Research Interests
Dietetics and Inter Professional Education.
- Ph D: Nutrition Biochemistry and Metabolism, (2008), Tufts University - Boston, MA
Supporting Area: Epidemiology - MS: Nutrition Biochemistry and Metabolism, (2001), Tufts University - Boston, MA
Supporting Area: Epidemiology - BS: Nutrition, (1999), University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, MN
Barrile has developed innovative teaching methods to help students succeed. She has been awarded grants and presented her findings at poster presentations at 51视频 and published an article in the newsletter for the NDEP Line on using flipped teaching models in the classroom. She was recently named the Dietetics Educator of the Year for Coordinated Dietetics programs.
Selected Awards and Honors
- Patty Berg Academic and Athletic Achievement Award (1997) - Patty Berg Academic
- Patty Berg Academic and Athletic Achievement Award (1995) - Patty Berg Academic
Selected Publications
- Kalmbach, R., Paul, L., Selhub, J. (2011). Determination of unmetabolized folic acid in human plasma using affinity HPLC. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 94(1) 343S-347S.
- Kalmbach, R., Choumenkovitch, S.F., Troen, A.P., Jacques, P.F., D'Agostino, R., Selhub, J. (2008). A 19-base pair deletion polymorphism in dihydrofolate reductase is associated with increased unmetabolized folic acid in plasma and decreased red blood cell folate. The Journal of nutrition, 138(12) 2323-7.
- Kalmbach, R., Choumenkovitch, S.F., Troen, A.M., D'Agostino, R., Jacques, P.F., Selhub, J. (2008). Circulating folic acid in plasma: relation to folic acid fortification. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 88(3) 763-8.
- Jacques, P.F., Kalmbach, R., Bagley, P.J., Russo, G.T., Rogers, G., Wilson, P.W., Rosenberg, I.H., Selhub, J. (2002). The relationship between riboflavin and plasma total homocysteine in the Framingham Offspring cohort is influenced by folate status and the C677T transition in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene. J Nutr, 132(2) 283-288.
Selected Presentations
- Incorporating Technology into a Nutrition Course - UML Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences Spring retreat, 2017
- Incorporating IPE into the Curriculum: Where to Start - NDEP Annual Meeting, April 2017
- Child Malnutrition in Haiti - College of Health Sciences Advisory Board, April 2016
- Partial Flip of Life Cycle Nutrition - Research Day, March 2014
- Incorporating Hands on Learning Labs into the Classroom, November 2013 - Lowell, MA
- Surgical Treatment for Obesity - Presented for health educators at WedMD, February 2011 - Indianapolis, IN
- The Emerging Role of Surgical Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes - Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo, November 2010 - Boston, MA
- A mutation in dihydrofolate reductase has a functional effect on folate metabolism - Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology (FASEB) meeting, 2008 - San Diego CA
- Weight Loss Surgery as Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes, March 2008
- Weight Loss Surgery as Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes - Massachusetts Dietetic Association annual meeting, February 2008 - Boston, MA
- Methodology to measure folate forms in plasma - Friedman School Symposium, 2007
- The effect of folic acid fortification on unmetabolized folic acid concentrations, 2007 - Washington, DC
- Healthy eating and stress, 2003
- Healthy eating during the holidays, 2003
- Meal replacements for weight loss and weight management - Winchester Hospital and McCall Middle School Health Fair, 2003
- Interactions between herbal supplements and HIV medications - Bridging Community and Clinical Perspectives, 2002 - Charleston, SC
- The relationship between riboflavin and plasma total homocysteine in the Framingham Offspring cohort is influenced by folate status and the C677T transition in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene, 2001 - Orlando, FL