Aerodynamics, Computational Fluid DynamicsResearch Interests
Computational/Experimental Aerodynamics, Engineering Education Research.
Computational/Experimental Aerodynamics: Computational & Experimental Aerodynamics/Aeroelasticity, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Aeroacoustics, Parachute Fabrics and Cords, Wind Energy, Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamics, and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Engineering Education Research: Student Motivation, First Year Experience in Engineering, Educational Outreach.
- Ph D: Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, (2006), Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Other: Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, (2003), Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Other: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, (2000), Carleton University - Ottawa, Canada
Selected Awards and Honors
- Dean's Honour List - Carleton University
- Faculty Scholarship, Scholarship/Research - Carleton University
- ASEE-SFFP Summer Faculty Fellow (2012) - Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright Patterson Air Force Base
- SGA College of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award (2012), Teaching - University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA
- Mechanical Engineering Department Teaching Excellence Award (2010), Teaching - University of Massachusetts Lowell
- US Association of Computational Mechanics (USACM) Postdoctoral and Young Investigator Travel Fellowship (2008) - 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, held in Venice, Italy
- First Place, Informational Graphics Category, Science Magazine (2007) - NSF Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge
- Graduate Fellowship (2004) - PGS-B Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Graduate Fellowship
- Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement (2000) - Carleton University
- Commissioner's Commendation (1999) - Canadian Coast Guard
- Rolls-Royce Scholarship (1999) - Carleton University
- Virginia B. Covey Bursary (1996)
Selected Publications
- DiPaola, M., Willis, D.J., Leonardi, S. (2016). A fast differential deficit control volume approach for modeling turbine-turbine interactions. 46th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference
- Bevan, J.J., Willis, D.J. (2016). A high-order conservative Eulerian simulation method for vortex dominated flows. 46th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference
- DiPaola, M., Willis, D.J. (2016). A rotating reference frame, integral boundary layer method (pp. 3974).
- Weitzen, J.A., Rashid, M.M., Johnston, S.P., Maase, E.L., Willis, D.J. (2015). A methodology for restructuring our first year introduction to engineering sequence at University of Massachusetts Lowell (122nd ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: Making Value for Society:). American Society for Engineering Education
- Vaillant, J.J., Hansen, C.J., Stolk, J., Johnston, S.P., Shina, S.G., Willis, D.J. (2015). Design and implementation of an inexpensive laboratory for providing hands-on design prototyping and manufacturing experiences to engineering students (122nd ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: Making Value for Society:). American Society for Engineering Education
- Willis, D.J., Persson, P. (2014). Multiple-Fidelity Computational Framework for the Design of Efficient Flapping Wings. AIAA Journal, 52(12) 2840-2854.
- Willis, D.J. (2014). Using Enriched Basis Functions for Automatically Handling Wake-Body Intersections in Source-Doublet Potential Panel Methods,. Aircraft, 51(6) 1891-1903.
- Vaillaint, J., Hansen, C., Stolk, J., Johnston, S., Shina, S., Willis, D.J. (2014). Hands-On Made 4 ME: The impact of CNC technology in the early engineering curriculum. NSF-Grantees special poster session, ASEE National Conference
- Willis, D., Salehipour, H. (2014). From wakes to wings: Using a multi-fidelity approach to design flapping wings. SPIE DSS14 Micro-Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications Conference, Micro Autonomous Systems Technology (MAST): Performance Bounds and Trade Space Studies
- Sousa, J.H., Willis, D.J., Persson, P.O., Granlund, K., Ol, M.V. (2013). Design, Construction, and Validation of Compliant Wings for Flapping Flight. AIAA-Aerodynamics Conference 2013
- Willis, D.J., Persson, P.O. (2013). Generating LEVs on Energetically Optimal, Flapping Wing Designs by Modulating Leading Edge Angle. AIAA-Aerodynamics Conference 2013
- Willis, D.J. (2013). Implementing Automatic-Wake Body Intersections for Full Aircraft Configurations in Dirichlet Panel Methods. AIAA-Aerodynamics Conference 2013
- Damplo, M., Niezrecki, C., Willis, D.J., Chen, J., Niemi, E.E., Agnihotra, S., Manohar, S., Desabrais, K., Charette, C. (2013). Investigation of sensing textiles for intelligent parachute systems. AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems (ADS) Conference 2013
- Desabrais, K., Rondeau, N., Fitek, J., Gibson, P., Godfrey, T., Willis, D.J. (2013). Investigations of Parachute Fabric Permeability Under An Unsteady Pressure Differential. 22nd AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference
- Willis, D.J. (2013). Pilot Study: Impact of Service and Traditional Projects on Student Motivation, Learning and Professional Perspectives. 2013 ASEE Northeast Section Conference
- Salehipour, H., Willis, D.J. (2013). A coupled kinematics-energetics model for predicting energy efficient flapping flight. Journal of theoretical biology, 318 173-196.
