Rafael Moure-Eraso

Rafael Moure-Eraso, Ph.D., C.I.H.

Professor Emeritus


Research Interests

Impact of Cleaner Production on Occupational Health, Sustainable Production Models on International Development, Latino Occupational Health, Precautionary Principle & Work Environment

Recent Grants

  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Training Program for Industrial Hygiene, Safety and Ergonomics, Epidemiology, Work Environment Policy. Graduate Fellowships and Research/Teaching support. Principal Investigator. 2009-2014; CoPI 2004-2009. $250,000/year.
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances (OPPT). "Cooperative Agreement to Provide Technical Support for Mercury Reduction in Hospitals in Other Countries (with focus on Mexico and Ecuador)": EPA-HQ-OPPT-208-004. Senior Research Scientist. 2009-2010. $140,000.
  • US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Occupational and Environmental Health Trianing Program. PI: Michael Ellenbecker. Prepared the successful proposal for the Work Environment Policy Concentration: Principal Investigator and Director of the Work Environment Policy Concentration. Awarded 2006-2011. $47,800/year.

Recent Presentations

  • Moure-Eraso, R. "What is Work Environment Policy: Policy Context in Occupational Health." Lecture to University of New Hampshire Masters Program in Public Health (MPH). University of New Hampshire, Manchester, NH, June 5, 2008.
  • Moure-Eraso, R. "Next Generation Environmental Technologies (NGET) and Workers' Protections." 29th Annual Scientific Meeting, Ny-NJ NIOSH Education Research Center (ERC), Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NY, April 11, 2008.
  • Moure-Eraso, R. "Integracion de Nuevas Tecnologias Ambientales con Salud Ocupacional: Alternative Politico-Social al Neoliberalismo." IFA (Ecuador) International Seminar of Work and Health. Quito, Ecuador, April 2008.
  • Moure-Eraso, R. "Social Determinants of Occupational Health of Latino Immigrants in the USA." V Semana Argentina de Salud y Seguridad en el Trabajo. Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 2008.


Ph.D. University of Cincinnati (Environmental Health, Industrial Hygiene), 1982

M.Sc. University of Cincinnati (Environmental Health, Industrial Hygiene), 1974

M.Sc. Ch.E. Bucknell University (Chemical Engineering), 1970

B.Sc. Ch.E. University of Pittsburgh (Chemical Engineering), 1967


Prof. Rafael Moure-Eraso is an industrial hygienist with an interest in work environment policy. His research interests include the application of next generation environmental technologies, e.g. cleaner production, toxic use reduction, etc? to occupational health management; the development of sustainable models of industrial production to replace market model, exploring sustainability unexpected outcomes of public health improvements. He is especially interested in the international aspects of sustainable development and the participation of workers in these activities. He has also studied the factors influencing the occupational health of Latino populations in the United States.

Moure-Eraso's research has included collaboration with colleagues of the social and health sciences at 51视频 and the Swedish National Institute for Working Life. He also had joint projects with industrial engineers at the University of Sonora in Hermosillo, Mexico. He has also cooperated in academic activities with the schools of social medicine of the Federal Universities of Campinas and Pelotas in Brazil and the In 1996-97 Dr. Moure-Eraso was a Visiting Scientist in the Division of Toxicology (Risk Assessment), Swedish National Institute of Working Life. In 1995-96 he held an Intergovernmental Personnel Assignment (IPA) at the U.S. Department of Labor as a special senior advisor to the OSHA Director. Dr. Moure-Eraso spent six months at the OSHA director's Washington, D.C., office as a special senior policy advisor on prevention of chemical exposures. He has been also a Visiting Lecturer in Occupational Health at the Harvard to the OSHA Director on School of Public Health.

Moure-Eraso has been a member of the National Advisory Committee on Occupational Health (NACOSH) for OSHA and a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). He also was a member in both, the National Advisory Environmental Health Sciences Council. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), National Institute of Health and the National Toxicological Program (NTP), Board of Scientific Councilors, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), National Institutes of Health. Dr. Moure-Eraso has served on several research review panels for NIOSH; and the Editorial Boards of New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy; and Salud de los Trabajadores, Workers' Health, published in Venezuela.

He is the former Chair and Head of the Department of Work Environment, School of Health and Environment, University of Massachusetts Lowell and the Director of the Work Environment Policy concentration.