John Ting

John M. Ting, Sc.D., P.E.

Professor; Emeritus Dean of Engineering; Associate Chair for Master's programs

Francis College of Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Shah Hall 200 S


Geotechnical Engineering, Computational Mechanics, Predictive Analytics

Research Interests

Geotechnical engineering, geotechnical centrifuge modeling, frozen soil behavior, computer modeling of particulate materials, soil-structure interaction and integral abutment bridge design.

Predictive analytics for higher education administration and enrollment management.


  • Sc.D: Civil Engineering, (1981), Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • MS: Civil Engineering, (1976), California Institute of Technology` - Pasadena, California
  • BS: Civil Engineering, (1975), McGill University - Montreal, Quebec


John Ting is a professor of Civil Engineering and previously a tenured associate professor at the University of Toronto, Canada and postdoctoral research fellow and lecturer at California Institute of Technology, USA.

Between 1999 and 2017, he served continuously in senior administration at the University of Massachusetts Lowell as chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, dean of the Francis College of Engineering, vice-provost for enrollment and senior advisor to the provost.

Ting has been involved in teaching, research and software development in civil engineering in the areas of geotechnical engineering, geotechnical centrifuge modeling, frozen soil behavior, computer modeling of particulate materials using discrete element modeling, soil-structure interaction, static and dynamic lateral behavior of pile systems and integral abutment bridge design.

He has published widely and has helped obtain and directly participated in over $2.8 million in externally funded research in geotechnical engineering and incorporating Service-Learning in engineering education. He has taught more than 20 different undergraduate and graduate courses in civil engineering and computer programming at Caltech, University of Toronto and 51视频.

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Licensed Professional Civil Engineer (California, since 1983)
  • Elected Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (since 2008)
  • University of Massachusetts President's Award for Public Service (2006)
  • Civil & Environmental Engineering Department Teaching Excellence Award (2020)