- Willis, D.J. (2012). Automatic Wake-Body Intersections In Computational Aerodynamics. Automatic Wake-Body Intersections In Computational Aerodynamics
- Damplo, M., Niezrecki, C., Willis, D.J., Chen, J., Niemi, E.E., Agnihotra, S., Manohar, S., Desabrais, K., Charette, C. (2012). Sensing of electrically conductive textiles and capacitance sensor-embedded fabrics for parachutes (8345:). Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
- Favini, E., Agnihotra, S., Surwade, S.P., Niezrecki, C., Willis, D.J., Chen, J., Niemi, E., Desabrais, K., Charette, C., Manohar, S.K. (2012). Sensing Performance of Electrically Conductive Fabrics and Suspension Lines for Parachute Systems. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 23(17) 1969-1986.
- Willis, D.J. (2012). Using Enriched Basis Functions for Automatically Handling Wake-Body Intersections in Source-Doublet Potential Panel Methods. 50th AIAA-ASM Meeting
- Willis, D.J., Bahlman, J., Breuer, K.S., Swartz, S.M. (2011). Computational Study of Optimal Short Range Gliding Behavior. AIAA Journal, 49(12).
- Salehipour, H., Willis, D.J. (2011). A Coupled Energetics-Kinematics Wake-Only Energetics Prediction Tool. Wake-Only Energetics
- Willis, D.J. (2011). A quasi-inverse DLM for Micro Aerial Vehicle Flapping Wing Design. QI-DLM.
- Persson, P.O., Willis, D.J., Peraire, J. (2011). Numerical Simulation of Flapping Wings using a Panel Method and a High-Order Navier-Stokes Solver. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering.
- Favini, E., Niezrecki, C., Manohar, S.K., Willis, D.J., Chen, J., Niemi, E., Desabrais, K., Charette, C. (2011). Sensing Performance of Electrically Conductive Fabrics and Dielectric Electro Active Polymers for Parachutes. 2011 SPIE Smart Structures and Materials
- Iriarte-Diaz, J., Riskin, D.K., Willis, D.J., Breuer, K.S., Swartz, S.M. (2011). Whole-body kinematics of a fruit bat reveal the influence of wing inertia on body accelerations. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 214 1546-1553.
