David Ryan is the Department of Chemistry Chair and a Professor in the Chemistry Department at 51ÊÓƵ.

David K. Ryan


College of Sciences


Analytical & Environmental Chemistry

Research Interests

Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Analysis, Carbon Dioxide Emulsions, Artificial Photosynthesis, Humic Materials, Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Metal Speciation, Vitamin E Oxidation Reduction, Enhanced Oil Recovery

Fluorescence quenching and enhancement phenomena are being utilized to assess binding reactions of metal ions and organic compounds including fulvic and humic acids, Alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) is being studied to elucidate oxidation and reduction reactions, Liquid and supercritical carbon dioxide droplets are stabilized by particles creating emulsions that have several advantages for carbon dioxide sequestration in geologic formations or the deep oceans and can also be employed for enhanced oil recovery and other valuable applications, Artificial photosynthesis research is being conducted to convert carbon dioxide and water into hydrocarbon fuels


  • Ph.D.: Chemistry, (1983), University of New Hampshire - Durham, New Hampshire
    Dissertation/Thesis Title:The analytical and inorganic chemistry of naturally occurring organic matter complexes of trace metals.
  • BS: Chemistry, (1977), Le Moyne College - Syracuse, New York

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Teaching Excellence Award (1999), Teaching - Department of Chemistry,51ÊÓƵ
  • Donner Research Fellowship, (1989) - UMass Boston,
  • IPH Research Fellowship, (1983) - Harvard University
  • New York State Regents Scholarship for full undergraduate career (1973), Scholarship/Research - New York State Regents

