborative Evaluative Inquiry: A model for improving mathematics instruction in urban elementary schools. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 3(1) 57-81.
- McQueen, M., Goings, C., Shaheed, S., Chahine, I. (2010). Voices, echoes, and narratives: Multidimensional experiences of three teachers immersed in ethnomathematical encounters in Morocco. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 3(2) 47-56.
- Chahine, I., Clarkson, L., Robelia, B. (2007). Rulers of different colours: Inquiry into measurement. Teaching Children Mathematics, 34-39.
- Jurdak, M., Chahine, I. (2002). Problem solving activity in the workplace and the school: The case of constructing solids. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 47 297-315.
- Chahine, I., Ghusayni, R. (2000). The state and education in Lebanon (Arabic Manuscript). American University of Beirut
- Jurdak, M., Chahine, I. (1999). An ethnographic study of the computational strategies of a group of young street vendors in Beirut. Educational Studies in Mathematics Education, (40) 155-172.
- Chahine, I., Osta, I. (1998). Official Lebanese exams and its implication to curriculum policy and application (Arabic Manuscript). Hariri Foundation
- Chahine, I., Osta, I. (1996). Analysis of geometric models in university students鈥 Logo procedures (Arabic Manuscript). American University of Beirut
Selected Presentations
- Investigations in Indigenous Mathematical Knowledge Systems in Neo-indigenous Contexts, January 2018 - Lowell, MA
- Investigations in Indigenous Mathematical Knowledge Systems in Neo-indigenous Contexts, December 2017 - New York City, NY
- Ethnomathematics and Indigenous Mathematical Knowledge Systems, 2017 - Brownsville, TX
- Deep Learning Fusion algorithm for Arts Categorization - IEEE 30th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), 2017 - Ontario, Canada
- Affordances of Indigenous Knowledge Systems - North West University IKS Project Retreat, November 2017 - Potchefstroom, South Africa
- Investigations in Multicultural Mathematics: Explorations of Ethnomathematical Ideas in Indigenous and Techno-literate Societies - Georgia Educational Research Association (GERA) Annual Conference, October 2017 - Augusta, GA
- Automatically generated semantic tags of art images - 2017 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA), September 2017 - Kuching, Malaysia
- Semantic organization and tagging for cultural art categorization - Third International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM2017), April 2017 - Laguna Hills, CA
- Reconceptualizing The BA in Mathematics and Education Program at National University of Ireland, March 2017 - Galway, Ireland
- General Education for the 21st Century: Significance and Implications for Higher Education in Kazakhstan, 2016 - Almaty, Kazakhstan
- Ilm al-raml in Middle Eastern Cultures: A Case Study in Mathematizing Divination Systems - International Society for Technology in Education Conference (ISTE), October 2016 - Kruger National Park, Mopani camp, Phalaborwa, Limpopo, South Africa
- Investigating Graduate Students Perceptions of Indigenous Mathematical Knowledge Systems through Immersion in Transcultural Settings - International Society for Technology in Education Conference (ISTE), October 2016 - Kruger National Park, Mopani camp, Phalaborwa, Limpopo, South Africa
- Teaching Modeling in Algebra and Geometry using Musical Rhythms: Teachers鈥 Perceptions on Effectiveness - International Society for Technology in Education Conference (ISTE), October 2016 - Kruger National Park, Mopani camp, Phalaborwa, Limpopo, South Africa
- Teaching Modeling in Algebra and Geometry using Musical Rhythms: Teachers鈥 Perceptions on Effectiveness - AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting, March 2016 - University of Georgia, Athens, GA
- As examination of the quality of mathematics learning outcomes in Independent Schools: Qatar Case Study - Seminar on voices of Teachers- Empowering Teachers, building sustainable societies: Mobilizing a Roadmap for 2030 Seminar, October 2015 - Doha, Qatar
- TIMSS Results in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) - UNESCO Seminar on Science Learning Outcomes, October 2015 - Doha, Qatar
