Paul Song, Professor of Physics at 51ÊÓƵ.

Paul Song


College of Sciences
Olney Hall 101C


Observation, theoretical modeling, and numerical simulation of the plasma processes in the space weather and solar system.

Research Interests

Geophysics, Space Physics, Space Plasma Physics


  • Ph D: Geophysics and Space Physics, (1991), University of California - Los Angeles California
  • MS: Space Physics, (1986), Institute of Space Physics - Beijing China
  • BA: Infared Remote Sensing, (1982), Shandong University - Jinan China

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Who's Who In America
  • Who's Who In Science and Engineering
  • Excellence in Research (2005) - University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Teaching Excellence Award (2002) - University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Excellent Referee (2001) - American Geophysical Union
  • Outstanding Thesis Award (1987) - The Academy of Sciences of China

Selected Publications

  • Al Shidi, Q., Cohen, O., Song, P., Tu, J. (2018). Time-Dependent Two-Fluid Magnetohydrodynamic Model and Simulation of the Chromosphere. Sol. Phys., submitted.
  • Tu, J., Song, P. (2016). A two-dimensional global simulation study of inductive-dynamic magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. J. Geophys. Res., 121 doi: 10.1002/2016JA023393.
  • Wang, Y., Tu, J., Song, P. (2016). Mass loading at the magnetopause through the plasmaspheric plume. J. Geophys. Res., 121 doi: 10.1002/2016JA022395.
  • Wang, Y., Tu, J., Song, P. (2015). A new dynamic fluid-kinetic model for plasma transport within the plasmasphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 120(10) 8486–8502.
  • Song, P. (2015). Substorms: Ionospheric Manifestation of Magnetospheric Disturbances.
  • Vesnin, A.M., Galkin, I., Song, P. (2015). Validation of F2 layer peak height and density by Real-Time IRI (pp. 1–1).
  • Song, P., Vasyliunas, V. (2014). Effect of horizontally inhomogeneous heating on flow and magnetic field in the chromosphere of the sun. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 796(2).
  • Wang, Y., Tu, J., Song, P. (2014). A new dynamic fluid-kinetic model for plasma transport in the plasmasphere (1: pp. 4203).
  • Tu, J., Song, P. (2014). Assessing Locations of Energy Transfer/Deposit in the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System (1: pp. 05).
  • Galkin, I., Reinisch, B., Huang, X., Vesnin, A., Bilitza, D., Song, P. (2014). Global Real-Time Nowcasting of Ionosphere with Giro-Driven Assimilative IRI (1: pp. 02).
  • Song, P., Tu, J. (2014). Ionospheric Ion Upflows Associated with the Alfven Wave Heating (1: pp. 4267).
  • Vasyliunas, V., Song, P. (2014). Relative Importance of Thermosphere/Ionosphere in Magnetospheric Eletrodynamics at Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn (1: pp. 4297).
  • Ozhogin, P., Song, P., Tu, J., Reinisch, B. (2014). Evaluating the diffusive equilibrium models: Comparison with the IMAGE RPI field-aligned electron density measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119(6) 4400-4411.
  • Tu, J., Song, P., Vasyliunas, V. (2014). Inductive-dynamic magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling via MHD waves. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119(1) 530-547.
  • Tu, J., Song, P. (2013). A study of alfvén wave propagation and heating the chromosphere. Astrophysical Journal, 777(1).
  • Vasyliunas, V., Song, P. (2013). Chromospheric Circulation Driven by Horizontally Inhomogeneous Heating (1: pp. 2096).
  • Song, P., Vasyliunas, V. (2013). Inductive-dynamic coupling of the ionosphere with the thermosphere and the magnetosphere. Geophysical Monograph Series, 201 201-215.
  • Song, P., Vasyliunas, V. (2013). Magnetosphere-ionosphere Dynamic Coupling: Reflection and Transmission for Alfven Waves (1: pp. 08).
  • Song, P., Vasyliunas, V. (2012). A Model of the Chromosphere: Heating, Structures, and Convection (1: pp. 2257).
  • Ozhogin, P., Tu, J., Song, P., Reinisch, B.W. (2012). Field-aligned distribution of the plasmaspheric electron density: An empirical model derived from the IMAGE RPI measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 117(6).
  • Ozhogin, P., Song, P., Tu, J., Reinisch, B. (2012). Field-aligned Electron Density Measurements and Comparison with Diffusive Equilibrium Models (1: pp. 2228).
  • Tu, J., Song, P. (2012). Simulation studies of long-range magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling via MHD waves (1: pp. 2173).
  • Song, P., Vasylinas, V.M. (2011). Heating of the solar atmosphere by strong damping of Alfvén waves. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 116(9).
