Kunnat Sebastian is a Professor in the Physics Department at 51视频.

Kunnat J. Sebastian

Professor Emeritus

College of Sciences
Olney Hall 134


Particle physics theory, theoretical atomic physics

Research Interests

Particle physics theory, theoretical atomic physics

  1. Model Independent Calculations of the angular distributions in the decay products of resonant states produced in the collisions of protons and antiprotons, as well as protons and protons in high-energy accelerators.
  2. Theoretical aspects of Quantum Cascade Lasers.
  3. Calculation of the Landau levels and the relativistic corrections to the internal energy levels of atomic ions.


  • Ph.D.: Physics, (1970), University of Maryland
  • MS: Physics, (1963), University of Kerala - Kerala, India
  • BS: Physics, (1961), University of Kerala - Kerala, India

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Sigma Pi Sigma (1966) - National Physics Honor Society
  • (1966) - University of Maryland
  • Gold Medal (1961) - Kerala University
  • Post Graduate Merit Scholarship (1961)

Selected Publications

  • Mok, A.W., Sebastian, K.J. (2010). Polarized angular distributions in the decays of the 3D2 state of charmonium produced in unpolarized proton-antiproton annihilation. European Physical Journal C, 67(1) 125-141.
  • Mok, A.W., Sebastian, K.J. (2009). Angular distributions in the decays of the triplet D 2 state of charmonium directly produced in polarized proton-antiproton collisions. European Physical Journal C, 63(1) 101-114.
  • Mok, A.W., Sebastian, K.J. (2008). Polarized angular distributions in the decays of the ' charmonium state directly produced in unpolarized proton-antiproton collisions. European Physical Journal C, 1-14.
  • Mok, W.A., Sebastian, K.J. (1997). Angular distributions in the decays of the ' charmonium state directly produced in polarized proton-antiproton collisions. Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica A, 110(4) 429-455.
  • Grotch, H., Sebastian, K.J., Ridener Jr., F.L. (1997). Leptonic decay rates of charmonium S and D states. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 56(9) 5885-5897.
  • Sebastian, K.J., Zhang, X.G. (1997). Radiative transitions of the D states of charmonium in potential models. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 55(1) 225-236.
  • Ridener Jr., F.L., Sebastian, K.J. (1995). Angular distribution functions in the decays of ' and '' directly produced in unpolarized p p collisions. Physical Review D, 51(3) 1177-1182.
  • Ridener Jr., F.L., Sebastian, K.J., Grotch, H. (1995). Angular distribution in the decay of the singlet D state of charmonium directly produced in unpolarized p p collisions. Physical Review D, 52(9) 5106-5114.
  • Ridener Jr., F.L., Sebastian, K.J. (1995). Angular distribution in the decays of the triplet D2 state of charmonium directly produced in unpolarized p p collisions. Physical Review D, 52(9) 5115-5130.
  • Anthony, J.M., Sebastian, K.J. (1995). Erratum: Relativistic corrections to the Zeeman effect in heliumlike atoms (Physical Review A (1995) 51, 1, (868)). Physical Review A, 51(1) 868.
  • Ridener Jr., F.L., Sebastian, K.J. (1995). Signals for the formation of the singlet D and P states of charmonium in p p collisions. Physical Review D, 51(3) 1172-1176.
  • Ridener Jr., F.L., Sebastian, K.J. (1994). Angular distribution functions for the decay of charmonium states directly produced by polarized proton-antiproton collisions. Physical Review D, 49(11) 5830-5839.
  • Ridener, F.L., Sebastian, K.J. (1994). Angular distribution functions in the decays of , and the singlet D charmonium state directly produced in p p collisions. Physical Review D, 49(9) 4617-4622.
  • Grotch, H., Sebastian, K.J., Zhang, X. (1994). Mass and the E1 decay rate of the singlet P state of charmonium. Physical Review D, 49(3) 1639-1641.
  • Sebastian, K.J. (1994). Multipole amplitudes in the one-photon radiative transitions of the singlet D state of charmonium. Physical Review D, 49(7) 3450-3458.
  • Anthony, J.M., Sebastian, K.J. (1994). Relativistic corrections to the Zeeman effect in hydrogenlike atoms and positronium. Physical Review A, 49(1) 192-206.
  • Anthony, J.M., Sebastian, K.J. (1993). Relativistic corrections to the Zeeman effect in heliumlike atoms. Physical Review A, 48(5) 3792-3810.
  • Grotch, H., Zhang, X., Sebastian, K.J. (1992). Electric dipole transition rates of the bound states of the bb system. Physical Review D, 45(11) 4337-4339.
