Social Psychology
Research Interests
Social Psychology; Achievement Motivation; Self; Stigma; Stereotyping; Prejudice.
My main research examines the influence of individual differences, group stereotypes, and situational factors on student performance, motivation, and attributions. My second line of research seeks to understand how social identity, individual differences in prejudice, and stereotypes influence person judgment.
- Ph D: Social Psychology, (2000), University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI
- MA: Experimental Psychology, (1996), San Jose State University - San Jose, CA
- BA: Psychology, (1993), San Jose State University - San Jose, CA
- Other: psychology, (1990), Los Angeles Community College - Los Angeles, CA
Jason Lawrence joined the faculty of 51视频 in 2004. His area of specialization is social psychology. He teaches both graduate and undergraduate courses in social psychology, applied social psychology, and psychology of diversity.
Selected Awards and Honors
- Department of Psychology Teaching Award (2008), Teaching - University of Massachusetts Lowell
- NIH Training Grant (1999)
- Psychology Dissertation Award (1999)
- APA Minority Fellowship (1996) - APA
- Rackham Merit Fellowship (1996) - Rackham
- California Pre-Doctoral Program (1995)
- Minority graduate Student Fellowship (1995)
- Social Science Research Grant (1995)
- Graduate Student Stipend Program (1994)
- Minority Graduate Student Fellowship (1994)
Selected Publications
- Ho, I.K., Lawrence, J.S. (). The Role of Social Cognition in Medical Decision Making with Asian American Patients. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities.
- Lawrence, J.S., Smith, J.L. (2017). Academically Contingent Self-worth and Vulnerability: When Approach Self-validation Goals are more Threatening than Avoidance Self-validation Goals. Self and Identity, 16(3) 353-372.
- Schmader, T., Martens, J., Lawrence, J.S. (2017). Show your Pride? The Surprising Effect of Race on how People Perceive a Pride Display. Self and Identity, 16(3) 313-334.
- Lawrence, J.S., Williams, A. (2013). Anxiety Explains Why People with Domain-Contingent Self-Worth Underperform on Ability-Diagnostic Tests. Journal of Research in Personality.
- Haynes, M.C., Lawrence, J.S. (2012). Who's to Blame? Attributions of Blame in Unsuccessful Mixed-Sex Work Teams. Basic & Applied Social Psychology, 34((6)) 558-564.
- Lawrence, J.S., Crocker, J., Blanton, H. (2011). Stigmatized and Dominant Cultural Groups Differentially Interpret Positive Feedback. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 42(1) 165-169.
- Lawrence, J.S., Marks, B.T., Jackson, J.S. (2010). Domain Identification Predicts Black Students Underperformance on Moderately-difficult Tests. Motivation and Emotion, 34(2) 105-109.
- Lawrence, J.S., Crocker, J. (2009). Academic Contingencies of Self-worth Impair Positively- and Negatively-stereotyped Students Performance in Performance-goal Settings. Journal of Research in Personality, 43(5) 868-874.
- Lawrence, J.S., Charbonneau, J. (2009). The Link between Basing Self-worth on Academics and Student Performance Depends on Domain Identification and Academic Setting. Learning and Individual Differences, 19(4) 615-620.
- Lawrence, J.S., Bachman, M., Ruble, D.N. (2007). Ethnicity, Ethnic Identity, and School Valuing among Children from Immigrant and Non-immigrant Families. Contesting stereotypes and creating identities, 136-159.
- Lawrence, J.S., Crocker, J., Dweck, C.S. (2005). Stereotypes Negatively Influence the Meaning Students give to Academic Settings. Navigating the future: Social identity, coping, and life tasks, 23-43.
- Ybarra, O., Stephan, W.G., Schaberg, L., Lawrence, J.S. (2003). Beliefs 51视频 the Disconfirmability of Stereotypes: The Stereotype Disconfirmability Effect. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 33(12) 2630-2646.
- Crocker, J., Lawrence, J.S. (1999). Social Stigma and Self-esteem: The Role of Contingencies of Worth (pp. 364-392). Cultural divides: Understanding and overcoming group conflict.
Selected Presentations
- Understanding why students with academic-contingent self-worth under perform on high-stakes tests. - 9th Biennial Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, June 2012 - Charlotte, NC.
- Understanding why students with academic-contingent self-worth underperform on high-stakes tests. - 5th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Motivation, May 2012 - Chicago, IL.