Selected Publications

  • Dev, S., Shah, P.N., Zhang, Y., Ryan, D.K., Hansen, C.J., Lee, Y. (2017). Synthesis and mechanical properties of flame retardant vinyl ester resin for structural composites. Polymer, 133 20 - 29.
  • Kurup, P.U., Sullivan, C., Hannagan, R., Yu, S., Azimi, H., Robertson, S., Ryan, D.K., Nagarajan, R., Ponrathnam, T., Howe, G. (2016). A Review of Technologies for Characterization of Heavy Metal Contaminants. Indian Geotechnical Journal, 1–16.
  • Zhu, B., Ryan, D.K. (2015). Characterizing the Interaction Between Uranyl Ion and Fulvic Acid Using Regional Integration Analysis (RIA) and Fluorescence Quenching. J Environ Radioact, 153 97-103.
  • Shah, P.N., Kim, N., Huang, Z., Jayamanna, M., Kokil, A., Pine, A., Kaltsas, J., Jahngen, E.G., Ryan, D.K., Yoon, S., Kovar, R.F., Lee, Y. (2015). Environmentally Benign Synthesis of Vinyl Ester Resin from Biowaste Glycerin. RSC Adv., 5(48) 38673-38679.
  • Zhu, B., Pennell, S.A., Ryan, D.K. (2014). Characterizing the interaction between uranyl ion and soil fulvic acid using parallel factor analysis and a two-site fluorescence quenching model. Microchemical Journal, 115 51–57.
  • Ryan, D.K., Zhu, D. (2013). Humic Substances: High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Elsevier Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences & Chemical Engineering.
  • Isso, B., Ryan, D.K. (2012). Extraction of -Tocopherolquinone from Vegetable Oil Deodorizer Distillate Waste. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 114(8) 927-932.
  • Subramanian, G., Chaudhury, P., Malu, K., Fowler, S., Manmode, R., Gotur, D., Zwerger, M., Ryan, D.K., Roberti, R., Gaines, P. (2012). Lamin B Receptor Regulates the Growth and Maturation of Myeloid Progenitors via Its Sterol Reductase Domain: Implications for Cholesterol Biosynthesis in Regulating Myelopoiesis. Journal of Immunology, 188(1) 85-102.
  • Ryan, D.K., Bayala, I., Rogers, E. (2011). Reduction of -tocopherol quinone. U.S.Patent, PCT/WO2011/139897.
  • Manmode, R.S., Malepati, C., Ryan, D.K. (2010). Discovery of Metal Binding Peptides in the Blood of the Blue Mussel, Mytilus Edulis and Their Potential Role as a Biomarker for Metal Contamination. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 240.
  • Ryan, D.K., Golomb, D.S., Barry, E.F., Woods, M.J., Swett, P.A. (2010). Particle Stabilized Emulsions for Extraction of Hydrocarbons from Oil Sands and OilShale. U.S.Patent WO/2010/148204, PCT/US2010/038998., December 23, 2010.
  • S, G.D., Ryan, D.K., Barry, G., Swett, P., Woods, M. (2008). Particle Stabilized Emulsions for Enhanced Hydrocarbon Recovery. U.S.Patent WO/2008/070035,, June 12, 2008.
  • Sharma, S.K., Kumar, S., Tyagi, R., Barry, E.F., Kumar, J., Watterson, A.C., Ryan, D.K., Parmar, V.S. (2008). Selective Recognition of Ca 2+ Ions Using Novel Polymeric Phenols. Microchemical Journal, 90(2) 89-92.
  • Liang, C., Bruell, C.J., Albert, M.F., Cross, P.E., Ryan, D.K. (2007). Evaluation of Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration for in Situ Persulfate Remediated Groundwater. Desalination, 208(1-3) 238-259.
  • Ryan, D.K. (2007). HPLC Made to Measure: A Practical Handbook for Optimization edited by Stavros Kromidas. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129(7) 2196.
  • Golomb, D., Pennell, S., Ryan, D.K., Barry, E., Swett, P. (2007). Ocean Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide: Modeling the Deep Ocean Release of a Dense Emulsion of Liquid CO2-in-Water Stabilized by Pulverized Limestone Particles. Environ. Environmental science & technology, 41 4698-4704.
  • Golomb, D., Barry, E., Ryan, D.K., Swett, P., Duan, H. (2006). Macroemulsion of Liquid and Supercritical CO2-in-Water and Water-in-Liquid CO2 Stabilized by Fine Particles. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 45 2728-2733.
  • Avanadula, R.M., Ryan, D.K. (2004). 1H NMR Solvent Suppression Technique for Uncomplexed Metal Ion Analysis. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 228.
  • Hays, M.D., Ryan, D.K., Pennell, S. (2004). A Modified Multisite Stern-Volmer Equation for the Determination of Conditional Stability Constants and Ligand Concentrations of Soil Fulvic Acid with Metal Ions. Analytical Chemistry, 76(3) 848-854.
  • Golomb, D., Barry, E., Ryan, D.K., Lawton, C., Swett, P. (2004). Limestone-Particle- Stabilized Macroemulsion of Liquid and Supercritical Carbon Dioxide in Water for Ocean Sequestration. Environmental science & technology, 38(16) 4445-4450.
  • Hsieh, C.Y., Tsai, M.H., Ryan, D.K., Pancorbo, O.C. (2004). Toxicity of the 13 Priority Pollutant Metals to Vibrio Fisheri in the Microtox Chronic Toxicity Test. Science of the Total Environment, 320(1) 37-50.
  • Hays, M.D., Ryan, D.K., Pennell, S. (2003). Multi-Wavelength Fluorescence-Quenching Model for Determination of Cu2+ Conditional Stability Constants and Ligand Concentrations of Fulvic Acid. Applied Spectroscopy, 57(4) 454-460.
  • Ryan, D.K., Hays, M.D. (2002). Changes in the Natural Fluorescence of Fulvic Acid Caused by the Binding of Al(III): Can Fluorescence Quenching and Fluorescence Enhancement Occur Simultaneously? Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 224.
  • Ryan, D.K. (2002). How to Use Excel in Analytical Chemistry and in General Scientific Data Analysis by Robert de Levie. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology, Section A: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 381 181-182.
  • Lee, N., Ryan, D.K. (2002). Study of Fulvic-Aluminum(III) Ion Complexes by Al-27 Solution NMR. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 224.
  • Coolidge, C.L., Ryan, D.K. (2000). Binding of Organic Nitrogen Compounds to Soil Fulvic Acid as Measured by Molecular Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Special Publication - Royal Society of Chemistry, 259 205-214.
  • Ryan, D.K. (2000). Liquid Chromatography: Humic Substances, in Encyclopedia of Separation Science. Academic Press, London, p., 3032-3039.
  • Hays, M.D., Ryan, D.K., Pennell, S. (1998). A Multi-Site Data Treatment for Modeling the Fluorescence Enhancement of Fulvic Acid Caused by the Binding of Aluminum. ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry, Preprints, 38(2) 102-104.
