Barsegov Valeri

Valeri Barsegov


College of Sciences

Research Interests

Our research objectives are to advance both conceptual and microscopic understanding of biomolecular interactions, including protein-protein, protein-DNA, and ligand-receptor interactions, using theoretical approaches and computer simulations, and to understand the role of these interactions in diverse biological processes from formation and dissociation of biomolecular complexes and aggregates to mechano-chemical signal transduction in cell-adhesion systems, to functions of long protein fibers, to membrane fusion, and to viral infectivity of cells. To achieve these goals, we develop and use new theoretical approaches, including theoretical models and statistical data analyses, and advanced computational methodology (numerical algorithms and tools) for molecular simulations of biochemical and biological systems on graphics processors, or Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), and on combined CPU-GPU platforms. Contemporary GPUs allow us to speedup simulations 10-250-fold, depending on the system size, as compared with heavily tuned implementations of the simulation algorithms on a CPU. We use the GPU-based acceleration to energize computational exploration of large-size biological systems, and to attain the experimentally relevant timescale. Current state of the art experiments on single molecules, which include, e.g., FRET, and AFM and laser-tweezer-based dynamic force spectroscopy among many others, enable researchers to go beyond the ensemble averaged picture and to analyze the entire distributions of the relevant biomolecular characteristics. We strive to describe the biomolecular processes and biological systems under the experimentally and physiologically relevant conditions. We collaborate with experimental groups, wherever possible, to relate the simulation output with the experimental results, and to provide meaningful interpretation of the experimental data.


  • Ph D: Chemical Physics, (2000), University of Texas at Austin - Austin, TX
  • BS: Biochemistry, (1994), Moscow State University - Moscow, Russia.

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Departmental Teaching Excellence Award (2010) - University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Foreign Guest Professor (2009) - Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka, Japan
  • Travel Award (2004) - Santa Fe, New Mexico
  • Undergraduate Research Fellowship (1993) - Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Selected Publications

