Clayton French

Clayton S. French

Professor Emeritus

College of Sciences


Radiological science & protection

Research Interests

Radiological science & protection


  • Ph.D.: Physics/Radiological Sciences, (1985), University of Lowell - Lowell, MA
  • MS: Radiological Sciences and Protection, (1977), University of Lowell - Lowell, MA
  • BS: Radiological Health Physics, (1974), Lowell Technological Institute - Lowell, MA

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Teaching Excellence Award (2009), Teaching - UML Department of Physics
  • Health Physics Society Fellow Award (2004)
  • Teaching Excellence Award (2004), Teaching - UML Department of Physics
  • Teaching Excellence Award (2001), Teaching - UML Department of Physics

Selected Publications

  • Chin, J., Chin, D., Medich, D., Gao, Z., French, C.S., Tries, M.A., Xu, H., Acker, B., Napier, T., Yunes, M., others, . (2010). SU-GG-T-536: A New Treatment Plan Evaluation Index for Comparing Various SRS Treatment Technique. Medical Physics, 37(6) 3310–3310.
  • Ryan, M.T., Skrable, K.W., French, C.S., Potter, C.A. (2001). A simple method for assessing exposure to internal emitters. Health physics, 80(5).
  • French, C.S. (2000). REVIEW: Basic Health Physics-Problems and Solutions, edited by John J. Bevelacqua. Health physics, 78(1) 103-104.
  • Tries, M.A., Skrable, K.W., French, C.S., Chabot, G.E. (1999). Basic applications of the chi-square statistic using counting data. Health physics, 77(4) 441-454.
  • Lee, D., Skrable, K.W., French, C.S. (1997). Reevaluation of the committed dose equivalent from 232Th and its radioactive progeny. Health physics, 72(4) 579-593.
  • Phoenix, K.A., Skrable, K.W., Chabot, G.E., French, C.S., Jo, M., Falo, G.A. (1993). Determining the specific alpha activity of thick sources using a large-area zinc sulfide detector. Health physics, 64(1) 64-69.
  • Abelquist, E.W., French, C.S., Ring, J.P. (1993). Operational stack sampling program for a university radioactive waste incinerator. Radiation Protection Management, 10(5) 49-58.
  • Skrable, K.W., Phoenix, K.A., Chabot, G.E., French, C.S., Jo, M., Falo, G.A. (1991). Theoretical response of a ZnS(Ag) scintillation detector to emitting sources and suggested applications. Health physics, 60(3) 381-392.
  • Skrable, K.W., Chabot, G.E., French, C.S., La Bone, T.R. (1988). Intake retention functions and their applications to bioassay and the estimation of internal radiation doses. Health physics, 55(6) 933-950.
  • Skrable, K.W., Sun, L.C., Chabot, G.E., French, C.S., Labone, T.R. (1987). Pseudo Uptake Retention Functions for the Whole-Body for Estimating Intakes from Excretion Bioassay Data. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 18(3).
  • Skrable, K.W., Chabot, G.E., Alexander, E.L., French, C.S. (1985). A discussion of the arguments against a committed dose limitation system. Journal of the Society for Radiological Protection, 5(2) 59-66.
  • Skrable, K.W., Chabot, G.E., Alexander, E.L., French, C.S. (1985). Committed Vs Annual Dose Limits for Internal Radiation Protection and Control. Health physics, 48(1).
  • Skrable, K.W., Chabot, G.E., Alexander, E.L., French, C.S. (1985). Internal Radiation-Dose Recommendations and their Implementation by Federal-Agencies in the United-States. Health physics, 49(1).
  • Skrable, K.W., Chabot, G.E., Alexander, E.L., French, C.S. (1985). The issues concerning the use of an annual as opposed to a committed dose limit for internal radiation protection. Journal of the Society for Radiological Protection, 5(1) 7-14.
  • Skrable, K.W., Chabot, G.E., French, C.S. (1980). Blood-organ transfer kinetics. Health physics, 39(2) 193-209.
  • Skrable, K.W., Chabot, G., Harris, J., French, C.S. (1975). Dosimetric model for the gastrointestinal tract. Health physics, 28(4) 411-427.
  • Skrable, K., French, C.S., Chabot, G., Major, A. (1974). A general equation for the kinetics of linear first order phenomena and suggested applications. Health physics, 27(1) 155-157.

