51视频 Police Department
When an alarm of fire has been reported, proper response and actions are deemed essential to minimize confusion and duress. Coordination of University personnel in conjunction with local fire department officials to execute a well-organized procedure must be initiated. The following is an explanation of responsibilities and a notification process that shall be observed by all University employees whose position mandates interaction with local fire department officials upon an alarm of fire.
Role of the Fire Department
The local fire department is viewed as the authority having jurisdiction upon an alarm of fire. The fire department is responsible to respond immediately to an alarm and carry out an investigation of cause for the alarm. When cause has been determined/resolved, the fire department then performs all functions of resetting the system back to a normal state. Resetting a fire alarm system usually consists of resetting a pull station located in a corridor, the local building panel, master panel and city box. When all points of operation have been reset, the Deputy Chief (or his authority) notifies the University Police Officer located at the scene, that the fire alarm panel in the building is functional and then of their leaving. The fire department will NOT leave a building which cannot be reset for reasons of malfunction until they notify University Police and/or Environmental and Emergency Management (EEM) personnel of a problem and request that an electrician be summoned to correct the problem.
Role of the University Police
Upon an alarm of fire, the University Police shall respond to the building or area of concern and meet the fire department immediately. The officer's knowledge of University buildings, fire alarm panel locations and key systems are pertinent for ensuring a quick response to a potential situation. Other primary functions of the Campus Police during an alarm of fire are:
- Meet with the Deputy Chief or person of authority associated with the fire department.
- Provide any information sought for by the fire department relative to the situation.
- Assist the fire department by directing them to the fire alarm panel, master panel or sprinkler system shut off.
- Unlock "safe" general areas requested by the fire department. Transfer the key(s) to the fire department for areas that may have potential for a working fire.
- Summon personnel requested by the fire department. (e.g. electrician EEM staff).
- Maintain security of area by not allowing any person to enter the building until the fire department has approved for occupancy.
- File a report on the incident, noting circumstances involved, location of trouble and response of problem. Send a copy of all fire alarms to the EEM office, Attention: Richard Wood.
NOTE: As a standard procedure, during normal working hours (Monday-Friday), if an alarm of fire is reported, Dispatch will notify the Facilities Fire Protection Electrician to respond to the building in alarm.
During Evenings and Weekends:
If a fire or situation is determined to be positive (an actual fire or emergency), the following persons are to be notified immediately:
- Peter Lennon
Cell: 978-935-3774
Contact University Police: 978-934-2398
For further information or clarification of this procedure, contact the EEM office at 978-934-2618.