  • Snijder, J., Kononova, O., Barbu, I.M., Uetrecht, C., Rurup, W.F., Burnley, R.J., Koay, M.S., Cornelissen, Jeroen J L M, ., Roos, W.H., Barsegov, V., Wuite, G.J., Heck, A.J. (2016). Assembly and Mechanical Properties of the Cargo-Free and Cargo-Loaded Bacterial Nanocompartment Encapsulin. Biomacromolecules, 17(8) 2522 - 2529.
  • Litvinov, R.I., Kononova, O., Blokhin, D.S., Klochkov, V.V., Weisel, J.W., Barsegov, V., Bennett, J.S. (2016). Characterization of the Interactions of Arg-Gly-Asp-and Ala-Gly-Asp-Val-Containing Peptides with the Platelet Integrin $伪$IIb$尾$3!!! Blood, 128(22) 1350鈥1350.
  • Kononova, O., Snijder, J., Kholodov, Y., Marx, K.A., Wuite, G.J., Roos, W.H., Barsegov, V. (2016). Fluctuating Nonlinear Spring Model of Mechanical Deformation of Biological Particles. Plos Computational Biology, 12(1) e1004729.
  • Alekseenko, A., Kononova, O., Kholodov, Y., Marx, K.A., Barsegov, V. (2016). SOP-GPU: influence of solvent-induced hydrodynamic interactions on dynamic structural transitions in protein assemblies. Journal Of Computational Chemistry, 37(17) 1537 - 1551.
  • Zhmurov, A., Protopopova, A.D., Litvinov, R.I., Zhukov, P., Mukhitov, A.R., Weisel, J.W., Barsegov, V. (2016). Structural Basis of Interfacial Flexibility in Fibrin Oligomers. Structure (London, England: 1993), 24(11) 1907 - 1917.
  • Kononova, O., Kholodov, Y., Theisen, K.E., Marx, K.A., Dima, R.I., Ataullakhanov, F.I., Grishchuk, E.L., Barsegov, V. (2015). 52 Tubulin Bond Energies and Microtubule Biomechanics Determined from Nanoindentation in Silico. Journal Of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, 33 Suppl 1 35 - 36.
  • Kononova, O., Snijder, J., Marx, K.A., Wuite, G.J., Roos, W.H., Barsegov, V. (2015). Fluctuating Nonlinear Spring Model of Mechanical Deformation of Biological Particles., e-Print Arch., Phys., 1-25.
  • Kononova, O., Litvinov, R.I., Zhmurov, A., Alekseenko, A., Cheng, C.H., Agarwal, S., Marx, K.A., Weisel, J.W., Barsegov, V. (2015). Molecular Mechanisms, Thermodynamics, and Dissociation Kinetics of Knob-Hole Interactions in Fibrin., e-Print Arch., Phys., 1-32.
  • Kononova, O., Jones, L.K., Barsegov, V. (2015). Order Statistics Inference for Describing Topological Coupling and Mechanical Symmetry Breaking in Multidomain Proteins., e-Print Arch., Phys., 1-30.
  • Kononova, O., Snijder, J., Brasch, M., Cornelissen, J., Dima, R.I., Marx, K.A., Wuite, G.J., Roos, W.H., Barsegov, V. (2015). Structural Transitions and Energy Landscape for Cowpea Chlorotic Mottle Virus Capsid Mechanics from Nanomanipulation in Vitro and in Silico., e-Print Arch., Phys., 1-34.
  • Kononova, O., Kholodov, Y., Theisen Kelly, E., Marx Kenneth, A., Dima Ruxandra, I., Ataullakhanov Fazly, I., Grishchuk Ekaterina, L., Barsegov, V. (2014). Tubulin Bond Energies and Microtubule Biomechanics Determined from Nanoindentation in Silico. J Am Chem Soc, 136(49) 17036-45.
  • Kumar, R., Kukreja, R., Li, L., Zhmurov, A., Kononova, O., Cai, S., Ahmed, S., Barsegov, V., Singh, B. (2014). Botulinum Neurotoxin: Unique Folding of Enzyme Domain of the Most-Poisonous Poison. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 32(5) 804-815.
  • Toubar, R.A., Zhmurov, A., Barsegov, V., Marx, K.A. (2013). Comparative Simulation Studies of Native and Single-Site Mutant Human Beta-Defensin-1 Peptides. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 31(2) 174-194.
  • Litvinov, R., Yarovoi, S.b., Rauova, L., Barsegov, V., Sachais, B., Rux, A., Hinds, J., Arepally, G., Cines, D., Weisel, J. (2013). Distinct Specificity and Single-Molecule Kinetics Characterize the Interaction of Pathogenic and Non-Pathogenic Antibodies Against Platelet Factor 4-Heparin Complexes with Platelet Factor. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 288(46) 33060-33070.