Selected Presentations

  • C.S. French, K.W. Skrable, G.E. Chabot, "Determination of Diffusion Coefficient of Tl-208 Free Atoms", ibid.
  • C.S. French, K.W. Skrable, G.E. Chabot, "The Determination of Airborne Concentrations of Radon and Thoron Progeny by Repetitive Alpha Counting of Filter Samples", ibid.
  • C.S. French, K.W. Skrable, G.E. Chabot, J. Luskin, P. Casey, "Precise Measurements of Alpha Particle Counting Efficiencies and Mean Ranges", ibid.
  • C.S. French, K.W. Skrable, T.R. LaBone, G.E. Chabot, "Intake Retention Functions and Their Applications to Bioassay and the Estimation of Internal Radiation Doses", ibid.
  • F.K. Chen, C.S. French, T.J. Wallace, M.A. Montesalvo, G.E. Chabot, "The Evaluation of PMOS-FET Devices as Passive and Active High Range Dosimeters", ibid.
  • G.A. Falo, K.W. Skrable, C.S. French, G.E. Chabot, "The Design and Construction of aFluence Responding Proton Recoil Proportional Counter: A Student's View", ibid.
  • G.E. Chabot, K.W. Skrable, C.S. French, J. Luskin, "Radiological Health Physics", ibid.
  • J. Luskin, C.S. French, M.P. Desilets, "Health Physicists and the Radiological Defense Support System", ibid.
  • J. Luskin, K.W. Skrable, C.S. French, G.E. Chabot, "Radiation and the Public", ibid
  • K.W. Skrable, C.S. French, "Fundamental Characteristics of Nuclear Detonations", ibid.
  • K.W. Skrable, G.E. Chabot, C.S. French, "Implementation of ICRP 30 and Proposed Revisions to 10 CFR 20", ibid.
  • K.W. Skrable, G.E. Chabot, E.L. Alexander, C.S. French, "Committed Versus Annual Dose Limits", ibid.
  • K.W. Skrable, K.A. Phoenix, G.E. Chabot, C.S. French, E.L. Alexander, R.E. Casparius, "Continuous 222Rn Monitor", ibid.
  • C.S. French, J. Sherrard, –A Unique & Successful Interstate AS to BS Health Physics 51ÊÓƵ Program Partnership" - International Dosimetry and Records Symposium, June 2012 - Hilton Head, SC
  • K.W.Skrable, C.S.French, M.A.Tries, E.L.Darois, J.P.Tarzia, F.P.Straccia, –Efficacy Of Personal Air Samplers (PAS) For The Timely Assessment Of Occupational Exposures To Long Lived Alpha Emitters In The Presence Of Radon Progeny" - Health Physics Society 56th Annual Meeting, June 2011 - West Palm Beach, FL
  • C.S.French, M.A.Tries, D.C. Medich, –Radiological Sciences Program at the University of Massachusetts Lowell" - Invited Presentation - AAHP Special Session on Health Physics Education: Status of Academc Programs, Health Physics Society 52nd Annual Meeting, July 2007 - Portland, OR
  • C.S. French, M.A.Tries, D.C. Medich, W.Lorenzen, –Development and Implementation of an Internal Radiation Safety Program for Academic and Biomedical Institutions" - Presentation at the 2003 Health Physics Society Summer School, July 2003 - San Diego, CA
  • C.S. French, G.E. Chabot, K.W. Skrable, "Preparation for Part I of ABHP Certification Exam" - Professional Enrichment Program (PEP) talk at Health Physics Society 46th Annual Meeting, June 2001 - Cleveland, OH
  • C.S. French, G.E. Chabot, K.W. Skrable, "Preparation for Part I of ABHP Certification Exam" - Professional Enrichment Program (PEP) talk at Health Physics Society 45th Annual Meeting, June 2000 - Denver, CO
  • C.S. French, G.E. Chabot, K.W. Skrable, "Preparation for Part I of ABHP Certification Exam" - Professional Enrichment Program (PEP) talk at Health Physics Society 44th Annual Meeting, June 1999 - Philadelphia, PA
  • C.S. French, G.E. Chabot, K.W. Skrable, "Preparation for Part I of ABHP Certification Exam" - Professional Enrichment Program (PEP) talk at Health Physics Society 43rd Annual Meeting, June 1998 - Minneapolis, MN
  • C.S. French, G.E. Chabot, K.W. Skrable, "Preparation for Part I of ABHP Certification Exam" - Professional Enrichment Program (PEP) talk at Health Physics Society 42nd Annual Meeting, June 1997 - San Antonio, TX
  • C.S. French, K.W. Skrable, T.R. LaBone, "Bioassay Data Evaluation Workshop for the Estimates of Intakes, Exposures, and Doses from Internal Radiation Sources - Part I" - Professional Enrichment Program (PEP) talk at Health Physics Society 41st Annual Meeting, July 1996 - Seattle, WA
  • C.S. French, K.W. Skrable, T.R. LaBone, "Bioassay Data Evaluation Workshop for the Estimates of Intakes, Exposures, and Doses from Internal Radiation Sources - Part II" - Professional Enrichment Program (PEP) talk at Health Physics Society 41st Annual Meeting, July 1996 - Seattle, WA
