female silhouette of head and shoulders

Maureen Crawford

Vice President of Human Resources at A.W. Chesterton Company; CARE Advisory Council

Center for Autism Research and Education (CARE)


Disabilities in the workplace


Maureen Crawford Hentz has more than 20 years of talent acquisition, talent management & career strategy leadership experience and is currently the Vice President of Human Resources at A.W. Chesterton Company. She has led talent functions in a variety of industries, and in companies ranging from Fortune 500 to manufacturing companies to environmental non-profits.

Her expertise covers a range of career topics including millennial psychology, networking, disabilities in the workplace, business etiquette, and recruiting issues. Crawford Hentz has been quoted by The New York Times, NewsDay, Elle magazine, The Boston Globe, U. S. News and World Reports and National Public Radio, among others. She is a Quintessential Careers Career Mastermind and a regular contributor to the .

When she's not speaking about, writing about or reading about career strategy issues, she can be found critiquing job descriptions on LinkedIn for fun and giving career advice to grocery store cashiers, bank tellers and joggers going past her house.