  • Shine, J.P., Ryan, D.K., Ford, T.E. (1998). Annual Cycle of Heavy Metals in a Tropical Lake - Lake Chapala, Mexico. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-Toxic/hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, 33(1).
  • Coolidge, C.L., Ryan, D.K. (1998). Binding of Amines to Soil Fulvic Acid Measured by Fluorescence Quenching or Enhancement. ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry, Preprints, 38(2) 95-97.
  • Butler, G.C., Ryan, D.K. (1998). Complexation of Co(II), Cu(II) and Ni(II) by Humic Fractions Separated Using Ion-Pair Reversed-Phase HPLC with On-Line Fluorescence Quenching Titrations. ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry, Preprints, 38(2) 117-118.
  • Liu, X., Ryan, D.K. (1998). Ion-Pair Reversed-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography Studies of Fulvic Acid Complexation with Aluminum(III) and Copper(II). ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry, Preprints, 38(2) 81-84.
  • Ryan, D.K. (1998). Rare Elements as Tracers for Sewage in the Aquatic Environment. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 216.
  • Bruell, C.J., Barker, C.C., Ryan, D.K., Duggan, J.W. (1998). Surfactant-Enhanced Flushing of Unsaturated Porous Media. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 7(1) 47-71.
  • Liu, X., Ryan, D.K. (1997). Analysis of Fulvic Acids Using HPLC/UV Coupled to FT-IR Spectroscopy. Environmental technology, 18(4) 417-423.
  • Golomb, D., Ryan, D.K., Underhill, J., Wade, T., Zemba, S. (1997). Atmospheric Deposition of Toxics onto Massachusetts Bay - II. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Atmospheric Environment, 31(9) 1361-1368.
  • Robinson, W.E., Ryan, D.K., Sullivan, P.A., Boggs, C.C. (1997). Cadmium Binding in the Blood Plasma of Two Marine Bivalves. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 16(6) 1195-1202.
  • Coletta, T.F., Bruell, C.J., Ryan, D.K., Inyang, H.I. (1997). Cation-Enhanced Removal of Lead from Kaolinite by Electrokinetics. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 123(12) 1227-1233.
  • Crawford, S.C., Bruell, C.J., Ryan, D.K., Duggan, J.W. (1997). Effects of Emulsion Viscosity During Surfactant-Enhanced Soil Flushing in Porous Media. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 6(4) 355-370.
  • Bruell, C.J., Ryan, D.K., Barker, C.C., Lazzaro, J.V. (1997). Laboratory Evaluation of a Biodegradable Surfactant for in Situ Soil Flushing. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 6(5) 509-523.
  • Hays, M.D., Ryan, D.K., Pennell, S. (1995). Data Treatments for Relating Metal-Ion Binding to Fulvic-Acid as Measured by Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 210.
  • Shia, C.P., Ryan, D.K. (1995). Fluorescence Spectroscopic Studies of Al-Fulvic Acid Complexation in Acidic Solutions. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 210.
  • Butler, G.C., Ryan, D.K. (1995). Investigation of Humic-Metal Complexation by Ion-Pair Reversed-Phase Hplc Coupled with Fluorescence Quenching Titration. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 210.
  • Ford, T., Ryan, D.K. (1995). Toxic Metals in Aquatic Ecosystems - a Microbiological Perspective. Environmental health perspectives, 103.
  • Golomb, D., Ryan, D.K., Underhill, J., Eby, G.N., Wade, T., Zemba, S. (1994). Atmospheric Deposition of Toxic Metals and Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons onto Massachusetts Bay. Proceedings, Annual Meeting - Air & Waste Management Association, 87th 10-0.
  • Duggan, J.W., Bruell, C.J., Ryan, D.K. (1994). In Situ Emulsification and Mobilization of Gasoline Range Hydrocarbons Using Surfactants. Journal of Soil Contamination, 3(2) 159-82.
  • Duggan, J.W., Ryan, D.K., Bruell, C.J. (1994). Surfactant Enhanced Mobilization of M-Xylene in Soil Columns. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 207.
  • Robinson, W.E., Ryan, D.K., Wallace, G.T. (1993). Gut Contents - a Significant Contaminant of Mytilus-Edulis Whole-Body Metal Concentrations. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 25(4).
  • Ventry, L.S., Ryan, D.K., Gilbert, T.R. (1991). A Rapid Fluorescence Quenching Method for the Determination of Equilibrium Parameters for Copper(II) Complexation by Humic Materials. Microchemical Journal, 44(2) 201-214.
  • Ventry, L.S., Ryan, D.K., Gilbert, T.R. (1990). A Rapid Fluorescence Quenching Method for the Determination of Equilibrium Parameters for Copper(II) Complexation by Humic Materials. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 199.
  • Ryan, D.K., Ventry, L.S. (1990). Comments on Fluorescence Quenching Measurements of Copper-Fulvic Acid Binding. Analytical Chemistry, 62 1523-1526.
  • Ryan, D.K., Ventry, L.S., Gilbert, T.R. (1990). Online Fluorescence Quenching Measurements of Copper-Binding by Natural Organic-Matter Following Hplc Separation. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 199.
  • Robinson, W.E., Ryan, D.K. (1988). Transport of Cadmium and Other Metals in the Blood of the Bivalve Mollusc Mercenaria. Marine Biology, 97 101-109.
  • Robinson, W.E., Ryan, D.K. (1986). Metal Interactions Within the Kidney, Gill and Digestive Gland of the Quahog, Mercenaria, Following Laboratory Exposure to Cadmium. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 15 23-30.
  • Ryan, D.K., Weber, J.H. (1985). Comparison of Chelating Agents Immobilized on Glass with Chelex-100 for Trace Metal Preconcentration. Talanta, 32 859-863.
  • Ryan, D.K., Thompson, C.P., Weber, J.H. (1983). Comparison of Mn2+, Co2+ and Cu2+ Binding to Fulvic Acid as Measured by Fluorescence Quenching. Can.J.Chem., 61 1505-1509.
  • Ryan, D.K., Weber, J.H. (1982). A Fluorescence Quenching Titration Technique for the Determination of Complexing Capacities and Stability Constants of Fulvic Acid. Analytical Chemistry, 53 969-973.
  • Ryan, D.K., Weber, J.H. (1982). Copper(II) Complexing Capacities of Natural Water by Fluorescence Quenching. Environmental science & technology, 16 866-872.

Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research

  • Co-Principal Investigator Investigator (with W.E. Robinson) (), Sponsored Research - South Essex Sewerage District/CDM Subcontract
    Ryan, D. (Co-Principal)
  • Principal Investigator; (1991), Grant - Caribbean Conservation Corps. Grant
  • Co-Principal Investigator (with T. Ford) (1990), Grant - Government of Mexico Research Grant
  • Co-Principal Investigator (with I. Olmez) (1989), Grant - Massachusetts Bays Program Research Grant
  • Principal Investigator; (1988), Grant - Groton Technology, Inc. Equipment Grant
  • Principal Investigator; (1987), Grant - U.S. DOE Used Energy-Related Lab Equipment Grant
  • (1986), - U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development Grant
    Ryan, D. (Principal)
  • Co-author (with P.J. Boyle) (1986), Grant - Digital Equipment Corporation Equipment Grant
  • ARRA - Particle Stabilized Emulsions for Enhanced Oil Recovery and Permanent Stor (2010), -
    Ryan, D.K. (Principal)
  • PI (2010), Grant - Department of Energy Cooperative Agreement
  • PI (2007), Grant - Bausch and Lomb
  • Co-PI (2002), Grant - Department of Energy Cooperative Agreement
  • Development of an Electrochemical Method for Simultaneous Determination of PHMB a (2007), Grant -
    Ryan, D.K. (Principal)
  • PI (2006), Grant - Massachusetts Technology Transfer Center,
  • PI (2005), Grant - Konarka Technologies
  • PI (2002), Contract - Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
  • PI (2002), Grant - Duke Energy Grant,
  • PI (1999), Grant - Axion Associates Grant;
  • Co-Investigator (1996), Grant - Fed. Aviation Admin. Grant;
  • PI (1996), Grant - Massachusetts Bays Program Research Grant
  • Co-PI (1996), Contract - Hampshire Chemical Company
  • Co-Investigator (1995), Grant - Boston Area Heavy & Highway Construction Workers Health & Safety
  • Co-Principal Investigator (1994), Grant - U.S.G.S./Water Resources Research Center Grant
  • PI (1993), Grant - U.S. Army Research Office
  • Principal Investigator (with G.N. Eby); (1993), Grant - Massachusetts Health Research Institute Grant
  • Principal Investigator (with C.J. Bruell) (1991), Grant - U.S.G.S./Water Resources Research Center Grant
  • Co-Principal Investigator (1991), Grant - Massachusetts Bays Program Research Grant
  • Co-Principal Investigator Investigator (with W.E. Robinson) (1987), Contract - Mass Water Resources Authority/CDM Subcontract
    Ryan, D. (Co-Principal)
  • U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development Grant (1986), Grant - U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development
    Ryan, D. (Principal)
  • Co-Principal Investigator (1986), Contract - South Essex Sewerage District/ Camp Dresser & McKee Subcontract
  • Co-Principal Investigator Investigator (with W.E. Robinson) (1986), Contract - South Essex Sewerage District/CDM Subcontract
    Ryan, D. (Co-Principal)
  • Co-Investigator; (1985), Contract - South Essex Sewerage District/ Camp Dresser & McKee Subcontract
  • Principal Investigator (1984), Contract - Springborn Bionomics
    Ryan, D. (Principal)