  • Kononova, O., Snijder, J., Brasch, M., Cornelissen, J., Dima, R., Marx, K., Wuite, G., Roos, W., Barsegov, V. (2013). Structural Transitions and Energy Landscape for Cowpea Chlorotic Mottle Virus Capsid Mechanics from Nanomanipulation in Vitro and in Silico. Biophysical Journal, 105(8) 1893-1903.
  • Kononova, O., Jones, L.K., Barsegov, V. (2013). Order Statistics Inference for Describing Topological Coupling and Mechanical Symmetry Breaking in Multidomain Proteins. Journal of Chemical Physics, 139(12).
  • Kononova, O., Litvinov, R., Zhmurov, A., Alekseenko, A., Cheng, C., Agarwal, S., Marx, K., Weisel, J., Barsegov, V. (2013). Molecular Mechanisms, Thermodynamics, and Dissociation Kinetics of Knob-Hole Interactions in Fibrin. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 288(31) 22681-22692.
  • Zhmurov, A., Kononova, O., Litvinov, R.I., Dima, R.I., Barsegov, V., Weisel, J.W. (2012). Mechanical Transition from 伪-Helical Coiled Coils to 尾-Sheets in Fibrin (Ogen). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134(50) 20396-20402.
  • Theisen, K.E., Zhmurov, A., Newberry, M.E., Barsegov, V., Dima, R.I. (2012). Multiscale Modeling of the Nanomechanics of Microtubule Protofilaments. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116(29) 8545-8555.
  • Litvinov, R.I., Mekler, A., Shuman, H., Bennett, J.S., Barsegov, V., Weisel, J.W. (2012). Resolving Two-Dimensional Kinetics of the Integrin IIb 3-Fibrinogen Interactions Using Binding-Unbinding Correlation Spectroscopy. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(42) 35275-35285.
  • Zhmurov, A., Brown, A., Litvinov, R.I., Dima, R.I., Weisel, J.W., Barsegov, V. (2011). Book of Abstracts Albany 2011:17th Conversation. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 28(6) 975-1163.
  • Kovalenko, I., Diakonova, A., Khrushchev, A., Abaturova, A., Riznichenko, G., Rubin, A., Trifonov, S., Morozov, I., Kholodov, Y., Barsegov, V. (2011). Computer Simulations of Protein-Protein Complex Formation on Graphics Processing Units (28: pp. 977-978). Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics
  • Litvinov, R.I., Barsegov, V., Schissler, A.J., Fisher, A.R., Bennett, J.S., Weisel, J.W., Shuman, H. (2011). Dissociation of Bimolecular IIb 3-Fibrinogen Complex under a Constant Tensile Force. Biophysical journal, 100(1) 165-173.
  • Litvinov, R.I., Barsegov, V., Schissler, A.J., Fisher, A.R., Bennett, J.S., Weisel, J.W., Shuman, H. (2011). Dissociation of Bimolecular 伪IIb尾3-Fibrinogen Complex Under a Constant Tensile Force. Biophysical Journal, 100 165-173.
  • Duan, L., Zhmurov, A., Barsegov, V., Dima, R.I. (2011). Exploring the Mechanical Stability of the C2 Domains in Human Synaptotagmin 1. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115(33) 10133-10146.
  • Zhmurov, A., Brown, A., Litvinov, R.I., Dima, R.I., Barsegov, V., Weisel, W. (2011). Fibrin Nanomechanics: Structural Underpinnings and Unfolding Mechanism Underlying Forced Elongation of Fibrin(Ogen) Monomers and Polymers (9: pp. 831). Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis
  • Zhmurov, A., Rybnikov, K., Kholodov, Y., Barsegov, V. (2011). Generation of Random Numbers on Graphics Processors: Forced Indentation In Silico of the Bacteriophage HK97. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115(18) 5278-5288.
  • Litvinov, R.I., Barsegov, V., Kononova, O., Billings, P.C., Bennett, J.S., Weisel, J.W. (2011). Kinetics, Thermodynamics, and the Mechanism of Single-Molecule Interactions of the Platelet Integrin 伪IIb尾3 with Cyclic Rgd and Fibrin(Ogen) C-Dodecapeptide. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis
  • Zhmurov, A., Brown, A.E., Litvinov, R.I., Dima, R.I., Weisel, J.W., Barsegov, V. (2011). Mechanism of Fibrin(ogen) Forced Unfolding. Structure (Cambridge, MA, United States), 19(11) 1615-1624.
  • Duan, L., Zhmurov, A., Barsegov, V., Dima, R.I. (2011). Origins of the Mechanical Stability of the C2 Domains in Human Synaptotagmin 1. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 28 997-998.
  • Zhmurov, A., Brown, A., Litvinov, R.I., Dima, R.I., Weisel, J.W., Barsegov, V. (2011). Phase Transition from 伪-Helices to 尾-Sheets in Fibrinogen Coiled Coils (28: pp. 976-977). Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics
  • Zhmurov, A., Brown, A., Litvinov, R.I., Dima, R.I., Weisel, J.W., Barsegov, V. (2011). Resolving Fibrinogen Nanomechanics Using Dynamic Force Measurements in Vitro and in Silico (28: pp. 975-976). Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics
  • Zhmurov, A., Rybnikov, K., Kholodov, Y., Barsegov, V. (2010). Efficient Pseudo-Random Number Generators for Biomolecular Simulations on Graphics Processors. arXiv preprint arXiv:1003.1123.
  • Zhmurov, A., Rybnikov, K., Kholodov, Y., Barsegov, V. (2010). Generation of Random Numbers on Graphics Processors: Forced Indentation in Silico of the Bacteriophage HK97. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115(18) 5278鈥5288.
  • Zhmurov, A., Dima, R.I., Kholodov, Y., Barsegov, V. (2010). Langevin Dynamics Simulations of Biomolecules on Graphics Processors., e-Print Archive, Condensed Matter, 1-36.
  • Zhmurov, A., Dima, R.I., Barsegov, V. (2010). Order Statistics Theory of Unfolding of Multimeric Proteins. Biophysical journal, 99(6) 1959-1968.
  • Zhmurov, A., Dima, R.I., Kholodov, Y., Barsegov, V. (2010). Sop-GPU: Accelerating Biomolecular Simulations in the Centisecond Timescale Using Graphics Processors. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 78(14) 2984-2999.
  • Barsegov, V., Dima, R., Weisel, J.W., Litvinov, R.I., Zhmurov, A. (2009). Molecular Simulations of Forced Unfolding of Fibrin Monomers (7: pp. 1005). Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis
  • Barsegov, V., Dima, R., Zhmurov, A. (2009). Molecular Simulations of Large-Size Protein Assemblies on Graphics Processors. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 238.
  • Bura, E., Zhmurov, A., Barsegov, V. (2009). Nonparametric Density Estimation and Optimal Bandwidth Selection for Protein Unfolding and Unbinding Data. Journal of Chemical Physics, 130(1) 15102-15102.
  • Bura, E., Klimov, D.K., Barsegov, V. (2008). Analyzing Forced Unfolding of Protein Tandems by Ordered Variates, 2: Dependent Unfolding Times. Biophysical journal, 94(7) 2516-2528.
  • Barsegov, V., Morrison, G., Thirumalai, D. (2008). Role of Internal Chain Dynamics on the Rupture Kinetic of Adhesive Contacts. Physical Review Letters, 100(24) 248102-248102.
  • Bura, E., Klimov, D.K., Barsegov, V. (2007). Analyzing Forced Unfolding of Protein Tandems by Ordered Variates, 1: Independent Unfolding Times. Biophysical journal, 93(4) 1100-1115.
  • Bura, E., Klimov, D.K., Barsegov, V. (2007). Analyzing Forced Unfolding of Protein Tandems by Ordered Variates: 1. Independent Unfolding Times. Biophysical Journal, 93 1100-1115.
  • Raman, E.P., Barsegov, V., Klimov, D.K. (2007). Folding of Tandem-Linked Domains. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 67(4) 795-810.
  • Raman, E.P., Takeda, T., Barsegov, V., Klimov, D.K. (2007). Mechanical Unbinding of A Peptides from Amyloid Fibrils. Journal of Molecular Biology, 373(3) 785-800.
  • Barsegov, V. (2007). Novel Statistical Analysis and Modeling of Mechanical Unfolding of Proteins (24: pp. 761-762). Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics
  • Barsegov, V. (2006). Application of Novel Force Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) to Protein Unfolding (232:). Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society
  • Barsegov, V., Thirumalai, D. (2006). Dynamic Competition Between Catch and Slip Bonds in Selectins Bound to Ligands. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110(51) 26403-26412.
  • Barsegov, V., Klimov, D.K., Thirumalai, D. (2006). Mapping the Energy Landscape of Biomolecules Using Single Molecule Force Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS): Theory and Applications. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, Condensed Matter, 1-32.
  • Zhao, X., Rossi, P., Barsegov, V., Zhou, J., Woodford, J.N., Harbison, G.S. (2006). Temperature Dependent Deuterium Quadrupole Coupling Constants of Short Hydrogen Bonds. Journal of Molecular Structure, 790(1-3) 152-159.
  • Barsegov, V., Thirumalai, D. (2005). Dynamics of Unbinding of Cell Adhesion Molecules: Transition from Catch to Slip Bonds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102(6) 1835-1839.
  • Barsegov, V., Thirumalai, D. (2005). Influence of Surface Interactions on Folding and Forced Unbinding of Semiflexible Chains. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109(46) 21979-21988.
  • Barsegov, V., Thirumalai, D. (2005). Probing Protein-Protein Interactions by Dynamic Force Correlation Spectroscopy. Physical Review Letters, 95(16) 168302-168302.
  • Barsegov, V., Rossky, P.J. (2004). Constructing Quantum Dynamics from Mixed Quantum-Classical Descriptions. Chemical Physics, 296(2-3) 103-115.
  • Barsegov, V., Mukamel, S. (2004). Multipoint Fluorescence Quenching-Time Statistics for Single Molecules with Anomalous Diffusion. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 108(1) 15-24.
  • Petrosky, T., Ting, C.O., Barsegov, V. (2003). Decoherence in a Field and Time-Symmetry Breaking. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 16(3) 381-390.
  • Barsegov, V., Shapir, Y., Mukamel, S. (2003). One-Dimensional Transport with Dynamic Disorder. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 68(1 1) 111011-1110114.
  • Barsegov, V., Chernyak, V., Mukamel, S. (2003). Quantum Quadratic Brownian Oscillator Model for Absorption Lineshapes. Israel Journal of Chemistry, 42(2-3) 143-149.
  • Barsegov, V., Mukamel, S. (2002). Multidimensional Spectroscopic Probes of Single Molecule Fluctuations. Journal of Chemical Physics, 117(20) 9465-9477.
  • Barsegov, V., Chernyak, V., Mukamel, S. (2002). Multitime Correlation Functions for Single Molecule Kinetics with Fluctuating Bottlenecks. Journal of Chemical Physics, 116(10) 4240-4251.
  • Barsegov, V., Mukamel, S. (2002). Probing Single Molecule Kinetics by Photon Arrival Trajectories. Journal of Chemical Physics, 116(22) 9802-9810.
  • Petrosky, T., Barsegov, V. (2002). Quantum Decoherence, Zeno Process, and Time Symmetry Breaking. Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 65(4-2) 46102-46102.
  • Barsegov, V., Chernyak, V., Mukamel, S. (2002). Quantum Quadratic Brownian Oscillator Model for Absorption Lineshapes. Israel Journal of Chemistry, 42(2-3) 143-149.
  • Barsegov, V. (1999). Kinetic Studies of the -Opioid Antagonist 3H]DPN Induced Receptor Binding on Suspensions of Mouse Spleenocytes. Biophysical chemistry, 76(1) 55-62.
  • Barsegov, V., Petrosky, T. (1999). Quantum Decoherence and Time Symmetry Breaking (pp. 535-546). World Scientific
  • Barsegov, V. (1998). On the Kinetic Theory of the Extracellular Signal Transduction in Native Cells: I. Hormone-Receptor Interaction. Biophysical chemistry, 73(1-2) 31-52.