- Empowering Teachers, Building Sustainable Societies - World Teacher Day Celebration, October 2015 - Qatar National Conference Center, Doha, Qatar
- Investigations in Multicultural Mathematics: Integrating Ethnomathematical Ideas in Teaching Mathematics (Keynote address), September 2015 - South Africa
- TIMSS Results in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), September 2015 - Doha, Qatar
- Using graph theory to decipher the kinship structure system of Warlpiri culture - Workshop presented for honors graduate Mathematics students at North West University, September 2015 - South Africa
- Zulu homestead population: Proportionality and rational number concepts applications - Workshop presented for undergraduate pre-service teachers, September 2015 - South Africa
- Using hybrid instruction in calculus I classroom - 2012 Annual Meeting of the Georgia Academy of Science, 2013 - Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA
- Math and Art: Describing indigenous cultures - RIMMES Conference, 2013 - Atlanta, GA
- Exploring ethnomathematics and indigenous knowledge systems through cultural immersion, November 2013 - Johannesburg, South Africa
- Investigations in ethnomathematics and indigenous mathematical knowledge systems, October 2013 - Columbus, OH
- Ethnomathematics as a field of study, September 2013 - Atlanta, GA
- Inv estigations in ethnomathematics: Integrating cultures in teaching and learning, April 2013 - Amsterdamn, Netherlands
- Cultural mathematics and its role in the school curricula, February 2013 - Missoula, MT
- Experiencing ethnomathematics and indigenous mathematical knowledge systems through immersion-based learning in trans-cultural settings - International Conference on Africa and its Diaspora, November 2012 - Athensa, GA
- Integrating Human Values in teaching ethnomathematics, September 2012 - Bangalore, India
- Teaching for relevance: Incorporating culture in teaching mathematics, December 2011 - Doha, Qatar
- Using online instructional support in precalculus concepts to advance undergraduate students鈥 success in calculus - Learning and the Brain Conference, Preparing 21st Century Minds: Using Brain Research to Enhance Cognitive Skills for the Future, November 2011 - Boston, MA
- Embracing indigenous mathematical knowledge systems - Georgia Council for Teachers of Mathematics Conference (GCTM), October 2011 - Rock Eagle, Eatonton, Georgia
- The effect of using a research-based curriculum, the Rational Number Project Curriculum on the achievement of students in Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) countries - The Quasi Experimental Design and Analysis workshop, August 2011 - Evanston, IL
- Investigations in ethnogeometry: Experimenting, conjecturing, and sense making a cross cultural settings - NCTM Summer Institute on High School Mathematics: Infusing the Classroom with Reasoning and Sense Making, July 2011 - Orlando, FL
- The use of multiple embodiments for teaching rational number concepts: A cross-cultural study - Learning and the Brain Conference: The Science of Student Success: Optimizing Achievement and Reducing failures, May 2011 - Chicago, IL
- The effect of using multimodal representations on students' fractional knowledge and teachers' self-efficacy: A case study in Lebanon, May 2011 - Doha, Qatar
- Embodied and situated: The ethnomathematical experience of Lebanese students learning rational number concepts - 2010 International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (ISTE 2010), October 2010 - Pretoria, South Africa
- What does it mean to do ethnomathematics? A study abroad cultural immersion for mathematics teachers - 2010 International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (ISTE 2010), October 2010 - Pretoria, South Africa
- Experiencing the prodigies of ethnomathematics: Immersion-based learning in trans-cultural settings - Georgia Council for Teachers of Mathematics Conference (GCTM), October 2010 - Rock Eagle, Eatonton, Georgia
- Using PISA (2006) database to examine the effects of time spent on homework on students鈥 numeracy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries - NCES/IES 2010 International Database Seminar, August 2010 - Washington, D.C.