Selected Publications

聽 聽 Journal Papers:
  • Zhang, X., Gartner, N., Gunes, O. and Ting, J. (2007). "Integrating Service-Learning Projects into Engineering Courses," Int'l J. for Service-Learning in Engineering. 2(1), 44-63.
  • Faraji, S., Ting, JM, Crovo, DS and H. Ernst (2001). "Nonlinear Analysis of Integral Bridges: Finite Element Model," ASCE J.Geotechnical and GeoEnvironmental Engineering, 127(5):454-461.
  • Ting, J.M., Meachum, L.R. and J.D. Rowell (1995). "Effect of Particle Shape on the Strength and Deformation Mechanisms of Ellipse-shaped Assemblages," Engineering Computations: Int'l Journal of Computer-Aided Engineering and Software, ed. D.R.J. Owen and K.J. Bathe, 12(2): 99-108.
  • Ting, J.M., Khwaja, M., Meachum, L.R. and Rowell, J.D. 1993. "An Ellipse-based Discrete Element Model for Granular Materials," Int'l Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 17(9):603-623.
  • Ting, J.M. 1992. "A Robust Algorithm for Ellipse-based Modelling of Granular Materials," Computers and Geotechnics, 13(3):175-186.
  • Ting, J.M. and B.T. Corkum. 1992. "A Computational Laboratory for Discrete Element Geo-mechanics," ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 6(2):129-146.
  • Ting, J.M., B.T. Corkum, C.R. Kauffman and C. Greco. 1989. "A Discrete Numerical Model for Soil Mechanics," ASCE Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 115(3):379-398.
  • Ting, J.M., C.R. Kauffman and M. Lovicsek 1987. "Centrifuge Static and Dynamic Lateral Pile Behaviour," Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 24(2):198-207.
  • Ting, J.M. 1987. "Full scale Lateral Pile Responses," ASCE Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 113(1):30-45.
  • Ting, J.M. 1984. "Tertiary Creep Model for Frozen Sands Closure," ASCE Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 110(9):1376 1378.
  • Ting, J.M. 1983. "Geometric Concerns in Slope Stability Analysis," ASCE Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 109(11):1487 1491.
  • Ting, J.M., R.T. Martin and C.C. Ladd 1983. "Mechanisms of Strength for Frozen Sand," ASCE Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 109(10):1286 1302.
  • Ting, J.M. 1983. "Tertiary Creep Model for Frozen Sands," ASCE Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 109(7):932 945.
  • Ting, J.M. 1983. "On the Nature of the Minimum Creep Rate Time Correlation for Soil, Ice and Frozen Soil," Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 20(1):176 182.
  • Ting, J.M. and R.T. Martin 1979. "Application of the Andrade Equation to Creep Data for Ice and Frozen Soil," Cold Regions Science and Technology, 1(1):29 36.
Conference Proceedings Papers:
  • J. Duffy, Kazmer, D., Barrington, L., Ting, J., Barry, C., Zhang, X., Clark, D. and A. Rux (2007). "Service-Learning Integrated into Existing Core Courses throughout a College of Engineering," Proc. Nat'l Conf. ASEE, Honolulu, June 2007
  • 聽Zhang, X., N. Gartner, O. Gunes and J. Ting, (2006) "Undergraduate Curriculum Reform in Civil Engineering by Integrating Service-Learning Projects", Proc. Nat'l Conf. ASEE., Chicago, June 2006.
  • Ting, J.M. and J.D. Rowell, 1995. "Ellipse-based Discrete Element Model for Granular Materials: Validation Testing," Proc. 1995 ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference on Discontinuous Materials, Colorado, May 1995.
  • Ting, J.M. and L.R. Meachum, 1995. "Effect of Bedding Plane Orientation on the Behavior of Granular Systems," Mechanics of Materials with Discontinuities and Heterogeneities, ed. A. Misra and C.S. Chang, ASME AMD Vol 201: 43-58.
  • Ting, J.M., Rowell, J.D. and Meachum, L.R. 1993. "Influence of Particle Shape on the Strength of Ellipse-shaped Granular Assemblages," Proc. Second Int'l Conf. Discrete Element Methods, Cambridge, Mass., pp. 215-225.
  • Ting, J.M. and B.T. Corkum 1988. "Discrete Element Models in Geotechnical Engineering," Proc. 3rd International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, Vol. 2, pp. 587-594.
  • Ting, J.M. and B.T. Corkum 1988. "Soil-structure Interaction by Discrete Numerical Modelling," Proc. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Conference, Calgary, Canada, Vol. 3, pp. 196-215.
  • Ting, J.M. and B.T. Corkum 1988. "Strength Behavior of Granular Materials Using Discrete Numerical Modelling," Proc. 6th Int'l Conference on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics, Innsbruck, Austria, Vol. 1, pp. 305-310.
  • Elsworth, D., A.R. Piggott and J.M. Ting 1986. "A Hybrid Model for the Transient Hydraulic Response of Fractured and Porous fractured Media", Proc. Boundary Element Technology Conf., M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass., pp. 721-732.
  • Ting, J.M., B.T. Corkum and C. Greco 1986. "Application of the Distinct Element Method in Geotechnical Engineering," Proc. Int'l Symp. Numerical Models in Geomechanics, Ghent, Belgium, pp. 789-798.
  • Ting, J.M. and R.F. Scott 1984. "Static and Dynamic Lateral Pile Group Action," Proc. 8th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, Calif. Vol 3, pp. 641 648.
  • Scott, R.F., J.M. Ting and J. Lee 1982. "Comparison of Centrifuge and Full-scale Dynamic Pile Tests," Proc. Int'l Conf. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Southampton, England, Vol. 1, pp. 299-309.
  • Scott, R.F., C.F. Tsai, D. Steussy and J.M. Ting 1982. "Full-scale Dynamic Lateral Pile Tests," Proc. 14th Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, OTC Paper #4203.
  • Scott, R.F., H.P. Liu and J. Ting 1977. "Dynamic Pile Tests by Centrifuge Modeling," Proc. 6th World Conf. Earthquake Engineering, New Delhi, India, Vol. 4, pp. 199-203.
Technical Reports:
  • Ting, JM and S. Faraji, 1998. Streamlined Analysis and Design of Integral Abutment Bridges, Technical Report, University of Massachusetts Transportation Center Report UTMC 97-13, Amherst, Mass.
  • Ting, J.M., B.T. Corkum, C.R. Kauffman and C. Greco 1987. "Discrete Numerical Modelling of Soil: Validation and Application," Publication 87-03, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, ISBN 0-7727-7090-5, 137 p.
  • Ting, J.M. 1987. "Simple Models for Dynamic Lateral Pile Response," Publication 87-04, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, ISBN 0-7727-7091-3, 33 p.
  • Corkum, B.T. and J.M. Ting 1986. "The Discrete Element Method in Geotechnical Engineering," Publication 86-11, Dept. Civil Engineering, Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, ISBN 0-7727-7086-7, 320 p.
  • Ting, J.M. 1986. "Modal Analysis of a Nonlinear Soil-Pile System," Publication 86-08, Dept. Civil Engineering, Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, ISBN 0-7727-7084-0, 50 p.
  • C.F. Tsai, R.F. Scott, D. Steussy and J.M. Ting 1981. "Full-scale Pile Vibration Tests: A Report to the National Science Foundation," Earth Technology Corp. and California Institute of Technology, Long Beach and Pasadena, Calif.
  • Martin, R.T., J.M. Ting and C.C. Ladd 1981. "Creep Behavior of Frozen Sand," Research Report R81-19, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. 237 p.
  • Ting, J.M. "The Creep of Frozen Sands: Qualitative and Quantitative Models," Research Report R81-5, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. 432 p.