Selected Presentations

  • 鈥淪tructural Transitions and Energy Landscape for CCMV capsid mechanics from nanoindentation in vitro and in silico鈥 - 12th KIAS Conference on Protein Structure & Function (Korean Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul, South Korea), October 2012
  • 鈥淐omputational Modeling of Complex Biological Systems鈥 - 6th Annual Botulinum Research Symposium (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth), August 2012
  • 鈥淭he a-to-尾 Phase Transition in Fibrous Proteins鈥 - Workshop Complex Spectral Representation of the Hamiltonian and the Liouvillian in Nanoscience (University of Texas at Austin, Texas), May 2012
  • 鈥淭he 伪-to-尾 Phase Transition in Fibrin(ogen) Coiled-Coil Connectors鈥 - Department of Physics, Wake Forest University, April 2012 - North Carolina
  • 鈥淢echanism of Fibrin(ogen) Forced Unfolding鈥 - Gordon Research Conference on Protein Folding Dynamics (Ventura, California), January 2012
  • 鈥淥rder Statistics theory of unfolding of multimeric proteins鈥 - Department of Physics, Free University of Brussels, June 2010 - Brussels, Belgium
  • 鈥淏iomolecular simulations on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)鈥 - Department of Chemistry, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, October 2009 - Dartmouth, Massachusetts
  • 鈥淟angevin Dynamics Simulations of Proteins on Graphics Processing Units鈥 - 238th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (Washington, District of Columbia), August 2009
  • 鈥淐omputer simulations of proteins: all-atom and coarse-grained models鈥, Workshop 鈥淔undamental Theory of Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics and its Application to Biological Problems鈥, October 2008 - Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
  • 鈥淎nalyzing forced unfolding of protein tandems by ordered variates鈥, May 2008 - Department of Chemistry, Boston University
  • 鈥淎nalyzing forced unfolding of protein tandems by ordered variates鈥, February 2008 - Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati
  • 鈥淎nalyzing forced unfolding of protein tandems by ordered variates: Theory and applications鈥, November 2007 - The George Mason University, Manassas, Virginia
  • 鈥淎nalyzing forced unfolding of protein tandems by ordered variates: Theory and applications鈥 - The 15th SUNY Albany Conversation Conversation (State University of New York (SUNY), Albany, New York), July 2007
  • 鈥淒ynamic competition between catch and slip bonds in selectins鈥 - Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology, January 2007 - Russia
  • 鈥淒ynamics of unbinding of cell adhesion molecules: transition from catch to slip bonds鈥, February 2006 - Laboratory of Chemical Physics, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Bethesda, Maryland
  • 鈥淒ynamics of unbinding of cell adhesion molecules: transition from catch to slip bonds鈥, February 2006 - Department of Bioengineering, Rice University, Houston, Texas
  • 鈥淒ynamics of unbinding of cell adhesion molecules: transition from catch to slip bonds鈥, February 2006 - Department of Chemistry, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska
  • 鈥淒ynamics of unbinding of cell adhesion molecules: transition from catch to slip bonds鈥, January 2006 - Department of Chemistry, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
  • 鈥淒ynamics of unbinding of cell adhesion molecules: transition from catch to slip bonds鈥, January 2006 - Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Arizona State University, Tampa, Arizona
  • 鈥淒ynamics of unbinding of cell adhesion molecules: transition from catch to slip bonds鈥, January 2006 - Department of Chemistry, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
  • 鈥淧robing protein-protein interaction by dynamic force correlation spectroscopy (FCS)鈥, December 2005 - Department of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
  • 鈥淚nfluence of surface interactions on folding and forced unbinding of semiflexible chains鈥, February 2005 - Department of Chemistry, Queens College, City University of New York
  • 鈥淚nfluence of surface interactions on folding and forced unbinding of semiflexible chains鈥, January 2005 - Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • 鈥淥ne-dimensional Transport with Dynamic Disorder鈥, February 2003 - Prigogine Center for Studies in Statistical Mechanics & Complex Systems, Department of Physics, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas
  • 鈥淧hoton Statistics for Single Molecules with Spectral Diffusion鈥, November 2002 - Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of California at Santa Barbara, California

Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research

  • EAGER: Electrical detection of biomolecular interactions and machine learning-assisted simulations: from single-molecule biophysics to biological complexes (2020), Grant - NSF
    Artes Vivancos, J.M. (Principal), Barsegov, V. (Co-Investigator), Xu, J. (Co-Investigator)
  • Mechano-Chemistry of the A:a Knob-Hole Interactions in Fibrin at the Single-Molec (2013), Contract - AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION
    Barsegov, V. (Principal)
  • PI: Exploring Physical Properties of Biological Assemblies using Theory and Simulations (2012), Grant - Russian Ministry of Education and Science
  • PI: Computer Simulation Studies of the Knob-Hole Interactions in Fibrin (2009), Grant - American Heart Association
  • Computer simulation studies of the knob-hole interactions in fibrin (2009), Grant -
    Barsegov, V. (Principal)
  • PI: Development of Heterogeneous Computational Methods for Efficient Numerical Modeling of Complex Biological Systems (2010), Grant - Russian Ministry of Education and Science
  • Computer simulation studies of forced rupture kinetics of "hydrophobic bonds" bet (2008), Grant -
    Barsegov, V. (Principal)
  • PI: Forced Rupture Kinetics of Hydrophobic Bonds between Hydrocarbon Chains (2008), Grant - Petroleum Research Fund (American Chemical Society)