Rehabilitation, Program Evaluation, Risk Assessment, Sex Offending, Violent Extremism
Research Interests
Psychological rehabilitation programmes, Assessment of risk and need, Sex offender treatment and management, Violent extremism
- Ph.D.: Psychology, (2012), University of Birmingham UK
- B.Sc.: Psychology, (2002), University of Birmingham UK
Selected Awards and Honors
- Junior Award in Forensic Psychology (2011), British Psychological Society, Division of Forensic Psychology
- Graduate Research Award (2011), Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers
Selected Publications
- Elliott, I. A., Huber, J., Hales, S., Carling, J., & Perry, J. (2023). An impact evaluation of the prisonbased Thinking Skills Programme (TSP) on prison misconduct. London, U.K.: Ministry of Justice.
- Brinn, A., Preston, J., Costello, R., Opoku, T., Sampson, E., Elliott, I. A., Sorbie, A. (2023). An impact evaluation of the prison-based Thinking Skills Programme (TSP) on reoffending. London, U.K.: Ministry of Justice.
- Elliott, I. A., Horne, K., & Hambly, O. (2023). The Extremism Risk Guidelines 22+: A preliminary psychometric analysis. London, U.K.: Ministry of Justice
- Robinson, C., Sorbie, A., Teasdale, J., Huber, J., Scott, K., Purver, M., & Elliott, I. A. (2021). RESOLVE: A reconviction impact study. London, U.K.: Ministry of Justice.
- Elliott, I. A., Mandeville-Norden, R., Rakestrow-Dickens, J., & Beech, A. R. (2019). . Law and Human Behavior, 43(4), 369-382.
- Elliott, I. A. (2017). , 18(1), 83-97.
- Elliott, I. A., & Zajac, G. (2015). , 25, 113-123.