female silhouette of head and shoulders

Pratik Gandhi

Graduate Research / Teaching Assistant

Francis College of Engineering
Center for Advanced Computation and Telecommunications (CACT), Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests

My Ph.D. research is focused on indoor acoustic channel characterization using acoustical image method, and use the indoor channel information in estimating a source location. In a recent publication on 鈥淒istributed Sensing for Acoustic Source Localization in Indoor Reverberant Environments鈥 that I co-authored, where Jetz鈥檚 and triangulation methods were utilized in estimating a source location using room impulse response received at distributed acoustic sensors.

  • Indoor Acoustic Channel Modeling and Source Localization
  • Spatial-Temporal Signal Processing
  • Wireless Spectrum Sensing and Sharing
  • Cognitive Radio and MIMO


  • PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts Lowell 鈥 Present
    • Thesis: Acoustic Channel Modeling and Source Localization in Indoor Environments
    • Research focused on indoor acoustic channel characterization using an acoustical image method, and use the indoor channel information in estimating a source location.
    • Statistically analyze the computationally derived channel impulse responses, and capture their space and temporal features by a stochastic model.
    • For the Source Localization problem, extract spatial and temporal features of impulse responses in reverberant channels to mitigate the effect of false identification of image sources.

  • MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts Lowell 鈥 2014
    • Thesis: A Sensing and Transmission Model for Spectrum Sharing
    • Research focused on wireless spectrum sensing and sharing model using Markov chain for licensed primary and opportunistic secondary users
    • Spectrum sensing experiments in indoor wireless channels using state-of-art commercial software-defined radio transceivers

  • BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts Lowell 鈥 2010
    • Member of Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical Engineering Honor Society)
    • Member of Tau Beta Pi (Engineering Honor Society)

Selected Awards and Honors

  • NSF GK-12 Fellowship (2011-2013)
    • At Center for Advanced Computation and Telecommunications, University of Massachusetts Lowell
    • This fellowship offered by the National Science Foundation to help graduate students develop their communication skills to present technical concepts to diverse audience.
    • Brought research methods, tools and findings into high school classrooms.

  • Best Graduate Student Poster Award (2012)
    • At American Society of Engineering Education 鈥 North East Section Conference. University of Massachusetts Lowell
    • Title: MATLAB Computing and Modeling: Analysis of Weather Data
    • Led a project with a Lawrence high school teacher (Mr. MacDonald) in crafting a Weather Model using collected weather data and processed through MATLAB software to give high school students hands-on research experience.

Selected Publications

  • Gandhi,Pratik; Joasil,Arielle; Obi,Chester; Bertolino,Angela; Chandra,Kavitha; Thompson,Charles. 鈥溾 Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 36-1, 2019.
    • Abstract: The acoustic source localization problem relies on estimating the difference in time-delays of a signal received between multiple acoustic sensors separated by a fixed distance. Read the complete abstract for聽.

  • Gandhi, Pratik, Ibrahim Alshawabkeh, Kavitha Chandra, and Charles Thompson. 鈥溾 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, 11-13 September 2012. Split Croatia: 2012.
    • Abstract: An analysis of spectrum sensing and transmission of a secondary user sharing a channel with a licensed primary user is presented. Read the complete abstract for聽.

  • Misiunas, Nicholas, Pratik Gandhi, Raji Remany, Kavitha Chandra, and Charles Thompson. 鈥溾 ITC 2011 鈥 23rd International Teletraffic Congress, July 2011. San Francisco CA: 2011. pp.318-319.
    • Abstract: In this work, spectrum sensing experiments are conducted in indoor wireless channels using state-of-the-art commercial software radio transceivers. Read the complete abstract for聽.

Selected Presentations

  • Bertolino,Angela and Gandhi,Pratik and Joasil,Arielle and Obi,Chester and Chandra,Kavitha and Thompson,Charles. 鈥溾 Acoustic Society of America, May 2019, Louisville KY. pp 1733.
  • Gandhi, Pratik, Steven MacDonald, Kavitha Chandra, and Charles Thompson. 鈥淢ATLAB Computing and Modeling: Analysis of Weather Data鈥 American Society of Engineering Education 鈥 Northeast Section, April 2012. Lowell MA: 2012. pp. 33.
  • Gandhi, Pratik, Kavitha Chandra, and Charles Thompson. 鈥淪pectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio鈥 NSF GK-12 Annual Meeting, March 2012. Washington DC: 2012. pp. 30.
  • Gandhi, Pratik, Nicholas Misiunas, Raji Remany, Kavitha Chandra, and Charles Thompson. 鈥淲ideband Spectrum Sensing Experiments in Indoor Wireless Channels鈥 James E. West Symposium. October 2011. Baltimore MD: 2012.


  • Configured Pentek 7741 Transceivers: Software-defined radios platform
  • Bit Error Rate for a BPSK signal using MATLAB: Using the given SNR, add the noise to the bits, and use them to plot a waterfall curve
  • Capstone Project: Somatron Sensory Beanbag Chair: Created a vibroacoustic chair for a rehabilitation center, which is controlled by a music player
  • Analyzed Airport Surface Detection Equipment 鈥 Model X: Group project in a Radar class


  • Electrical Engineer / Pathways Intern (2013-Present)
    • At Air Navigation and Surveillance Division, John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center OST-R/ USDOT, Cambridge, Massachusetts
    • Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) Technology Readiness for Safe Automated Vehicles (AV) Application (AVPNT)
    • GPS Adjacent Band Compatibility Assessment
    • Airport Surface Surveillance Capability (ASSC) Assessment
    • Volpe 1030-1090 MHz Simulator Modification
    • Electromagnetic Interference Analysis for Massport

  • Research Engineer (2018)
    • At Center for Advanced Computation and Telecommunications, University of Massachusetts Lowell The project includes coming up with Command & Control Display Equipment (CCDE) Requirements Specification for Force Protection/Integrated Base Defense Security System (IBDSS) Program Office (AFLCMC/HBU)

  • Hardware Engineering Intern (2011)
    • At Mayflower Communications Company, Inc. Burlington, Massachusetts Performed functional tests on ASICs to be used to build GPS receivers for research and development.

  • Research Assistant (2010-2011)
    • At Center for Advanced Computation and Telecommunications, University of Massachusetts Lowell
    • Used MATLAB to design Wiener filter and observed its effect by using a waterfall curve
    • Implemented Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm in MATLAB from theoretical calculation
    • Used Vector Network Analyzer to perform indoor channel measurements and finding transfer functions

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