- Exploring ethnomathematics as a pedagogy of humanization - Mentoring Practitioner Research Seminar, March 2010 - Greyville, Durban, South Africa
- The ethnomathematical case study of Lebanese students using rational number concepts - Thirteenth Consultation of the International Consortium for Research in Science and Mathematics Education (ICRSME XIII), March 2010 - La Manzanilla, Mexico
- Mathematics for social justice: The effect of teaching fractions in five Lebanese schools using a non-traditional curriculum - Mathematics for Social Justice Conference, April 2008 - Brooklyn, NY
- Teaching fractions using RNP: The experience of Lebanese students - Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM) Annual Meeting & Exposition, April 2008 - Duluth, MN
- The effect of using Rational Number Project on the achievement of fifth grade students in Lebanese schools - Mathematics Teachers鈥 Certificate Program, November 2007 - Minneapolis, MN
- Making change in teaching money - Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM) Annual Meeting & Exposition, April 2007 - Duluth, MN
- The role of collaboration in shifting elementary math teachers鈥 self-efficacy - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Annual Meeting & Exposition, March 2007 - Atlanta, Georgia
- Evaluation capacity building in public schools: Issues, challenges, and new perspectives - Annual Meeting of the American Evaluation Association, November 2006 - Portland, OR
- Collaborative Evaluation Communities, November 2005 - Minneapolis, MN
- The computational strategies of young street vendors in Beirut - Science and Math Education Consortium (SMEC) Conference, 2001 - Lebanon
- The integration of technology in the mathematics classroom: The experience of Kingdom Schools - Science and Math Education Consortium (SMEC) Conference, 2001 - Lebanon
- The role of representations in teaching mathematics. Professional development seminar for 9-12 teachers, 2001 - Saudi Arabia
- Meaningful math - Science and Math Education Consortium (SMEC) Conference, 1997 - Lebanon
Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Affordances of Indigenous Knowledge for Self-Directed Learning (2015), Grant - National Research Fund (NRF) IKS Ring-Fenced Fund, South Africa
Chahine, I. (Co-Principal), De Beer, J. (Principal), Cronje, A. (Co-Principal), Van Der Westhuizen, C. (Co-Principal), Nyamapfene, K. (Co-Principal), Van Der Walt, M. (Co-Principal) - Knowledge, Interchange & Collaboration (KIC) (2015), Grant - National Research Fund (NRF), South Africa
Chahine, I. (Co-Principal), De Beer, J. (Principal) - Adapting to Trig: Using the ALEKS Adaptive Technology to Improve Students鈥 Learning and Retention in College Trigonometry (2016), Grant - Georgia State University - STEM Faculty Initiative
Chahine, I., Grinshpon, M., Fanoe, A. - Incorporating 鈥淛ust in Time鈥 Teaching to Enhance the Lecture/Recitation Format in Calculus (2016), Grant - GSU - STEM Faculty Initiative
Chahine, I. (Principal), Grinshpon, M., Fanoe, A. - Affordances of Indigenous Knowledge for Self - Directed Learning (2015), Grant - National Research Fund (NRF) IKS Ring - Fenced Fund, South Africa
Chahine, I. (Co-Principal), DeBeer, J. (Principal), Cronje, A. (Co-Principal), Van Der Westhuizen, C. (Co-Principal) - Designing an Online Adaptive Tutoring Environment to Enhance Students鈥 Performance in Undergraduate Mathematics (2014), Grant - Georgia State University - STEM Faculty Initiative
Chahine, I. (Principal), Belkassim, S., Grinshpon, M. - Making Thinking Visible: Establishing the Augmented Reality Immersion Center (ARIC) to support undergraduate and graduate teacher candidates鈥 research in STEM fields (2014), Grant - Georgia State 2014 Technology Fee Award
Chahine, I. (Principal), Jiang, Y. - Modeling Mathematical Structures in Indigenous 3D Artifacts (2014), Grant - Georgia State University - STEM mini - grant