- Willis, D.J. (2011). Energetics Considerations in Parachute Aerodynamic Design. AIAA-ADS
- Favini, E., Niezrecki, C., Chen, J., Willis, D.J., Niemi, E., Manohar, S. (2011). Sensing Performance of Electrically Conductive Parachute Fabrics. AIAA-ADS
- Willis, D.J., White, J.K., Peraire, J. (2011). A pFFT Accelerated Linear Strength BEM Potential Solver. MSM '04 7th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems
- Karni, E., Johnson, M., Stiltner, B., Fogleman, K., Gelhausen, P., Willis, D.J., Lind, R., Patil, M. (2011). A Software Suite for Conceptual Design of Flapping Wing MAVs. AIAA-ASM
- Persson, P.O., Willis, D.J. (2011). High Fidelity Simulations of Flapping Wings Designed for Energetically Optimal Flight. AIAA-ASM
- Salehipour, H., Willis, D.J. (2010). A Novel Energetics Model for Examining Flapping Flight in Nature and Engineering. 2010 ECCOMAS CFD Conference
- Favini, E., Niezrecki, C., Chen, J., Willis, D.J., Niemi, E., Desabrais, K.J. (2010). Review of Smart Material Technologies for Active Parachute Applications (7643:). 2010 SPIE Smart Structures and Materials, Proc. SPIE
- Salehipour, H., Willis, D.J. (2010). A Wake-Only Energetics Model for Preliminary Design of Biologically- Inspired Micro Air Vehicles. AIAA-AFM
- Willis, D.J., Salehipour, H. (2010). Preliminary Design of Three-Dimensional Flapping Wings from a Wake- Only Energetics Model. AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference
- Willis, D.J., Persson, P.O., Salehipour, H., Peraire, J. (2010). A multi-fidelity framework for designing compliant flapping wings. Fifth European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ECCOMAS CFD 2010
- Salehipour, H., Willis, D.J. (2010). A coupled kinematics and energetics model for flapping flight. 2010 Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit
- Persson, P.O., Willis, D.J., Peraire, J. (2010). The Numerical Simulation of Flapping Wings at Low Reynolds Numbers. 2010 Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit
- Willis, D.J., Bahlman, J., Swartz, S.M., Breuer, K.S. (2009). Energetically Optimal Flight Trajectories for Short Range Gliding Animals. AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference
- Swartz, S.M., Breuer, K.S., Willis, D.J. (2008). Aeromechanics in Aeroecology: Flight Biology in the Aero- sphere. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 48(1) 9598.
- Riskin, D.K., Willis, D.J., Diaz, J.I., Hedrick, T.L., Kostandov, M., Chen, J., Laidlaw, D.H., Breuer, K.S., Swartz, S.M. (2008). Quantifying the complexity of bat wing kinematics. Journal of Theoretical Biology,, 254 604-615.
- Willis, D.J., Israeli, E.R., Peraire, J. (2008). Computational Investigation and Design of Compliant Wings for Biologically Inspired Flight Vehicles. 26th Congress of International Council of the Aeronautical Science
- Willis, D.J., Persson, P.O., Israeli, E.R., Breuer, K.S., Swartz, S.M., Peraire, J. (2008). Multi-fidelity Approaches for the Computational Analysis and Design of Effective Flapping Wing Vehicles. Proceedings of the 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit
- Willis, D.J., Peraire, J., White, J.K. (2007). A Combined pFFT-Multipole Tree Code, Unsteady Panel Method with Vortex Particle Wakes. International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, 53 1399-1422.
- Willis, D.J., Kostandov, M., Riskin, D.K., Laidlaw, D.H., Breuer, K.S., Swartz, S.M. (2007). Modeling the Flight of a Bat (317: pp. 1858-1863). Science Magazine
- Bardhan, J.P., Altman, M.D., Willis, D.J., Lippow, S.M., Tidor, B., White, J.K. (2007). Numerical Integration Techniques for Curved-Element Discretizations of Molecule-Solvent Interfaces. Journal of Chemical Physics.
