Ming Shao.

Ming Shao, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Kennedy College of Sciences
Miner School of Computer and Information Sciences
Dandeneau Hall, Room 339


Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Generative AI

Research Interests

Predictive modeling, adversarial machine learning, continual and incremental machine learning, robust and multi-view representation learning, and health informatics.


Ph.D.: Computer Engineering, Northeastern University, 2016
M.Eng.: Computer Science, Beihang University, 2010
B.Sc. in Applied Math, Beihang University, 2007
B. Eng.: Computer Science, Beihang University, 2006


Ming Shao, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor affiliated with the Miner School of Computer and Information Sciences. He published over 110 articles in prestigious journals and conference proceedings. He received the NSF CAREER Award in 2022 and was the recipient of the Presidential Fellowship of the State University of New York at Buffalo from 2010 to 2012, and the best paper award winner of IEEE ICDM 2011 Workshop on Large Scale Visual Analytics, and best paper award candidate of ICME 2014. He was the reviewer for many IEEE Transactions journals, including TPAMI, TKDE, TNNLS, TIP, and TMM. He also served on the (Senior) Program Committee and Area Chair for top-tier conferences such as AAAI, IJCAI, CVPR, ICCV, NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, KDD, ICDM, CIKM, ACM-MM, etc. He is the Senior Area Editor of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing and Associate Editors of IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, Neural Networks, and SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging. He is a senior member of IEEE.