Research Interests
Investments, International Finance, Performance Evaluation
Dr. Latif's research interests include investments, international finance and performance evaluation. She is also an affiliated researcher with the Center for International Securities and Derivatives Markets (CISDM) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
- Ph D: Finance, (2005), University of Massachusetts Amherst - Amherst, MA
- MBA, (1997), Lahore University of Management Sciences - Lahore, Pakistan
- BA, (1987), Lahore College for Women - Lahore, Pakistan
Saira Latif is an assistant professor of management and past chair of the Finance Department.  She currently teaches Capital Planning in the MSB undergraduate program. 
Selected Awards and Honors
- Finance Department Teaching Excellence Award (2021), Teaching - University of Massachusetts Lowell
- Best Paper Proceedings (2011) - Academy of Management 2011 Annual Meeting
Selected Publications
- Freund, S., Latif, S., Phan, H.V. (2018). Executive Compensation and Corporate Financing Policy: Evidence from CEO Inside Debt. Journal of Corporate Finance, 50 484-504.
- Lahiri, S., Latif, S., O’Brien, A. (2013). The Total Economic Value of a Small Urban Wetland: Evidence from a New England City. Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics and Business Law, 2(4) 63-80.
- Lahiri, S., Latif, S., Punnett, L. (2013). An economic analysis of a safe resident handling program in nursing homes. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 56(4) 469-478.
- Latif, S., Yang, Y. (2012). Do Investors Care 51ÊÓƵ Earnings Management? Review of Business.
- Latif, S., Yang, Y. (2012). Do investors care about earnings management? Review of Business, 32(2) 33-43.
- Latif, S., Yang, Y., De Carolis, D. (2011). Earnings management and adverse events: The case of biotechnology ventures. Academy of Management 2011 Annual Meeting - West Meets East: Enlightening. Balancing. Transcending, AOM 2011
- Latif, S., Strickland, S., Yang, Y. (2011). Earnings management: The case of sudden CEO death. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 15(2) 39-58.
- Puri, Y.R., Jocums, B., Latif, S. (2010). Enhancing Business Education Using an Integrated Curriculum: The Impact on Student Learning. Journal of the Academy of Business Education, 11 31.
- Latif, S., Kazemi, H. (2009). SDF Based Test of International Financial Integration. Global Journal of Finance and Economics, 6(1) 1-18.
- Jain, R., Latif, S., Puri, Y.R. (2007). Managerial Influence on Cash Policy: Evidence from CEO Deaths. Midwest Journal of Business and Economics, 40 13-20.
- Latif, S., Kazemi, H. (2007). International Financial Integration and the Performance of International Mutual Funds. International Journal of Finance, 19(4) 4514-4532.
- Latif, S. (2005). Essays on international financial integration.
Selected Presentations
- Climate Adaptation, Capital Structure, and Green Innovation - Annual Meeting of the European Financial Management Association (EFMA), June 2021 - Virtual
- State-level Climate Initiatives and Capital Structure: Evidence from Climate Adaptation Plans - 2020 Financial Managment Association Annual Meeting, October 2020 - Virtual
- Climate Adaptation, Capital Structure, and Green Innovation - The Finance of Climate Change, December 2019 - Paris, France
- Customer Concentration, Inside Debt, and Working Capital Management - Southern Finance Association Annual Meetings, November 2019 - Orlando, Florida
- CEO Inside Debt and Customer Concentration - Annual Meeting 2019 Eastern Finance Association, April 2019 - Miami
- Stranger Knows Best: Corporate Venture Capital Investor and Third-Party Acquirers - Eastern Academy of Management annual conference, May 2018 - Providence, RI
- When less is not more: Corporate venture capital investments and acquisitions - The FMA annual meeting, October 2016 - Las Vegas, NV
- An Economic Analysis of a Safe Resident Handling Program in Nursing Homes., November 2012 - Coralville, Iowa
- Total Worker Health -Safe, Healthy and Cost-Effective Solutions., November 2012 - Coralville, Iowa
- Can Firms Prevail Adversity through Earnings Management. - Academy of Management Association Annual Meeting, 2011
- Earnings Manipulation of Youth. - College of Management Research Seminar Series, 2011
- EarningsManagement and Adverse Events: The Case of Biotechnology Ventures. - Eastern Academy of Management Association Annual Meeting, 2011
- Can firms prevail adversity through earnings management? The evidence from biotechnology ventures - Academy of Management annual meeting, August 2011 - San Antonia, TX
- Earnings Management and Adverse Events: The Case of Biotechnology Ventures - Eastern Academy of Management annual conference, May 2011 - Boston, MA
- Earnings Management: The Case of Sudden CEO Death. - 2010 Spring Allied Academics International Conference, 2010 - New Orleans, Louisiana
- Outcomes Assessment for Experiential Learning - Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 2010 - San Diego, California
- Earnings Management: The Case of Sudden CEO Death. - First Annual Faculty Development Conference, 2010 - University of Massachusetts Lowell
- Comparison ofStochastic Dominance Mean-Variance Based Performance Evaluation Using Hedge Funds Returns. - Midwest Finance Association Annual Meeting, 2010 - Las Vegas, Nevada
- Home Bias in Foreign Direct Investment - Midwest Finance Association Annual Meeting, 2010
- Net Costs of a No-Lift Intervention Program in a Large Chain of Nursing Homes - 137th American Public Health Association Conference, 2009
- Earnings Management: Evidence from Sudden CEO Death - College of Management Research Seminar Series, 2009
- Hedge Funds Performance Evaluation and Forecasting: Stochastic Dominance versus Mean Variance Framework - COM Research Seminar Series, 2008
Research Currently in Progress
- Customer Concentration, Inside Debt, and Working Capital Management
Freund, S. (Co-Investigator), Latif, S. (Co-Investigator), Phan, H.V.