- Chen, J., Forsberg, A., Kostandov, M., Willis, D.J., Laidlaw, D.H. (2007). The Effect of Using Large, High Resolution Stereoscopic Displays for Flow Visualization. International Conference on Computational Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Human Computer Interaction
- Willis, D.J., Persson, P.O., Drela, M., Breuer, K.S., Swartz, S.M., Peraire, J. (2007). A Computational Framework for Fluid Structure Interaction in Biologically-Inspired Flapping Flight. Proceedings of the 25th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference
- Willis, D.J., Breuer, K.S., Peraire, J. (2007). A Computational Investigation of Bio-Inspired Formation Flight and Ground Effect. Proceedings of the 25th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference
- Swartz, S., Diaz, S., Riskin, D.K., Song, A., Tian, X., Willis, D.J., Breuer, K.S. (2007). Wing Structure and the Aerodynamic Basis of Flight in Bats. Proceedings of the 45th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting
- Willis, D.J. (2006). An pFFT-FMM accelerated, unsteady, Computational Aerodynamics Solver. FastAero
- Willis, D.J., Peraire, J., Drela, M., White, J.K. (2006). A Numerical Exploration of Parameter Dependence in Power Optimal Flapping Flight. Proceedings of the 24th Applied Aerodynamics Conference
- Willis, D.J., Peraire, J., White, J.K. (2006). A Quadratic Basis Function, Quadratic Geometry, High Or- der Panel Method. Proceedings of the 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting
- Sequeira, C.J., Willis, D.J., Peraire, J. (2006). Comparing Aerodynamic Models for Numerical Simulation of Dynamics and Control of Aircraft. Proceedings of the 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting
- Willis, D.J., Peraire, J., White, J.K. (2005). FastAero - a Precorrected FFT - Fast Multipole Tree Steady and Unsteady Potential Flow Solver. SMA Symposium
- Willis, D.J., Peraire, J., White, J.K. (2005). A Combined pFFT-Multipole Tree Code, Unsteady Panel Method with Vortex Particle Wakes. Proceedings of the 43rd AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting,
- Willis, D.J., White, J., Peraire, J. (2004). A pFFT Accelerated BEM Linear Strength Potential Solver. Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Computational Technologies for Fluid/Thermal/Stress Systems with Industrial Applications, CFD for Design and Optimization
Selected Presentations
- - UML Wind Energy Conference,
- Improving the Aerodynamics of A Skeleton Sled - 2012 ISEE Conference, 2012
- Improving the Aerodynamics of A Skeleton Sled - 2012 Student Research Symposium, 2012 - Lowell, MA
- Computational and Experimental Fluid Dynamics Research at UML, November 2012 - Lowell, MA
- Energetics in Aerodynamics, October 2012
- Computational and Experimental Fluid Dynamics Research at UML - Cooper Perkins Engineering Consultants, 2011
- Biologically Inspired Flight - AFRL-RQSE, November 2011 - Wright Patterson Air Force Base
- - 51视频s Provosts Discussion Dinner on the First Year Experience, 2010 - Lowell, MA
- Computation for Understanding (aero-structural aspects of ) Biologically Inspired Flight - International Micro Aerial Vehicle 2009 (iMAV 09) competition, June 2009 - Pensacola Florida
- Computation for Understanding Biologically Inspired Flight - Presented at Giant Leaps MIT: MIT's 40th Anniversary Celebration of the 1969 Apollo Moon Landing, June 2009
- Computational modeling of the aeromechanics of a bat (Cynopterus brachyotis), January 2009
- Using Computation to Understand Biologically Inspired Flight, January 2009 - National University of Singapore (NUS)
- Using Computation to Understand Biologically Inspired Flight, September 2008
- Boundary Element Methods for the Preliminary Design, Analysis and Optimization of Compliant Flapping Wings - WCCM-Eccomas, July 2008 - Venice, Italy
- High Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods, Algorithms and Applications - Unstructured Grid Technology for CFD, March 2008 - Eglin, FL
- Multi-fidelity Computational Investigations of Biologically Inspired Flapping Flight, March 2008 - The Catholic University of America
- Multi-fidelity Computational Investigations of Biologically Inspired Unsteady Aerodynamics, February 2008 - Loyola Marymount University
- Computational Design and Analysis of Flapping Wing Vehicles, February 2008 - Arlington Catholic high School
- A Multi-fidelity Framework for Modeling Biologically Inspired Flapping Flight - 14th International Conference for Finite Elements in Flow Problems, 2007 - Santa Fe, New Mexico