  • Tu, J., Song, P., Vasylinas, V.M. (2011). Ionosphere/thermosphere heating determined from dynamic magnetosphere-ionosphere/thermosphere coupling. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 116(9).
  • Shue, J.H., Chen, Y.S., Hsieh, W.C., Nowada, M., Lee, B.S., Song, P., Russell, C.T., Angelopoulos, V., Glassmeier, K.H., McFadden, J.P., Larson, D. (2011). Uneven compression levels of Earth's magnetic fields by shocked solar wind. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 116(2).
  • Yang, B., Zong, Q.G., Wang, Y.F., Fu, S.Y., Song, P., Fu, H.S., Korth, A., Tian, T., Reme, H. (2010). Cluster observations of simultaneous resonant interactions of ULF waves with energetic electrons and thermal ion species in the inner magnetosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 115 0-0.
  • Zong, Q.G., Reinisch, B.W., Song, P., Wei, Y., Galkin, I.A. (2010). Dayside ionospheric response to the intense interplanetary shocks-solar wind discontinuities: Observations from the digisonde global ionospheric radio observatory. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 115(6).
  • Fu, H.S., Tu, J., Cao, J.B., Song, P., Reinisch, B.W., Gallagher, D.L., Yang, B. (2010). IMAGE and DMSP observations of a density trough inside the plasmasphere. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 115(7).
  • Paznukhov, V.V., Sales, G.S., Bibl, K., Reinisch, B.W., Song, P., Huang, X., Galkin, I. (2010). Impedance characteristics of an active antenna at whistler mode frequencies. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 115(9).
  • Fu, H.S., Tu, J., Song, P., Cao, J.B., Reinisch, B.W., Yang, B. (2010). The nightside-to-dayside evolution of the inner magnetosphere: Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration Radio Plasma Imager observations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 115 0-0.
  • Shue, J.H., Chao, J.K., Song, P., McFadden, J.P., Suvorova, A., Angelopoulos, V., Glassmeier, K.H., Plaschke, F. (2009). Anomalous magnetosheath flows and distorted subsolar magnetopause for radial interplanetary magnetic fields. Geophysical Research Letters, 36(18).
  • Zong, Q.G., Zhou, X.Z., Wang, Y.F., Li, X., Song, P., Baker, D.N., Fritz, T.A., Daly, P.W., Dunlop, M., Pedersen, A. (2009). Energetic electron response to ULF waves induced by interplanetary shocks in the outer radiation belt. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 114(10).
  • Song, P., Vasyliunas, V.M., Zhou, X.Z. (2009). Magnetosphere-ionosphere/thermosphere coupling: Self-consistent solutions for a one-dimensional stratified ionosphere in three-fluid theory. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 114(8).
  • Zhou, X.Z., Pu, Z.Y., Zong, Q.G., Song, P., Fu, S.Y., Wang, J., Zhang, H. (2009). On the error estimation of multi-spacecraft timing method. Annales Geophysicae, 27(10) 3949-3955.
  • Song, P., Foster, J.C., Mendillo, M., Bilitza, D. (2008). AIP Conference Proceedings: Preface. AIP Conference Proceedings, 974 0-0.
  • Savin, S., Amata, E., Zelenyi, L., Budaev, V., Consolini, G., Treumann, R., Lucek, E., Safrankova, J., Nemecek, Z., Khotyaintsev, Y., Andre, M., Buechner, J., Alleyne, H., Song, P., Blecki, J., Rauch, J.L., Romanov, S., Klimov, S., Skalsky, A. (2008). High energy jets in the Earth's magnetosheath: Implications for plasma dynamics and anomalous transport. JETP Letters, 87(11) 593-599.
  • Starks, M.J., Quinn, R.A., Ginet, G.P., Albert, J.M., Sales, G.S., Reinisch, B.W., Song, P. (2008). Illumination of the plasmasphere by terrestrial very low frequency transmitters: Model validation. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 113(9).
  • Nsumei, P.A., Song, P., Reinisch, B.W., Tu, J., Huang, X. (2008). Ionospheric electron upflow in the polar cap region: Derived from ISIS 2 measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 113(3).
  • Du, J., Wang, C., Song, P., Zhang, T. (2008). Low-frequency fluctuations in the magnetosheath: Double Star TC-1 and Cluster observations. Science in China, Series E: Technological Sciences, 51(10) 1626-1638.
  • Tu, J., Song, P., Reinisch, B.W. (2008). Plasma sheath structures around a radio frequency antenna. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 113(7).
  • Nsumei, P.A., Reinisch, B.W., Song, P., Tu, J., Huang, X. (2008). Polar cap electron density distribution from IMAGE radio plasma imager measurements: Empirical model with the effects of solar illumination and geomagnetic activity. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 113(1).