Selected Presentations

  • "Institutionalizing Your Service-Learning Program", invited keynote panel presentation, National EPICS Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette IN, May 21-22, 2008.
  • "Perspectives on Incorporating Service Learning in a College of Engineering", invited keynote presentation, Workshop on Integrating Appropriate Sustainable Technology and Service Learning in Engineering Education, Sustainable Resources 2004, University of Colorado, Sept 27-29, 2004.
  • "Appropriate Applications for Discrete Element Geotechnical Modeling", Invited poster presentation to Workshop on Computational Exploration of Discrete Media, US Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi, Nov. 1999.
  • "Force-Displacement Testing of Integral Abutment Bridges", invited presentation at the Massachusetts Highway Department Research Showcase, Boston, Mass., April, 1998, with S. Faraji
  • "Effect of Particle Shape on the Mechanical Behavior of Granular Materials: A Discrete Element Study", invited presentation to the Air Force Office of Scientific Research Particulate Mechanics Contractors Meeting, Tyndall AFB, Panana City, FL, Sept. 1995.
  • "Effect of Bedding Plane Orientation on the Behavior of Granular Systems," presented to the 1995 Joint ASME Applied Mechanics and Materials Summer Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, June 1995.
  • "Particle Shape Effects on the Mechanical Behavior of Bedded Granular Systems: A Discrete Element Study", invited presentation to the Workshop on Mechanics and Statistical Physics of Particulate Media, La Jolla, CA, June 1994, sponsored by NSF Institute for Mechanics and Materials, AFOSR, ARO and ONR.
  • "Influence of Particle Shape on the Strength of Ellipse-shaped Granular Assemblages," presented to Second Int'l Conf. Discrete Element Methods, Cambridge, Mass., Mar. 1993.
  • "Effect of Particle shape on the Mechanical Behavior of Granular Materials," invited presentation, Particulate Mechanics Contractors' Meeting, Air Force Office of Scientific research, Albuquerque, NM, Jan. 1992.
  • "Static and Dynamic Lateral Pile Group Action," presented at the 8th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, Calif., Aug. 1984.
  • "Problems with Frozen Soils," invited presentation at the Industrial Affiliates Conference on Engineering Aspects of Offshore Structures, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., Feb. 1984.
  • "Mechanisms of Strength and Deformation of Frozen Sands," invited seminar at U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, N.H., Oct. 1979.

Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research

  • Service-Learning Integrated throughout a College of Engineering (SLICE): Implementation (2005-2008), National Science Foundation,听Ting, J.M. (Co-Principal), J. Duffy and 3 others.
  • Service-Learning Integrated throughout a College of Engineering (SLICE): Planning grant (2004), National Science Foundation,听Ting, J.M. (Co-Principal), J. Duffy and 3 others.
  • Streamlined Analysis & Des. of Integral Abutment Bridges (1999), Grant - Mass. Highways Dept.
    Ting, J. (Co-Principal), Faraji, S.
  • Force-Displacement Testing for Integral Abutment Bridges (1996), Grant - Mass. Highways Dept.
    Ting, J. (Co-Principal), Faraji, S.
  • Behavior of Multiphase Granular Media: Modeling the static-to-viscous flow regime for 2 years (1994), Grant - D. Defense AASERT/51视频
    Ting, J. (Principal)
  • Effect of Particle Shape on the Mechanical: Behavior of Granular Materials (1991), Grant - Air Force Off. Sci. Research/51视频
    Ting, J. (Principal)
  • Multiphase Discrete Granular Model for Soil Mechanics (1990), Grant - NSERC Operating/University of Toronto
    Ting, J. (Principal)
  • Centre for Large Scale Computation (1989), Grant - NSERC Infrastructure/U of Toronto
    Ting, J., Peltier, W.
  • Multiphase Discrete Granular Modelling of Soil (1987), Grant - NSERC Operating/U of Toronto
    Ting, J. (Principal)
  • Simulation of the Hydraulic Fracturing Process in Oil Sands (1989), Grant - Cray Research Inc./U of Toronto
    Ting, J. (Co-Principal), Curran, J.
  • Centre for Large Scale Computation (1988), Grant - NSERC Infrastructure/U of Toronto
    Ting, J., Peltier, W.
  • A Discrete Element Model for the Hydraulic Fracturing Process in Oil Sands (1986), Grant - Cray Research Inc./U of Toronto
    Ting, J. (Co-Principal), Curran, J.
  • Analysis of Lateral Pile Behaviour (1984), Grant - NSERC Operating/U of Toronto
    Ting, J. (Principal)
  • Development of a Discrete Granular Material Model for Geomechanics (1984), Grant - Connaught Fund/U of Toronto
    Ting, J. (Principal)
  • Centrifuge Modelling of Frost Heave Phenomena:鈥疉 Feasibility Study (1983), Grant - U.S.鈥疉rmy Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory/Caltech
    Ting, J. (Co-Principal), Scott, R.
  • Mechanical Properties of Frozen Soil (1980), Grant - U.S.鈥疉rmy Research Office/M.I.T.
    Ting, J., Ladd, C., Martin, R.