- Stereotype Threat: Student Experiences, Impact, and Prevention. - Sharing our Expertise, Expanding our Toolkits, Strengthening Our Outcomes, April 2011
- Who's to blame? Attributions of blame in mixed-sex work teams. - Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology at Annual Conference, April 2011 - Chicago, IL.
- Attachment style and technology: A look at technological communicative behaviors in three distinct attachment classifications. - 16th Annual Massachusetts Statewide Undergraduate Research Conference, April 2010
- When Caring about Academics Impairs Student Performance: Basing Self-Worth on Academics and High-Stakes Test Settings. - Fine Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Faculty Research Series, February 2010
- Basing Self-Worth on Academics Impairs Academic Performance. - Research Colloquia, Psychology Department, December 2009
- The Stereotype Threat Effect: Student Experiences,Impact, and Prevention. - Northeast Regional STEM Pipeline Network's Fellows and Leaders Meeting., June 2009
- Stereotype threat: Student Experiences, Impact, and Prevention. - Math/Science Division meeting, February 2009
- Do We Really Want Students to Value Academics? - Tufts University Psychology Department Social Area Meeting, May 2008
- Stereotype Threat: Student Experiences, Impact, and Prevention. - Culture of Inclusive Engagement, April 2008
- The Role of Culture in European Americans and Latino Americans' Judgments of Normative and Nonnormative Behavior. - Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention, February 2008 - Albuquerque, NM.
- Ethnic Group Differences in Evaluations of Independent and Interdependent Acts: Does Individualism and Collectivism Play a Role? - Research Colloquia, November 2007
- Stereotype Threat Effect. - Diversity Days, March 2007
- Identification, Academic Contingency, and Ability Goals Impair Student Performance: Implications for Stereotype Threat. - Northeastern University Social and Personality Psychology Area., March 2006
- Stereotype Threat. - Research Colloquia, November 2004
- Academic Identification: The Key to Achievement or the Basis for the Stereotype Threat Effect. - New York University Social Psychology Area Brown Bag, 2003
- Academic Identification: The Key to Achievement or the Basis for the Stereotype Threat Effect. Invited paper present at - Princeton University Social Area Brown Bag, 2003
- The negative impact of domain identification, selfworth contingencies, and performance goals on test performance. - Society of Experimental Social Psychology Annual Conference, October 2003 - Boston, MA
- Negative Impact of Low Ability Stereotypes. - Social Identity Consortium Meeting at University of Michigan, September 2003
- The Role of Academic Contingency, Ability Goals, and Identification in Student Performance. - University of Connecticut Psychology Department Social Area Brown Bag Series, February 2003
- Does academic praise communicate stereotypic expectations to Black students? - American Psychological Association Annual Convention, August 2002 - Chicago, IL.
- Does Praise Communicate Stereotypic Expectancies to Black Students? - Texas A & M University Social Area Brown Bag., 2001
- Basing self-esteem on academic achievement among Black and White college students: A test of the disidentification hypothesis. - 13th Annual American Psychological Society Convention, June 2001 - Toronto, Ontario.
- Do Black Students Attribute Academic Praise to Stereotypic Expectancies. - Columbia University Social and Personality Psychology Area Brown Bag., 2000
- Do Black Students Attribute Academic Praise to Stereotypic Expectancies. - New York University Social Psychology Area Brown Bag, 2000
- When academic praise communicates stereotypic expectancies to Black students. - 12th Annual American Psychological Society Convention, June 2000 - Miami Beach, FL.
- Cultural differences in judgments of independent and interdependent acts. - Annual Midwestern Psychological Association, April 1999 - Chicago, IL.
- Explicit racism moderates the unconscious use of race stereotypes. - Annual Midwestern Psychological Association, April 1998 - Chicago, IL.
- Explicit racism moderates the application of automatically accessible race stereotypes. - 9th Annual American Psychological Society Convention, May 1997 - Washington, DC.
- The additional pressure of group protection for Black individuals in testing situations. - Educational Testing Service, May 1997 - Princeton, NJ
- Ethnicity and faculty-student interaction. - 76th Annual Western Psychological Association, April 1996 - San Jose, CA.
- Ethnic identity and college satisfaction. - 75th Annual Western Psychological Association, April 1995 - Los Angeles, CA.
Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research
- The Relationship between Ethnicity, School Valuing, and School Achievement among College Students (2006), Grant - Council for Diversity and Pluralism Research Seed Grant
Lawrence, J.S.