  • Song, P. (2008). Radio soundings and plasma physics : 2007 Radio Plasma Imager Science Team Meeting, April 27, 2007; Radio Sounding and Plasma Physics Symposium, April 29, 2007; XI International Digisonde Forum, April 30-May 3, 2007 / editors, Paul Song ... [et. al.].
  • Zong, Q.G., Fu, S.Y., Baker, D.N., Goldstein, M.L., Song, P., Slavin, J.A., Fritz, T.A., Cao, J.B., Amm, O., Frey, H., Korth, A., Daly, P.W., Reme, H., Pedersen, A. (2007). Earthward flowing plasmoid: Structure and its related ionospheric signature. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 112(7).
  • Tu, J.N., Dhar, M., Song, P., Reinisch, B.W., Green, J.L., Benson, R.F., Coster, A.J. (2007). Extreme polar cap density enhancements along magnetic field lines during an intense geomagnetic storm. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 112(5).
  • Paznukhov, V.V., Reinisch, B.W., Song, P., Huang, X., Bullett, T.W., Veliz, O. (2007). Formation of an F3 layer in the equatorial ionosphere: A result from strong IMF changes. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 69(10-11 SPEC. ISS.) 1292-1304.
  • Song, P., Reinisch, B.W., Paznukhov, V., Sales, G., Cooke, D., Tu, J.N., Huang, X., Bibl, K., Galkin, I. (2007). High-voltage antenna-plasma interaction in whistler wave transmission: Plasma sheath effects. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 112(3).
  • Tu, J., Song, P., Reinisch, B.W., Green, J.L. (2007). Smooth electron density transition from plasmasphere to the subauroral region. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 112(5).
  • Zong, Q.G., Zhou, X.Z., Li, X., Song, P., Fu, S.Y., Baker, D.N., Pu, Z.Y., Fritz, T.A., Daly, P., Balogh, A., Réme, H. (2007). Ultralow frequency modulation of energetic particles in the dayside magnetosphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 34(12).
  • Tu, J., Song, P., Reinisch, B.W., Green, J.L., Huang, X. (2006). Empirical specification of field-aligned plasma density profiles for plasmasphere refilling. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 111(6).
  • Savin, S., Amata, E., Andre, M., Dunlop, M., Khotyaintsev, Y., Decreau, P.M., Rauch, J.L., Trotignon, J.G., Buechner, J., Nikutowski, B., Blecki, J., Skalsky, A., Romanov, S., Zelenyi, L., Buckley, A.M., Carozzi, T.D., Gough, M.P., Song, P., Reme, H., Volosevich, A., Alleyne, H., Panov, E. (2006). Experimental study of nonlinear interaction of plasma flow with charged thin current sheets: 2. Hall dynamics, mass and momentum transfer. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 13(4).
  • Song, P., Russell, C.T., Gosling, J.T., Thomsen, M.F., Elphic, R.C. (2005). Comment on "Steady state slow shock inside the Earth's magnetosheath: To be or not to be? 1. The original observation revisited" by D. Hubert and A. Samsonov. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 110(A11).
  • Tu, J., Song, P., Reinisch, B.W., Huang, X., Green, J.L., Frey, H.U., Reiff, P.H. (2005). Electron density images of the middle- And high-latitude magnetosphere in response to the solar wind. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 110(A12).
  • Savin, S., Skalsky, A., Zelenyi, L., Avanov, L., Borodkova, N., Klimov, S., Lutsenko, V., Panov, E., Romanov, S., Smirnov, V., Yermolaev, Y., Song, P., Amata, E., Consolini, G., Fritz, T.A., Buechner, J., Nikutowski, B., Blecki, J., Farrugia, C., Maynard, N., Pickett, J., Sauvaud, J.A., Rauch, J.L., Trotignon, J.G., Khotyaintsev, Y., Stasiewicz, K. (2005). Magnetosheath interaction with the high latitude magnetopause. Surveys in Geophysics, 26(1-3) 95-133.
  • Vasyliunas, V.M., Song, P. (2005). Meaning of ionospheric Joule heating. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 110(A2).
  • Song, P., Vasyliunas, V.M., Ma, L. (2005). Solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling: Neutral atmosphere effects on signal propagation. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 110(A9).
  • Huang, X., Reinisch, B.W., Song, P., Green, J.L., Gallagher, D.L. (2004). Developing an empirical density model of the plasmasphere using IMAGE/RPI observations. Advances in Space Research, 33(6) 829-832.
  • Savin, S.P., Zelenyi, L.M., Amata, E., Buechner, J., Blecki, J., Klimov, S.I., Nikutowski, B., Rauch, J.L., Romanov, S.A., Skalsky, A.A., Smirnov, V.N., Song, P., Stasiewicz, K. (2004). Dynamic interaction of plasma flow with the hot boundary layer of a geomagnetic trap. JETP Letters, 79(8) 368-371.