Chahine, I., Jiang, Y. - Scaffolding Mathematics and Science Teachers Practices to Enhance Middle Level Students' Computational Thinking Skills Using Project - based Learning (2014), Grant - Georgia Department of Education: Improving Teacher Quality State Grants - Title II, Part A
Chahine, I. (Principal), Jiang, Y., Puvirajah, A. - The Effects of Using ViSta on Undergraduate Students鈥 Achievement in Statistics and the Role of Cognitive and Non - Cognitive Factors in their Achievement (2014), Grant - Georgia State STEM mini - grant
Chahine, I. (Principal), Zhong, C., Maxwell, K. - Building High School Teachers Capacity to Teach Mathematical Modeling Using Technology 鈥 Supported Simulations (2013), Grant - Georgia Department of Education: Improving Teacher Quality State Grants - Title II, Part A
Chahine, I. - Investigations in Ethnomathematics: Integrating Cultures in teaching and Learning (2013), Grant - EU - US Atlantis Excellence Mobility Grant
Chahine, I. (Principal) - Study abroad fund to support students鈥 immersion in Johannesburg, South Africa (2013), Grant - University of Johannesburg, Faculty of Education
Chahine, I. (Principal) - Using Augmented Reality Environment (ARE) to Enhance the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics (2013), Grant - Georgia State 2013 Technology Fee
Chahine, I. (Principal), Clewley, R. - Using Technology - Supported Simulations to teach Mathematical and Scientific Modeling for High School Qatari Teachers (2013), - Middle East Institute & URSA Fund
Chahine, I. (Principal) - Building Technology - Supported Environments for Teaching Undergraduate Mathematics Courses to Early Childhood and Middle Level Prospective Teachers II (2012), Grant - Georgia State STEM mini-grant
Chahine, I. (Principal), Alexander, M. - Teaching Ethnomathematics through Writing (2012), Grant - Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Grant, Georgia State University
Chahine, I. - Using Hybrid Instructional Support in Precalculus Concepts to Advance Undergraduate Students鈥 Success in Calculus II (2012), Grant - Georgia State STEM mini - grant
Chahine, I. (Principal), Grinshpon, M. - Using Online Versus Hybrid Environments to Teach Linear Algebra Courses (2012), Grant - Georgia State STEM mini-grant
Chahine, I. (Principal), Manzagol, N. - Building Technology-Supported Environments for Teaching Undergraduate Mathematics Courses to Early Childhood and Middle Level Prospective Teachers II (2011), Grant - Georgia State STEM mini-grant
Chahine, I. (Principal), Alexander, M. - Enhancing Middle Level Mathematics Teachers鈥 Understanding of Proportional Reasoning Skills (2011), Grant - Georgia Department of Education: Improving Teacher Quality State Grants - Title II, Part A
Chahine, I. (Principal), Montiel, M., Junor - Clarke, P., Bayazit, N., Behm - Cross, S., Jett, C. - Improving Supplementary Calculus Instruction through Enhanced Coordinated Support of Student Assistants (2011), Grant - Georgia State STEM mini -grant
Chahine, I. (Co-Principal), Grinsphon, M. (Co-Principal) - Monitoring and Assessing Weekly Homework to Improve Student Learning and Success Rates in Calculus Courses (2011), Grant - Georgia State STEM mini-grant
Chahine, I. (Co-Principal), Grinsphon, M. (Principal) - The Role of Precalculus as a Gatekeeper in Determining Success in Calculus I Classes: A Mixed-Method Case Study (2011), Grant - URSA Research Initiation Grant, Georgia State University
Chahine, I. (Principal), Grinsphon, M. - Using Hybrid Instructional Support in Precalculus Concepts to Advance Undergraduate Students鈥 Success in Calculus (2011), Grant - Georgia State STEM mini-grant
Chahine, I. (Principal), Grinsphon, M. - Mobilizing Education in Qatar towards Success in STEM Fields: A Joint Research Partnership between Georgia State University (GSU) and Qatar University (QU) (2011), - International Strategic Initiatives (ISI) Grant, Georgia State University
Chahine, I. (Principal), Nasser, R.