Labor Economics, Community Economic Development, Public Policy Analyst
Research Interests
- Labor Economics; Urban Economics; Regional and Local Development.
- Low wage labor markets; Income distribution; City economic development.
- Ph D: Economics, (1978), M.I.T. - Cambridge, MA
- BA: Economics, (1969), Johns Hopkins University - Baltimore, Maryland
Selected Awards and Honors
- Jeanne S. Mattersdorf Award of Membership in the National Tax Association
- National Science Foundation Fellowship - National Science Foundation
- Phi Beta Kappa
- Woodrow Wilson Fellowship
Selected Publications
- Moss, P.I., Lazonick, W.H., Salzman, H., Tulum, 脰. (2014). Skill Development and Sustainable Prosperity: Cumulative and Collective Careers versus Skill-鈥怋iased Technical Change (Working Paper No. 7). Institute for New Economic Thinking, Working Group on the Political Economy of Distribution; The Academic-Industry Research Network (the AIRnet)
- Moss, P.I., Salzman, H., Tilly, C. (2008). Under Construction: The Continuing Evolution of Job Structures in Call Centers. Industrial Relations, 47(2).
- Moss, P.I., Banks, D. (2007). Analysis of the Route 3 North Expansion Project and the Public-private Partnership between the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Modern Continental Corporation.
- Moss, P.I. (2006). The New Division of Labor: How Computers are Creating the Next Job Market. Contemporary Sociology-a Journal of Reviews, 35(4).
- Moss, P.I., Edward, J.C. (2005). Designing the Tax Structure of Massachusetts to Promote Economic and Social Development.
- Moss, P.I., Driscoll, S. (2004). The Stories Behind the Statistics: A Study of Brazilians Working in Eastern Massachusetts.
- Moss, P.I., Tilly, C. (1996). "Soft" Skills and Race: An Investigation of Black Men's Employment Problems. Work and Occupations, 23(3) 252-276.
- Moss, P.I., Forrant, W., Mass, W. (1996). From the Inside Out: Development Strategy for Lowell, Massachusetts. University of Massachusetts at Lowell. Center for Industrial Competitiveness
- Moss, P.I., Tilly, C. (1995). Skills and Race in Hiring: Quantitative Findings from Face-to-Face Interviews. Eastern Economic Journal, 21(3) 357-374.
- Moss, P.I. (1989). Impact of Service Industries on Underemployment in Metropolitan Economies. Industrial & labor relations review, 42(3).
- Moss, P.I. (1988). Employment Gains by Minorities, Women in Large City Government, 1976-83. Monthly Labor Review, 111(11).
- Moss, P.I., Terkla, D.G., Doeringer, P.B. (1988). Widespread Labor Stickiness in the New-England Offshore Fishing Industry - Implications for Adjustment and Regulation. Land Economics, 64(1).
- Moss, P.I., Doeringer, P.B., Terkla, D.G. (1986). Capitalism and Kinship - Do Institutions Matter in the Labor-Market. Industrial & labor relations review, 40(1).
Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research
- The Community Leadership Development Program (2009), Grant -
Moss, P.I. (Principal) - The Community Leadership Development Program (2008), Grant -
Moss, P.I. (Principal) - (2008), - The Abbot and Dorothy Stevens Foundation
Moss, P. - (2009), - International Labour Organization
Moss, P. - LRA Properties Research (2008), Grant -
Moss, P.I. (Principal) - Shelter Program Database (2008), -
Moss, P.I. (Principal) - Research Support for Food Processing (2007), Grant -
Moss, P.I. (Principal) - (2002), Grant - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Moss, P., MacDougall, J., McCormack, A., Tilly, C., Turcotte, D. - (2001), - Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Economic Development
Moss, P., Tilly, C., Salzman, H. - (1999), - Future of Work Program, Russell Sage and Rockefeller Foundations
Moss, P., Forrant, R., Salzman, H., Tilly, C. - (2000), - Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Economic Development
Moss, P., Forrant, R., Tilly, C. - (1996), - Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and Jobs for the Future
Moss, P., Salzman, H., Tilly, C. - (1996), - Jerome Levy Economics Institute
Moss, P., Lazonick, W., O'Sullivan, M., Forrant, R., Mass, W. - (1993), - Ford Foundation, the Russell Sage Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation
Moss, P., Kirschenman, J., Tilly, C. - (1996), - Ford Foundation
Moss, P., Kirschenman, J., Tilly, C. - (1995), - City of Lowell
Moss, P., Forrant, R., Mass, W. - (1994), - Rockefeller Foundation
Moss, P., Kirschenman, J., Tilly, C. - (1992), - Ford Foundation and the Russell Sage Foundation
Moss, P., Bluestone, B., Tilly, C., Uriarte, M. - (1991), - Social Science Research Council
Moss, P., Tilly, C. - (1990), - Social Science Research Council
Moss, P., Tilly, C. - (1982), - U.S. Department of State
Moss, P., Doeringer, P., Terkla, D.