  • Reinisch, B.W., Huang, X., Song, P., Green, J.L., Fung, S.F., Vasyliunas, V.M., Gallagher, D.L., Sandel, B.R. (2004). Plasmaspheric mass loss and refilling as a result of a magnetic storm. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 109(A1).
  • Tu, J.N., Horwitz, J.L., Nsumei, P.A., Song, P., Huang, X.Q., Reinisch, B.W. (2004). Simulation of polar cap field-aligned electron density profiles measured with the IMAGE radio plasma imager. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 109(A7).
  • Nsumei, P.A., Huang, X., Reinisch, B.W., Song, P., Vasyliunas, V.M., Green, J.L., Fung, S.F., Benson, R.F., Gallagher, D.L. (2003). Electron density distribution over the northern polar region deduced from IMAGE/radio plasma imager sounding. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 108(A2).
  • Huang, C.S., Foster, J.C., Reeves, G.D., Watermann, J., Sastri, J.H., Yumoto, K., Song, P. (2003). Global magnetospheric-ionospheric oscillations initiated by a solar wind pressure impulse. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 108(A6).
  • Tu, J.N., Horwitz, J.L., Song, P., Huang, X.Q., Reinisch, B.W., Richards, P.G. (2003). Simulating plasmaspheric field-aligned density profiles measured with IMAGE/RPI: Effects of plasmasphere refilling and ion heating. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 108(A1).
  • Yang, Y.H., Chao, J.K., Lin, C.H., Shue, J.H., Wang, X.Y., Song, P., Russell, C.T., Lepping, R.P., Lazarus, A.J. (2002). Comparison of three magnetopause prediction models under extreme solar wind conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 107(A1).
  • Song, P., Russell, C.T. (2002). Flow in the magnetosheath: The legacy of John Spreiter. Planetary and Space Science, 50(5-6) 447-460.
  • Huang, C.S., Foster, J.C., Song, P., Sofko, G.J., Frank, L.A., Paterson, W.R. (2002). Geotail observations of magnetospheric midtail during an extended period of strongly northward interplanetary magnetic field. Geophysical Research Letters, 29(4) 15-1.
  • Savin, S., Zelenyi, L., Maynard, N., Sandahl, I., Kawano, H., Russell, C.T., Romanov, S., Amata, E., Avanov, L., Blecki, J., Buechner, J., Consolini, G., Gustafsson, G., Klimov, S., Marcucci, F., Nemecek, Z., Nikutowski, B., Pickett, J., Rauch, J.L., Safrankova, J., Skalsky, A., Smirnov, V., Stasiewicz, K., Song, P., Trotignon, J.G., Yermolaev, Y. (2002). Multi-spacecraft tracing of turbulent boundary layer. Advances in Space Research, 30(12) 2821-2830.
  • Savin, S., Büchner, J., Consolini, G., Nikutowski, B., Zelenyi, L., Amata, E., Auster, H.U., Blecki, J., Dubinin, E., Fornacon, K.H., Kawano, H., Klimov, S., Marcucci, F., Nemecek, Z., Pedersen, A., Rauch, J.L., Romanov, S., Safrankova, J., Sauvaud, J.A., Skalsky, A., Song, P., Yermolaev, Y. (2002). On the properties of turbulent boundary layer over polar cusps. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 9(5-6) 443-451.
  • Song, P., Vasyliunas, V.M. (2002). Solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling: Signal arrival time and perturbation relations. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 107(A11).
  • Shue, J.H., Song, P. (2002). The location and shape of the magnetopause. Planetary and Space Science, 50(5-6) 549-558.
  • Shue, J.H., Song, P., Russell, C.T., Thomsen, M.F., Petrinec, S.M. (2001). Dependence of magnetopause erosion on southward interplanetary magnetic field. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 106(A9) 18777-18788.
  • Song, P., DeZeeuw, D.L., Gombosi, T.I., Kozyra, J.U., Powell, K.G. (2001). Global MHD simulations for southward IMF: A pair of wings in the flanks. Advances in Space Research, 28(12) 1763-1771.
  • Reinisch, B.W., Huang, X., Song, P., Sales, G.S., Fung, S.F., Green, J.L., Gallagher, D.L., Vasyliunas, V.M. (2001). Plasma density distribution along the magnetospheric field: RPI observations from image. Geophysical Research Letters, 28(24) 4521-4524.
  • Song, P., Kozyra, J.U., Chandler, M.O., Russell, C.T., Peterson, W.K., Trattner, K.J., Friedel, R.H., Shue, J.H., Moore, T.E., Ogilvie, K.W., Lepping, R.P., McComas, D.J. (2001). Polar observations and model predictions during May 4, 1998, magnetopause, magnetosheath, and bow shock crossings. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 106(A9) 18927-18942.