  • Sebastian, K.J., Grotch, H., Ridener Jr., F.L. (1992). Multipole amplitudes in parity-changing one-photon transitions of charmonium. Physical Review D, 45(9) 3163-3172.
  • Ridener Jr., F.L., Sebastian, K.J., Grotch, H. (1992). Radiative angular distributions from charmonium states directly produced by p-p annihilation. Physical Review D, 45(9) 3173-3176.
  • Zhang, X., Sebastian, K.J., Grotch, H. (1991). M1 decay rates of heavy quarkonia with a nonsingular potential. Physical Review D, 44(5) 1606-1609.
  • Doncheski, M.A., Grotch, H., Sebastian, K.J. (1990). Angular distribution of photons in the parity-changing one-photon radiative decays of quarkonia. Physical Review D, 42(7) 2293-2299.
  • Sebastian, K.J., Grotch, H., Zhang, X. (1988). M1 transitions involving the D states of quarkonia. Physical Review D, 37(9) 2549-2556.
  • Grotch, H., Zhang, X., Sebastian, K.J. (1987). Electric dipole transitions of charmonium D states. Physical Review D, 35(9) 2900-2902.
  • Sebastian, K.J. (1986). Relativistic invariance of the two-photon transition amplitude of a composite system. Physical Review A, 34(5) 3839-3846.
  • Grotch, H., Owen, D.A., Sebastian, K.J. (1984). Relativistic corrections to radiative transitions and spectra of quarkonia. Physical Review D, 30(9) 1924-1936.
  • Sebastian, K.J. (1984). The relativistic M1 transition in positronium. Physics Letters A, 101(5-6) 251-252.
  • Grotch, H., Sebastian, K.J. (1982). Magnetic dipole transitions of narrow resonances. Physical Review D, 25(11) 2944-2950.
  • Sebastian, K.J. (1982). Relativistic corrections to the electric dipole one-photon transition rates of charmonium. Physical Review D, 26(9) 2295-2311.
  • Sebastian, K.J. (1981). Erratum: Interaction of a composite system with the quantized radiation field in an approximately relativistic theory (Physical Review A (1981) 24, 6, (3284-3285)). Physical Review A, 24(6) 3284-3285.
  • Sebastian, K.J. (1981). Interaction of a composite system with the quantized radiation field in an approximately relativistic theory. Physical Review A, 23(6) 2810-2825.
  • Sebastian, K.J. (1979). External interaction of a weakly bound composite system of charged particles with the quantized radiation field. Physical Review A, 19(4) 1398-1415.
  • Sebastian, K.J., Yun, D. (1979). Lie algebra of the Poincar group and the relativistic center-of-mass variables of a composite system. Physical Review D, 19(8) 2509-2513.
  • Sebastian, K.J. (1978). Relativistic invariance of the external interaction of a composite system of charged particles with the quantized radiation field. Physics Letters A, 67(2) 105-109.
  • Sebastian, K.J. (1977). The low-energy theorem for the forward compton amplitude of a stationary composite system and the FW additive external electromagnetic interaction. Il Nuovo Cimento A Series 11, 42(2) 259-266.
  • Sebastian, K.J. (1975). The magnetic moments of the ground-state baryons in the nonrelativistic free-quark model. Il Nuovo Cimento A Series 11, 29(1) 1-12.
  • Sebastian, K.J. (1975). The nonrelativistic quark model and the nonleptonic hyperon weak decays. Il Nuovo Cimento A Series 11, 29(4) 548-556.
  • Sebastian, K.J. (1973). A new estimate of the parameter c of Gell-Mann, oakes and renner in the (3,3*) (3*3) model of SU (3) SU (3) symmetry breaking. Nuclear Physics, Section B, 52(2) 639-645.
  • Sebastian, K.J. (1973). Current algebra and the vector-meson-dominance model of the parity-violating nonleptonic weak decays of k mesons and of the hyperons. Physical Review D, 8(7) 2296-2299.
  • Sebastian, K.J., Nelson, C.A. (1973). I. Physical Review D, 8(9) 3144-3161.
  • Sebastian, K.J. (1972). The question of PCAC and of the chiral SU(2) SU(2) symmetry. Nuclear Physics, Section B, 47(1) 301-312.
  • Sebastian, K.J. (1971). Once-subtracted dispersion relations, current algebra, and nonleptonic weak decays of hyperons. Physical Review D, 4(3) 771-784.
  • Sebastian, K.J. (1969). Once subtracted dispersion relations, current algebra and Kl4 axial form factors. Nuclear Physics, Section B, 12(2) 471-494.
  • Sebastian, K.J. (1968). High-energy forward double exchange production cross sections in the quark model. Physical Review, 167(5) 1523-1526.
  • Pati, J.C., Sebastian, K.J. (1968). Once-subtracted dispersion relations, current algebra, and Kl3 Form Factors. Physical Review, 174(5) 2033-2036.

