Ian Elliott.

Ian Alexander Elliott, Ph.D.

Visiting Lecturer

Fine Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
School of Criminology and Justice Studies
Health and Social Sciences Building, Room 435


Rehabilitation, Program Evaluation, Risk Assessment, Sex Offending, Violent Extremism

Research Interests

Psychological rehabilitation programmes, Assessment of risk and need, Sex offender treatment and management, Violent extremism


  • Ph.D.: Psychology, (2012), University of Birmingham UK
  • B.Sc.: Psychology, (2002), University of Birmingham UK

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Junior Award in Forensic Psychology (2011), British Psychological Society, Division of Forensic Psychology
  • Graduate Research Award (2011), Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers

Selected Publications

  • Elliott, I. A., Huber, J., Hales, S., Carling, J., & Perry, J. (2023). An impact evaluation of the prisonbased Thinking Skills Programme (TSP) on prison misconduct. London, U.K.: Ministry of Justice.
  • Brinn, A., Preston, J., Costello, R., Opoku, T., Sampson, E., Elliott, I. A., Sorbie, A. (2023). An impact evaluation of the prison-based Thinking Skills Programme (TSP) on reoffending. London, U.K.: Ministry of Justice.
  • Elliott, I. A., Horne, K., & Hambly, O. (2023). The Extremism Risk Guidelines 22+: A preliminary psychometric analysis. London, U.K.: Ministry of Justice
  • Robinson, C., Sorbie, A., Teasdale, J., Huber, J., Scott, K., Purver, M., & Elliott, I. A. (2021). RESOLVE: A reconviction impact study. London, U.K.: Ministry of Justice.
  • Elliott, I. A., Mandeville-Norden, R., Rakestrow-Dickens, J., & Beech, A. R. (2019). . Law and Human Behavior, 43(4), 369-382.
  • Elliott, I. A. (2017). , 18(1), 83-97.
  • Elliott, I. A., & Zajac, G. (2015). , 25, 113-123.