  • Song, P. (2001). Special section: Space weather, Part I - Foreword. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 106(A10).
  • Song, P., Gombosi, T.I., Ridley, A.J. (2001). Three-fluid Ohm's law. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 106(A5).
  • Savin, S.P., Zelenyi, L.M., Romanov, S.A., Klimov, S.I., Skalsky, A.A., Galeev, A.A., Smirnov, V.N., Nozdrachev, M.N., Yermolaev, Y.I., Avanov, L.A., Amata, E., Blecki, J., Buechner, J., Nikutowski, B., Dubinin, É.M., Nemecek, Z., Safrankova, J., Pedersen, A., Rauch, J.L., Rustenbach, J., Sauvaud, J.A., Song, P., Stasiewicz, K. (2001). Turbulent boundary layer at the border of geomagnetic trap. JETP Letters, 74(11) 547-551.

Selected Presentations

  • Fall AGU, - San Francisco CA
  • Next generation of magnetosphere-ionosphere/thermosphere coupling models, September 2012 - Boston MA
  • Next generation of magnetosphere-ionosphere/thermosphere coupling models, May 2012 - Cape Town South Africa
  • Heating of the solar atmosphere by strong damping of Alfv_n waves, January 2012 - LA CA
  • Next generation of magnetosphere-ionosphere/thermosphere coupling models, January 2012 - Albuquerque NM
  • A Structured Ionosphere with Self-consistent Electromagnetic Fields,, April 2011 - Lowell MA
  • Heating of the solar atmosphere by strong damping of Alfv_n waves, April 2011 - Cambridge MA
  • A Structured Ionosphere with Self-consistent Electromagnetic Fields, January 2011 - Dartmouth MA
  • Radiation Belt Remediation, December 2010 - Lowell MA
  • , February 2009 - Los Angeles CA
  • A New Paradigm, September 2008 - Lowell MA
  • A New Paradigm, October 2007 - Lindau Germany
  • Radio Sounding Technology & Space Physics Applications physics, February 2007 - Lowell MA
  • adio Sounding Technology & Space Physics Applications, July 2006 - Beijing China
  • A three fluid approach, March 2006 - Lowell MA
  • A three fluid approach, February 2006 - Boston MA
  • Fall AGU Meeting, December 2005 - San Francisco
  • , October 2005 - New Delhi India
  • Radio Sounding Technology and Space Physics Applications, June 2005 - Cambridge MA
  • Radio Sounding Technology and Space Weather Applications, May 2005 - Boston MA
  • Spring AGU Meeting, May 2005 - New Orleans, LA
  • 4th Annual International Astrophysical Conference, February 2005 - Palm Springs, CA
  • URSI National Meeting, January 2005 - Boulder, CO
  • Fall AGU Meeting, December 2004 - San Francisco CA
  • Tu, Extending the IRI Topside Electron Density Profiles to Several Re using IMAGE/RPI Measurements, - Fall AGU Meeting, December 2004
  • Nuclear and Plasma Sciences, December 2004
  • Lower Limit Of Plasma Densities At The Beginning Of Plasmaspheric Flux Tube Refilling - Fall AGU Meeting, 2004 - San Francisco CA
  • Air Force Research, November 2004
  • AGU Western Pacific Meeting, August 2004 - Honolulu HI
  • Spring AGU Meeting, May 2004 - Montreal Canada
  • Imaging the Magnetosphere, April 2004
  • Plasma sheath surround high-voltage antenna, April 2004 - Lowell MA
  • Multiscale Coupling of Sun-Earth Processes, - Conference on Sun-Earth Connection, February 2004 - Kailua-Kona, HI
  • URSI National Radio Science Meeting, January 2004 - Boulder CO
  • Artificial Depletion of the Relativistic Electrons in the Radiation Belt - Fall AGU Meeting, December 2003 - San Francisco CA
  • Latitudinal variation of the electron density over the northern polar cusp from RPI/IMAGE observations - Fall AGU Meeting, December 2003 - San Francisco CA
  • Modeling polar cap field-aligned electron density profiles measured with IMAGE Radio Plasma Imager - Fall AGU Meeting, December 2003 - San Francisco CA
  • Monitoring the Ground-Based VLF transmissions from Space using IMAGE/RPI - Fall AGU Meeting, December 2003 - San Francisco CA
  • Remote Radio Sounding for JIMO - Fall AGU Meeting, December 2003 - San Francisco CA
  • AMS annual meeting, September 2003 - Seattle WA
  • , January 2003 - Lowell MA
  • , January 2003 - Standford University
  • RPI Science Meeting, January 2003 - Lowell MA
  • Fall AGU, December 2002 - San Francisco CA
  • Fall AGU, December 2002 - San Francisco CA
  • Fall AGU, December 2002 - San Francisco CA
  • 2nd World Space Congress and 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, October 2002 - Houston TX
  • COSPAR, October 2002 - Houston TX
  • COSPAR, October 2002 - Houston TX
  • COSPAR, October 2002 - Houston TX
  • COSPAR, October 2002 - Houston TX
  • URSI General Assembly, Maastricht, August 2002 - The Netherlands
  • Radio plasma imager observation of magnetostorm effects on the plasmaspheric density distribution - URSI General Assembly, Maastricht, August 2002 - The Netherlands