  • C.S. French, K.W. Skrable, T.R. LaBone, "Applications of Linear Statistical Modeling in Health Physics" - Meeting of the New England Chapter of the Health Physics Society (NECHPS), December 1995
  • C.S. French, K.W. Skrable, T.R. LaBone, "Bioassay Data Evaluation Workshop for the Estimates of Intakes, Exposures, and Doses from Internal Radiation Sources - Part I" - Professional Enrichment Program (PEP) talk at Health Physics Society 40th Annual Meeting, July 1995 - Boston, MA
  • C.S. French, K.W. Skrable, T.R. LaBone, "Bioassay Data Evaluation Workshop for the Estimates of Intakes, Exposures, and Doses from Internal Radiation Sources - Part II" - Professional Enrichment Program (PEP) talk at Health Physics Society 40th Annual Meeting, July 1995 - Boston, MA
  • C.S. French, G.E. Chabot, K.W. Skrable, "Preparation for Part I of ABHP Certification Exam" - Professional Enrichment Program (PEP) talk at Health Physics Society 39th Annual Meeting, June 1994 - San Francisco, CA
  • S.J. Coakley, C.S. French, "Determination of the Effect on Intake Estimate and Organ Doses Following Inhalations of Polonium-210 Due to Changes in Internal Dosimetry Parameters", Health Physics (Supp 6:S42) - Health Physics Society annual meeting, July 1993 - Atlanta, GA
  • C.S. French, G.E. Chabot, K.W. Skrable, "Preparation for Part I of ABHP Certification Exam" - Professional Enrichment Program (PEP) talk at Health Physics Society 38th Annual Meeting, July 1993 - Atlanta, GA
  • C.S. French, G.E. Chabot, K.W. Skrable, "Preparation for Part I of ABHP Certification Exam" - Professional Enrichment Program (PEP) talk at Health Physics Society 37th Annual Meeting, June 1992 - Columbus, OH
  • A. Khalifeh, G.E. Chabot, C.S. French, K.W. Skrable, "Development, Testing, and Applications of a Beta Radiation Point Source Dose Distribution Function", Health Physics (Supp 2:S23), ibid., July 1991
  • E.W. Abelquist, J. Ring, C. French, "Stack Sampling Effluent from a Radioactive Waste Incinerator", Health Physics (Supp 2:S6), ibid., July 1991
  • G.E. Chabot, A. Khalifeh, M. Chao, C.S. French, K.W. Skrable, "A Technique to Correct for Self Absorption in Beta Radiation Sources and for Attenuation in Other Media", Health Physics (Supp 2:S79), ibid., July 1991
  • D.M. Boisvert, D. Shearer, C.S. French, "Effects of Mo-99 in a Tc-99m Sample When Testing Radioisotope Calibrators for Linearity", ibid. - Health Physics (Supp 2:S20), July 1991
  • K.A. Phoenix, K.W. Skrable, G.E. Chabot, C.S. French, M. Jo, G.A. Falo, "The Determination of the Specific Alpha Activity in Infinitely Thick Sources Using a Large Area Zinc Sulfide Detector" - Health Physics Society annual meeting, July 1991 - Washington, D.C.
  • C.S. French, G.E. Chabot, K.W. Skrable, "Preparation for Part I of ABHP Certification Exam" - Professional Enrichment Program (PEP) talk at Health Physics Society 36th Annual Meeting, July 1991 - Washington, DC
  • A. Khalifeh, G.E. Chabot, C.S. French, K.W. Skrable, "Development, Testing, and Applications Testing of a Beta Point Source Distribution Function" - Health Physics Society annual meeting, June 1990 - Anaheim, CA
  • C.S. French, G.E. Chabot, K.W. Skrable, "Preparation for Part I of ABHP Certification Exam" - Professional Enrichment Program (PEP) talk at Health Physics Society 35th Annual Meeting, June 1990 - Anaheim, CA
  • A. Khalifeh, G.E. Chabot, C.S. French, K.W. Skrable, "Modification, Extended Applications, and Testing of a Beta Point Source Distribution Function" - Health Physics Society annual meeting, June 1989 - Albuquerque, NM
  • K.W. Skrable, G.E. Chabot, C.S. French, T.R. LaBone, L.C. Sun, "Pseudo Uptake Retention Functions for the Whole Body for Estimating Intakes from Excretion Bioassay Data" - Health Physics Society annual meeting, July 1988 - Boston, MA
  • C.S. French, "Internal Dosimetry Computer Computations" - New York Chapter of the Health Physics Society, September 1987 - Schenectady, NY
  • K.W. Skrable, K.A. Phoenix, G.E. Chabot, C.S. French, E.L. Alexander, R.E. Casparius, "Determination of the Specific Activity of Alpha Emitters Using a Large Area ZnS Scintillation Detector and its Application to Quantitative Measurements of Radon, Thoron, and Progeny in Soil, Air, and Water" - Health Physics Society annual meeting, June 1986 - Pittsburgh, PA