- Examining the exploitation of passive structural compliance in apping wings - 4th Massachusetts Institute of Technology Conference on Fluid and Solid Mechanics, 2007 - Boston, Massachusetts
- Invention, Innovation and Science in your Daily Life, December 2007 - John D. Runkle Elementary School
- Aeroelasticity, Bat Flight and Computations - John Dugundji's Visiting Aeroelasticians, MIT, October 2007 - Boston, MA
- Examining and Understanding Flapping Flight: A Convergence of Biology, Engineering and Computer Science, September 2007 - Brown University
- Computational Investigations of Biologically Inspired Flapping Flight - ACDL Seminar, April 2007 - MIT
- Computational Investigations of Biologically Inspired Flapping Flight, February 2007 - Smith College
- A Computational Framework for Investigating Parameter Dependence in Flapping Flight - 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2006 - Los Angeles, California
- Parametric Dependencies in Aero-Elastic, Articulated, Flapping Flight - American Physical Society, 59th Annual Meeting of the DFD, 2006 - Tampa, Florida
Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Dynamic Stall in Rotation and Translation (), - NSF
Willis, D. - Fostering Growth of Wind energy in Massachusetts (), Grant - Massachusetts Clean Energy Center
Willis, D. - Hands-on MADE 4 ME (Hands-on Machining, Analysis and Design Experiences for Mechanical Engineering) (), Grant - National Science Foundation
Willis, D. - Wind Tunnel Testing (), Grant - Airmar
Willis, D. - Team UML-WIND: Wind Inspired by Natural Designs (), - National Renewable Energy Lab
Willis, D. - Transient Fluid-Structure Interaction of Transverse Permeability in Fabrics (), - NSF
Willis, D. - Wind Tunnel Testing (), - Lincoln Labs
Willis, D. - Collaborative Research: I/UCRC for Wind Energy, Science, Technology, and Research (WindSTAR) (2014), Grant - National Science Foundation and company members
Sherwood, J.A., Avitabile, P., Niezrecki, C., Hansen, C.J., Willis, D.J. - Team UML-WIND 2016 (2015), Grant - U.S. Department Of Energy
Hansen, C.J. (Co-Principal), Willis, D.J. (Principal), Johnston, S.P. (Co-Principal), Niezrecki, C. (Co-Principal), Darish, M. (Co-Principal) - 2015 Wind Energy Research Workshop (2015), Grant - National Science Foundation
Hansen, C.J. (Co-Principal), Willis, D.J. (Principal), Sherwood, J.A. (Co-Principal), Niezrecki, C. (Co-Principal), Inalpolat, M. (Co-Principal) - Hands-on MADE 4 ME (Hands-on Machining, Analysis and Design Experiences for Mecha (2013), Grant -
Willis, D.J. (Principal) - Hands-on Machining, Analysis and Design Experiences for Mechanical Engineers (2013), Grant - NSF TUES program
Johnston, S.P., Willis, D.J., Hansen, C.J., Shina, S.G. - The Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing (Renewal) (2009), Contract - NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION
Willis, D.J. (Co-Principal) - Income Account for 2011 Wind Energy Research Workshop (2011), -
Willis, D.J. (Co-Principal) - Effect of Time Dependent Pressure Differentials on Material Porosity and Permeabi (2011), -
Willis, D.J. (Principal) - Collaborative Research: Planning Grant: I/UCRC for Wind Energy, Science, Technolo (2012), Grant -
Willis, D.J. (Co-Principal) - I/UCRC for Wind Energy, Science, Technology, and Research (2012), Grant - National Science Foundation
Willis, D. - Wind Tunnel Testing of Airmar Prototype 300wx Weatherstation (2012), -
Willis, D.J. (Principal) - Wind Energy Research Workshop (2011), Grant - National Science Foundation
Willis, D. - Effect of Time Dependent Pressure Dierentials on Material Porosity and Permeability (2010), Grant - Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center
Willis, D. - NSF Engineering (2010), Grant - Common Good
Willis, D. - Biologically Inspired Flight (2009), Contract - Brown University, AFOSR MURI
Willis, D. - Smart Materials for Parachutes (2009), Grant - Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center
Willis, D. - Biologically-Inspired Flight for Micro Air Vehicles (2008), Contract - U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE
Willis, D.J. (Principal) - Workshop: 2011 Wind Energy Research Workshop, Lowell, MA August 2011 (2011), Grant -
Willis, D.J. (Co-Principal) - Wind Tunnel Testing of Airmar Prototype 300wx Weatherstation (2010), -
Willis, D.J. (Co-Principal) - Wind Tunnel Testing of a Loud Hailer Speaker System (2010), - U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE
Willis, D.J. (Co-Principal)