  • XXVIIth URSI General Assembly, August 2002 - The Netherlands
  • A model of solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction for northward IMF,, July 2002 - Toyokawa Japan
  • Active Wave Experiments, Center of Space Science and Applied Technology,, July 2002 - Beijing China
  • , July 2002 - Beijing China
  • Inversion of RPI/IMAGE plasmagram - GEM Workshops, June 2002 - Colorado
  • Measuring the Plasma Density Along the Magnetic Field: A Radio Sounding Technique - GEM Workshops, June 2002 - Colorado
  • The Variation of High Latitude Electron Density Distribution with Geomagnetic Activity deduced from IMAGE/RPI Sounding - GEM Workshops, June 2002 - Colorado
  • The Variation of High Latitude Electron Density Distribution with Geomagnetic Activity deduced from IMAGE/RPI Sounding - GEM Workshops, June 2002 - Colorado
  • , June 2002 - Tokyo Japan
  • Field-Aligned Plasma Density Profiles Derived from RPI Plasma Sounding, Ionospheric Effect Symposium, May 2002 - Virginia
  • Green, Effects of Magnetostorms on the Plasmaspheric Density Distribution, Ionospheric Effect Symposium, May 2002 - Virginia
  • Ionospheric Effect Symposium, May 2002 - Virginia
  • RPI Case Studies, Ionospheric Effect Symposium, May 2002 - Virginia
  • A high latitude electron density model derived from IMAGE/RPI sounding, - Spring AGU, May 2002 - Washington DC
  • Can field-aligned propagation satisfy the propagation requirement of index of refraction? - Spring AGU, May 2002 - Washington DC
  • Depletion and refilling of the plasmasphere as a results of a magnetostorm - Spring AGU, May 2002 - Washington DC
  • Dispersion relation and perturbation relation for a three-fluid plasma - Spring AGU, May 2002 - Washington DC
  • Empty flux tube and plasmasphere refilling as seen by IMAGE - Spring AGU, May 2002 - Washington DC
  • Simulating plasmasphere field-aligned density profiles measured with IMAGE/RPI: Effects of ion heating and refilling - Spring AGU, May 2002 - Washington DC
  • A Radio Sounding Technique, February 2002 - California
  • Aligned Radio Wave Propagation in the Plasmasphere Observed with IMAGE/RPI", - AGU Fall Meeting, December 2001 - San Francisco CA
  • Changes in the Plasma Density Content in the Inner Magnetosphere During the March 31, 2001 event - AGU Fall Meeting, December 2001 - San Francisco CA
  • Electron Density Distribution Over the Northern Polar Cap Deduced from IMAGE/RPI Sounding - AGU Fall Meeting, December 2001 - San Francisco CA
  • Inner Magnetospheric Plasma Density Distribution as a Function of Latitude and L-Shell - AGU Fall Meeting, December 2001 - San Francisco CA
  • Measuring the Plasma Density Along the Magnetic Field - AGU Fall Meeting, December 2001 - San Francisco CA
  • Sounding the Magnetosphere, November 2001 - Los Angeles CA
  • Direct Measurements of the Ionospheric Current - URSI, July 2001 - Boston MA
  • Dynamic Processes of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling: A Three-fluid Treatment - URSI, July 2001 - Boston MA
  • Electron density distributions along magnetic field lines in the magnetosphere deduced from RPI plasmagrams - URSI, July 2001 - Boston MA
  • Observations of ducts in the plasmasphere by RPI - URSI, July 2001 - Boston MA
  • A Study of Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Modulations of HAARP-RPI Experiments, - Spring AGU, May 2001 - Boston MA
  • Comparison of Three Magnetopause Prediction Models Under Extreme Solar-Wind Conditions - Spring AGU, May 2001 - Boston MA
  • Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere/Thermosphere Coupling - Spring AGU, May 2001 - Boston MA
  • , April 2001 - New Orlean LA
  • A model of solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction for northward IMF, January 2001 - Nashua NH
  • Fall AGU, December 2000 - San Francisco CA
  • Direct Measurements of the Ionospheric Current - Fall AGU, December 2000 - San Francisco CA
  • Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling: Three-fluid Generalized Ohm's Law - Fall AGU, December 2000 - San Francisco CA
  • Observations of reconnection pulses at high latitudes by INTERBALL-TAIL,MAGION-4 and POLAR under a dominant Y-component of IMF - Fall AGU, December 2000 - San Francisco CA
  • The Dayside Magnetosheath - Fall AGU, December 2000 - San Francisco CA
  • The location and shape of the magnetopause - Fall AGU, December 2000 - San Francisco CA
  • A model of solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction for northward IMF, November 2000
  • Three-fluid theory of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, November 2000 - Lowell MA
  • , October 2000 - Los Angeles CA
  • S-RAMP Conference, October 2000 - Japan
  • Magnetosheath Workshop, September 2000 - Turkey
