Murat Inalpolat, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Lowell.

Murat Inalpolat, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Associate Chair for Doctoral Studies

Francis College of Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Dandenau Hall, Room 216


Structural health monitoring, Diagnostics and Prognostics, Structural dynamics, Vibrations, Acoustics, Signal processing, Nonlinear Dynamics

Research Interests

Diagnostics and prognostics of rotating machinery, Damage detection and Identification, Probabilistic Design and Analysis, Uncertainty Quantification, Reliability and Sustainability, Electric Propulsion, Wind Energy


Ph.D.: Mechanical Engineering, (2009), Ohio State University - Columbus Ohio


Murat Inalpolat, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. Inalpolat is currently serving as the Associate Department Chair and has led several research projects related to wind energy, aerospace and automotive technologies at UML . He currently serves as an Associate Editor for the ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Controls Journal and has been awarded the prestigious NASA Faculty Fellowship in 2022.Prior to his appointment with University of Massachusetts, he was with General Electric’s R&D Center in NY, leading and supporting research and development projects for wind energy, aviation, transportation and steam turbine businesses with focus on energy, efficiency, dynamics, diagnostics and power density improvement of machinery. He previously held positions at The Ohio State University, first as a research associate and then as a postdoctoral fellow. He was previously awarded by CTI (Car Training Institute of Germany) with the prestigious “Young Drive Experts” award based on his quality of the research undertaken and currently holds three patents on the turbomachinery design, clearances and their optimization.

Selected Awards and Honors

April 2022 NASA Fellow – Electrification of Aircrafts
May 2020 UML ME Department’s 2020 Teaching Excellence Award
Dec. 2020 University-wide recognition by Chancellor for Research Excellence and Productivity
Aug. 2019 ASME Engineering Design Engineering Division Service Recognition Award (Certificate)
2010-2014 Performance awards from four separate project leaders at General Electric, four in the “Expertise”, one in the “Clear Thinker” and one in the “Inclusiveness” subject area and a separate patent award given by GE Corporate
Dec 2009 Awarded by CTI (Car Training Institute of Germany) with the prestigious “Young Drive Experts” award based on the quality of the research undertaken in the PhD Dissertation
Sept. 2009 Selected for inclusion in Princeton Global Networks and Marquis Who’s Who Publications
Sept. 2004 M.S Thesis is recognized by M.A.N Truck Company for being one of the four best technology theses of the year

Selected Publications

Sarikaya, B., and Inalpolat, M., “Response Sensitivity of Centrifugal Pendulum Vibration Absorbers to Symmetry-Breaking Absorber Imperfections," Journal of Sound and Vibration 535 (2022) 117037.
Solimine J, Inalpolat M., “An unsupervised data-driven approach for wind turbine blade damage detection under passive acoustics-based excitation,” Wind Engineering, February 2022. doi:10.1177/0309524X221080470.
Traylor, C., and Inalpolat, M., A generalized computational approach to predict high-frequency acoustic pressure response of cavity structures for structural health monitoring of wind turbine blades. Wind Engineering. December 2021. doi:10.1177/0309524X211060552.
Beale, C., Niezrecki, C., and Inalpolat, M., “An adaptive wavelet packet denoising algorithm for enhanced active acoustic damage detection from wind turbine blades," Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, ISSN: 0888-3270, Vol: 142, Page: 106754, 2020.
Inalpolat, M., Niezrecki, C., “Acoustic Sensing Based Operational Wind Turbine Blade Monitoring,” Journal of Physics-Conference Series, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1452 012050, 2020.
Solimine J, Niezrecki C, and Inalpolat M. An experimental investigation into passive acoustic damage detection for structural health monitoring of wind turbine blades. Structural Health Monitoring. January 2020. doi:10.1177/1475921719895588.
Fyler, D. C., and Inalpolat, M., “A Dynamic Model for Double Planet Planetary Gearsets”, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 138, April 2016.

Selected Presentations

Invited Talk – Department of Energy, “Development of an Acoustics-based Automated Offshore Wind Turbine Blade Structural Health Monitoring System”, May 2022.
Invited Talk – Canadian Wind Energy Research Consortium Meeting (CWERN-2022), “Structural Health Monitoring of Operational Wind Turbine Blades using an Acoustics-based Approach” April, 2022.

Selected Intellectual Property

C. Niezrecki, M. Inalpolat, “A wireless acoustic sensing based method for structural health monitoring of wind turbine blades”, WO2015065873A3, filed, 2015.
D. Trivedi, N. Turnquist, X. Zheng and M. Inalpolat, “System and Method for Thrust Bearing Actuation to Actively Control Clearance in a Turbo Machine”, US Patent 9,593,589, 2017.
D. Trivedi, N. Turnquist, X. Zheng and M. Inalpolat, “System and method for estimation and control of clearance in a turbo machine”, US Patent App. 14/132,313, 2015.
D. Trivedi, N. Turnquist, X. Zheng and M. Inalpolat, “Seal Design and Active Clearance Control Strategy for Turbomachines”, US Patent App. 13/596,386, 2014.

Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research

“Development of an Acoustics-based Automated Offshore Wind Turbine Blade Structural Health Monitoring System”, PI: Murat Inalpolat, Co-PI: Christopher Niezrecki, Yan Luo, Agency: DOE, 2020-2023.
“Development and Testing of an Integral Acoustic Blade Monitoring System”, PI: Murat Inalpolat, Co-PI: Christopher Niezrecki, Yan Luo, Agency: NSF IUCRC WindStar, 2022.
“Intent Inference Based Adaptive Control Strategies for Predictive Human Movement”, PI: Murat Inalpolat, Co-PI: Yan Gu, Agency: Natick Army Soldier Center — DEVCOM, 2021-2023.