Selected Presentations

  • The Relativistic Corrections to the M1 Decay-Rates of Heavy Quarkonia
  • Leptonic Decays of Heavy Quarkonia, March 1998 - Lowell, MA
  • Leptonic decay-rates of charmonium S and D states, May 1996 - University Park, PA
  • The Multipole Amplitudes in the one-photon radiative transitions of the singlet D state of Charmonium, July 1994 - University Park, PA
  • The Mass and the E1 decay-rate of the singlet P state Of Charmonium, July 1993 - University Park, PA
  • The Angular Distribution of photons in the One-photon radiative transitions of Quarkonia, March 1992 - Lowell, MA
  • The angular distribution of radiation from Charmonium States directly produced by annihilation of protons and antiprotons, July 1991 - University Park, PA
  • M1 Decay-Rates of Heavy Quarkonia with a Nonsingular Potential - American Physical Society Meeting, April 1989
  • The Relativistic Corrections to the M1 Decay-rates of Heavy Quarkonia, October 1988 - Lowell, MA
  • Magnetic Dipole Transitions involving the D states of Quarkonia - American Physical Society Meeting, April 1988
  • The Relativistic Corrections to the Radiative Decays of Heavy Quarkonia, May 1987 - University Park, PA
  • Relativistic Invariance of the Two-Photon Amplitude of a Composite System - American Physical Society Meeting, April 1986
  • The Relativistic Corrections to the Two-Photon Decay Amplitudes of Composite Systems, October 1985 - Lowell, MA
  • The Relativistic Corrections to the E1 and the M1 Decay-Rates of Charmonium in Potential Models, July 1983 - University Park, PA
  • Relativistic Corrections to the Electric Dipole One Photon Transition Rates of Charmonium - American Physical Society Meeting, April 1983
  • The Relativistic Center of Mass Variables and an Approximately Relativistic Theory of Quarkonia, March 1983 - Tbilisi, Soviet Georgia
  • The Relativistic Magnetic Dipole Transition Rates Of Charmonium, March 1982 - Lowell, MA
  • The Relativistic Corrections to E1 and M1 Decay-rates Of Composite Systems of Charged Particles, August 1981 - University Park, PA
  • The Lie Algebra of the Poincare Group and the Relativistic Center of Mass Variables of a composite System - American Physical Society Meeting, April 1980
  • A new approach to the interaction of composite Systems with an external electromagnetic field - Department of Physics, April 1980 - Syracuse, New York
  • The Relativistic Corrections to the Radiative Decays of Composite Systems - Department of Physics, May 1979 - Rochester, New York
  • An Approximately Relativistic Theory of The Interaction of a Composite System with the Quantized Radiation Field - Department of Physics, December 1978 - Madras, India
  • The use of relavistic center of mass variables in an Approximately relavistic theory of composite systems - Center for Theoretical Physics, September 1978 - Bangalore, India
  • The external interaction of a composite system of Charged particles with the quantized radiation field - Department of Physics and Applied Physics, March 1978 - Lowell, MA
  • Dispersion Relations, Current Algebra and the Nonleptonic Weak Decays - Department of Physics, July 1974 - Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
  • The question of partial conservation of axial vector Currents in Weak Interactions - LTI Department of Physics and Applied Physics, October 1973
  • The Isospin selection rules in the nonleptonic weak decays - Center for Theoretical Physics, June 1973 - University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
  • The Nonleptonic Weak Decays in the Symmetric Quark Model - Center for Particle Theory, August 1972 - University of Texas, Austin, Texas
  • Theory of Weak Interactions - LTI Department of Physics and Applied Physics, March 1970
  • Once subtracted dispersion relations, current algebra and weak decays of hadrons - LTI Department of Physics and Applied Physics, August 1969