  • Magnetopause Studies: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow,, May 2000 - Lowell MA
  • On the magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere interaction: A three-fluid treatment - Spring Meeting, May 2000 - DC
  • POLAR-Interbal coordinated observations of plasma characteristics in the northern and southern distant cusps - Spring Meeting, May 2000 - DC
  • Relationship between solar wind and plasma sheet density and between solar wind velocity and plasma sheet temperature in a series global MHD simulations - Spring Meeting, May 2000 - DC
  • Solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere momentum coupling: A new mechanism - Spring Meeting, May 2000 - DC
  • , April 2000 - France
  • Results from global MHD simulations, April 2000 - France
  • Multiscale MHD simulations of Sun-Earth connection - Chapman Conference on Space Weather, March 2000 - Clear Water FL
  • Prediction of the Magnetopause, Magnetosheath and Bow Shock - Chapman Conference on Space Weather, March 2000 - Clear Water FL
  • Specification of magnetosheath conditions - Chapman Conference on Space Weather, March 2000 - Clear Water FL
  • ISTP Workshop, March 2000 - Greenbelt MD
  • , March 2000 - Greenbelt MD
  • A model of solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction for northward IMF, January 2000 - Leicester UK
  • A model of solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction for northward IMF, January 2000 - Leicester UK
  • Global responses to an IMF turning from south to north - Fall AGU, December 1999 - San Francisco CA
  • Turbulent boundary layer in exterior cusp and tail - Fall AGU, December 1999 - San Francisco CA
  • A model of solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction for northward IMF, November 1999 - California
  • A model of solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction for northward IMF, October 1999 - Ann Arbor
  • Cluster II Workshop on Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, September 1999 - London UK
  • , July 1999
  • A numerical study of solar wind-magnetosphere interaction for northward IMF - Spring AGU, June 1999 - Boston MA
  • Dependence of the magnetopause erosion on southward IMF - Spring AGU, June 1999 - Boston MA
  • On the processes in the terrestrial magnetosheath - Spring AGU, June 1999 - Boston MA
  • POLAR magnetosheath observations on May 4, 1998, - Spring AGU, June 1999 - Boston MA
  • The extreme compression of the magnetosphere, May 4, 1998, as observed by the Polar spacecraft - Spring AGU, June 1999 - Boston MA
  • Dependence of the magnetopause erosion on southward IMF - ISTP Workshop, April 1999 - Washington DC
  • POLAR magnetosheath observations on May 4, 1998 - ISTP Workshop, April 1999 - Washington DC
  • Processes in the magnetosheath, March 1999 - California
  • Wave analysis, March 1999 - California
  • Global Mapping and convection for northward IMF - Fall AGU, December 1998 - San Francisco CA
  • Interball observations of exterior cusp: Evidence for open magnetosphere configuration - Fall AGU, December 1998 - San Francisco CA
  • The relationship between low-frequency MHD fluctuations and magnetic shear at the magnetopause - Fall AGU, December 1998 - San Francisco CA
  • Transition from magnetopause reconnection to magnetotail reconnection for southward IMF - Fall AGU, December 1998 - San Francisco CA
  • COSPAR, 1998 - Japan
  • Space Weather, August 1998 - Michigan
  • Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Global Numerical Simulations, July 1998 - Taiwan
  • Magnetopause location prediction - Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, July 1998 - Taiwan
  • On large amplitude MHD waves in high beta plasma - Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, July 1998 - Taiwan
  • Prediction of the magnetosheath for space weather program - Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, July 1998 - Taiwan
  • Interball observations, June 1998 - Portugal
  • GGCM phase 1 model runs with the BATS-R-US code - Spring AGU, May 1998 - Boston MA
  • Identification of mirror waves by the phase difference between perturbed magnetic field and plasmas - Spring AGU, May 1998 - Boston MA
  • Polar Observations of Magnetosheath plasmas - Spring AGU, May 1998 - Boston MA
  • Polar Observations of Magnetosheath plasmas: - Spring AGU, May 1998 - Boston MA
  • The response of the global magnetosphere-ionosphere system to changing IMF conditions - Spring AGU, May 1998 - Boston MA
  • Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling for various IMF conditions: Results of a 3D AMR MHD simulation - Fall AGU, December 1997 - San Francisco CA