  • K.W. Skrable, G.E. Chabot, E.L. Alexander, C.S. French, "Internal Radiation Dose Recommendations and Their Implementation by Federal Agencies in the United States" - Health Physics Society annual meeting, May 1985 - Chicago, IL
  • K.W. Skrable, T.R. LaBone, G.E. Chabot, C.S. French, R.M. Hall, J. Watts, "Intake, Uptake, and Systemic Excretion Functions Applicable to the Estimation of Intakes from Plutonium Urinalysis Data" - the 30th Annual Conference on Bioassay, Analytical, and Environmental Chemistry, October 1984 - Cincinnati, OH
  • M.P. Desilets, C.S. French. G.E. Chabot, "The Feasibility of Gamma Ray Spectroscopy for Predicting Exposure from Radioactive Fallout" - Health Physics Society annual meeting, June 1984 - New Orleans, LA
  • C.S. French, M.P. Desilets, "Techniques for Predicting Fallout Exposures from Post-Attack Measurements" - Summer School of the Health Physics Society, May 1984
  • C.S. French, M.P. Desilets, "Gamma Ray Spectrometry for Fallout Exposure Predictions" - Fourth Annual National Conference of Radiological Defense Officers and Radiological Systems Maintenance Officers, March 1984 - Kansas City, MO
  • C.S. French and M.P. Desilets, "Gamma Ray Spectroscopy for Fallout Exposure Predictions" - Proceedings of the 4th Annual National Conference of Radiological Defense Officers & Radiological Systems Maintenance Officers, March 1984 - Kansas City, MO
  • C.S. French, "Predicting Fallout Exposure Rate Measurements in the Event of Multiple Non-Simultaneous Detonations" - Third Annual National Conference of Radiological Defense Officers and Radiological Systems Maintenance Officers, July 1983 - Seattle, WA
  • K.W. Skrable, G.E. Chabot, C.S. French, "The Best Fit to N Bioassay Measurements" - Health Physics Society annual meeting, June 1983 - Baltimore, MD
  • N.M. Boucher, J. Luskin, C.S. French, "A Continuing Education Program for Health Personnel in Handling Radiological Emergencies" - Proceedings of the 14th Midyear Topical Symposium on Medical Health Physics, December 1982 - Hyannis, MA
  • N.M. Boucher, J. Luskin, C.S. French, "A Continuing Education Program for Health Personnel in Handling Radiological Emergencies" - 14th Midyear Symposium of the Health Physics Society, December 1980 - Hyannis, MA
  • K.W. Skrable, G.E. Chabot, C.S. French, J. Luskin, "Certification Review for Health Physicists (CRHP)" - Proceedings of the 13th Midyear Topical Symposium on Health Physics Training, December 1979 - Honolulu, Hawaii
  • C.S. French, J. Luskin, G.E. Chabot, K.W. Skrable, "An Index for Increasing Public Comprehension of Radiation Risks" - Annual Symposium of the National Council for Radiation Protection, 1979 - Reston, VA
  • C.S. French, J. Luskin, G.E. Chabot, K.W. Skrable, "An Index for Increasing Public Comprehension of Radiation Risks" - Annual Symposium of the National Council for Radiation Protection, 1979 - Reston, VA
  • K.W. Skrable, C.S. French, G.E. Chabot, "Optimum Counting Interval for the Estimation of the Quantity of a Short Lived Radionuclide" - Health Physics Society annual meeting, June 1978 - Minneapolis, MN
  • K.W. Skrable, C.S. French, G.E. Chabot, "Optimum Counting Interval for the Estimation of the Quantity of a Short Lived Radionuclide" - Health Physics Society annual meeting, June 1978 - Minneapolis, MN
  • K.W. Skrable, C.S. French, G.E. Chabot, A. Major, "A General Equation for the Kinetics of Linear First Order Phenomena and Suggested Applications" - Health Physics Society annual meeting, July 1974 - Houston, TX
  • K.W. Skrable, G.E. Chabot, J.Y. Harris, C.S. French, "Dosimetric Model for the Gastrointestinal Tract" - New England Chapter Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, May 1974 - Lynnfield, MA

Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research

  • UML Nuclear Sciences Graduate Fellowship Program (2010), Grant -
    French, C.S. (Principal)
  • UML-NRC Nuclear Fellowship Program (), Fellowship - UMASS Lowell Nuclear Regulatory Commission
    Brown, G. (Co-Principal), French, C.S. (Co-Principal)
  • Post-Doctoral Research Position for FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Healt (2007), Grant -
    French, C.S. (Principal)