  • Structure of the flunk magnetopause for horizontal IMF: Interball observations - Fall AGU, December 1997 - San Francisco CA
  • Formation of the Magnetospheric Boundary Layer, October 1997 - Michigan
  • , August 1997 - Sweden
  • TIDE measurements of thermal plasma properties, August 1997 - Sweden
  • A model of solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling for northward IMF - Spring AGU, May 1997 - Baltimore MD
  • Magnetopause location on January 11, 1997 event - Spring AGU, May 1997 - Baltimore MD
  • Modeling of the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling with a 3D adaptive MHD model - Spring AGU, May 1997 - Baltimore MD
  • , February 1997 - Germany
  • Space Weather, January 1997 - Colorado
  • Space Weather Workshop, January 1997 - Colorado
  • Fall AGU, December 1996 - San Francisco CA
  • Consequence of the interaction of the bow shock with solar wind discontinuities - Fall AGU, December 1996 - San Francisco CA
  • Consequence of the interaction of the bow shock with solar wind discontinuities - Fall AGU, December 1996 - San Francisco CA
  • Derivation of temperature anisotropy from shock jump relations: Theory and observations - Fall AGU, December 1996 - San Francisco CA
  • Properties of the ELF emissions in the dayside magnetopause - Fall AGU, December 1996 - San Francisco CA
  • Theory and observations - Fall AGU, December 1996 - San Francisco CA
  • , 1996 - UK
  • A correlative study of the magnetosheath using Geotail and Wind data and Gasdynamic model, July 1996 - UK
  • What do we really know about the magnetosheath, July 1996 - UK
  • Standing Slow Shock in a Collisionless Magnetized Flow, May 1996 - Alabama
  • A correlative study of the magnetosheath using Geotail and Wind data and Gasdynamic model - Fall AGU Meeting, December 1995 - San Fancisco CA
  • A statistical study of large scale fluctuations in the magnetosheath - Fall AGU Meeting, December 1995 - San Fancisco CA
  • The relationship between ELF-VLF waves and magnetic shear at the dayside magnetopause - Fall AGU Meeting, December 1995 - San Francisco CA
  • What Do We Know 51ÊÓƵ the Magnetosheath, October 1995 - Michigan
  • Center for Space Science and Applied Research, September 1995 - Beijing China
  • IUGG, July 1995 - Colorado
  • XXI General Assembly, July 1995 - Colorado
  • Large scale structures in the magnetosheath - GEM Workshop, June 1995 - Colorado
  • Magnetosheath Structure - GEM Workshop, June 1995 - Colorado
  • Large scale structures in the magnetosheath - Spring AGU, May 1995 - Baltimore MD
  • Uncertainties in plasma measurements: - Spring AGU, May 1995 - Baltimore MD
  • On Large Amplitude MHD Waves in High Beta Plasmas, March 1995
  • MIT Workshop on the Physics of Space Plasmas, February 1995 - Bermuda
  • Magnetosheath Studies: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, April 1994 - Taiwan
  • Identification of the Low Frequency Fluctuations in the Terrestrial Magnetosheath, March 1994 - Los Angeles CA
  • Modelling the Low-Latitude Boundary Layer with Reconnection Entry, November 1993
  • Identification of the Low Frequency Fluctuations in the Terrestrial Magnetosheath, August 1993 - Boulder CO
  • Identification of the Low Frequency Fluctuations in the Terrestrial Magnetosheath,, May 1993 - Boulder CO
  • Recent Progress in the Magnetosheath Research, October 1992 - Boulder CO
  • The Magnetopause Study: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, September 1992
  • The Magnetopause Study: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, July 1992 - Boulder CO
  • Current Status of Magnetopause Studies, March 1992
  • The Dayside Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction, September 1991 - Alaska
  • The Subsolar Magnetopause and Surrounding Plasma Layers, August 1991 - Boulder CO
  • Formation of the Low Latitude Boundary Layer, May 1991 - Los Angeles CA
  • Slow Mode Transition in the Frontside Magnetosheath, October 1990 - Los Angeles CA
  • Solar Wind Interacting with the Earth's Magnetosphere, June 1990
  • Wave Properties near the Magnetopause, January 1990 - New Mexico
  • Structure of the Magnetopause, November 1989 - Los Angeles CA
  • ISEE Observations of the Oscillating Magnetopause, May 1988 - Los Angeles CA

Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research

  • Investigation of Magnetosphere and Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling Through a Sel (2012), Grant -
    Song, P. (Principal)
  • GIRO Income Account (2014), -
    Song, P. (Principal)
  • Coupling Between Plasma and Neutrals: Theoretical Development and Applications t (2010), Grant -
    Song, P. (Principal)
  • GIRO Income Account (2010), -
    Song, P. (Principal)