Observation, theoretical modeling, and numerical simulation of the plasma processes in the space weather and solar system.
Research Interests
Geophysics, Space Physics, Space Plasma Physics
- Ph D: Geophysics and Space Physics, (1991), University of California - Los Angeles California
- MS: Space Physics, (1986), Institute of Space Physics - Beijing China
- BA: Infared Remote Sensing, (1982), Shandong University - Jinan China
Selected Awards and Honors
- Who's Who In America
- Who's Who In Science and Engineering
- Excellence in Research (2005) - University of Massachusetts Lowell
- Teaching Excellence Award (2002) - University of Massachusetts Lowell
- Excellent Referee (2001) - American Geophysical Union
- Outstanding Thesis Award (1987) - The Academy of Sciences of China
Selected Publications
- Al Shidi, Q., Cohen, O., Song, P., Tu, J. (2018). Time-Dependent Two-Fluid Magnetohydrodynamic Model and Simulation of the Chromosphere. Sol. Phys., submitted.
- Tu, J., Song, P. (2016). A two-dimensional global simulation study of inductive-dynamic magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. J. Geophys. Res., 121 doi: 10.1002/2016JA023393.
- Wang, Y., Tu, J., Song, P. (2016). Mass loading at the magnetopause through the plasmaspheric plume. J. Geophys. Res., 121 doi: 10.1002/2016JA022395.
- Wang, Y., Tu, J., Song, P. (2015). A new dynamic fluid-kinetic model for plasma transport within the plasmasphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 120(10) 8486–8502.
- Song, P. (2015). Substorms: Ionospheric Manifestation of Magnetospheric Disturbances.
- Vesnin, A.M., Galkin, I., Song, P. (2015). Validation of F2 layer peak height and density by Real-Time IRI (pp. 1–1).
- Song, P., Vasyliunas, V. (2014). Effect of horizontally inhomogeneous heating on flow and magnetic field in the chromosphere of the sun. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 796(2).
- Wang, Y., Tu, J., Song, P. (2014). A new dynamic fluid-kinetic model for plasma transport in the plasmasphere (1: pp. 4203).
- Tu, J., Song, P. (2014). Assessing Locations of Energy Transfer/Deposit in the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System (1: pp. 05).
- Galkin, I., Reinisch, B., Huang, X., Vesnin, A., Bilitza, D., Song, P. (2014). Global Real-Time Nowcasting of Ionosphere with Giro-Driven Assimilative IRI (1: pp. 02).
- Song, P., Tu, J. (2014). Ionospheric Ion Upflows Associated with the Alfven Wave Heating (1: pp. 4267).
- Vasyliunas, V., Song, P. (2014). Relative Importance of Thermosphere/Ionosphere in Magnetospheric Eletrodynamics at Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn (1: pp. 4297).
- Ozhogin, P., Song, P., Tu, J., Reinisch, B. (2014). Evaluating the diffusive equilibrium models: Comparison with the IMAGE RPI field-aligned electron density measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119(6) 4400-4411.
- Tu, J., Song, P., Vasyliunas, V. (2014). Inductive-dynamic magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling via MHD waves. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119(1) 530-547.
- Tu, J., Song, P. (2013). A study of alfvén wave propagation and heating the chromosphere. Astrophysical Journal, 777(1).
- Vasyliunas, V., Song, P. (2013). Chromospheric Circulation Driven by Horizontally Inhomogeneous Heating (1: pp. 2096).
- Song, P., Vasyliunas, V. (2013). Inductive-dynamic coupling of the ionosphere with the thermosphere and the magnetosphere. Geophysical Monograph Series, 201 201-215.
- Song, P., Vasyliunas, V. (2013). Magnetosphere-ionosphere Dynamic Coupling: Reflection and Transmission for Alfven Waves (1: pp. 08).
- Song, P., Vasyliunas, V. (2012). A Model of the Chromosphere: Heating, Structures, and Convection (1: pp. 2257).
- Ozhogin, P., Tu, J., Song, P., Reinisch, B.W. (2012). Field-aligned distribution of the plasmaspheric electron density: An empirical model derived from the IMAGE RPI measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 117(6).
- Ozhogin, P., Song, P., Tu, J., Reinisch, B. (2012). Field-aligned Electron Density Measurements and Comparison with Diffusive Equilibrium Models (1: pp. 2228).
- Tu, J., Song, P. (2012). Simulation studies of long-range magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling via MHD waves (1: pp. 2173).
- Song, P., Vasylinas, V.M. (2011). Heating of the solar atmosphere by strong damping of Alfvén waves. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 116(9).
- Tu, J., Song, P., Vasylinas, V.M. (2011). Ionosphere/thermosphere heating determined from dynamic magnetosphere-ionosphere/thermosphere coupling. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 116(9).
- Shue, J.H., Chen, Y.S., Hsieh, W.C., Nowada, M., Lee, B.S., Song, P., Russell, C.T., Angelopoulos, V., Glassmeier, K.H., McFadden, J.P., Larson, D. (2011). Uneven compression levels of Earth's magnetic fields by shocked solar wind. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 116(2).
- Yang, B., Zong, Q.G., Wang, Y.F., Fu, S.Y., Song, P., Fu, H.S., Korth, A., Tian, T., Reme, H. (2010). Cluster observations of simultaneous resonant interactions of ULF waves with energetic electrons and thermal ion species in the inner magnetosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 115 0-0.
- Zong, Q.G., Reinisch, B.W., Song, P., Wei, Y., Galkin, I.A. (2010). Dayside ionospheric response to the intense interplanetary shocks-solar wind discontinuities: Observations from the digisonde global ionospheric radio observatory. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 115(6).
- Fu, H.S., Tu, J., Cao, J.B., Song, P., Reinisch, B.W., Gallagher, D.L., Yang, B. (2010). IMAGE and DMSP observations of a density trough inside the plasmasphere. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 115(7).
- Paznukhov, V.V., Sales, G.S., Bibl, K., Reinisch, B.W., Song, P., Huang, X., Galkin, I. (2010). Impedance characteristics of an active antenna at whistler mode frequencies. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 115(9).
- Fu, H.S., Tu, J., Song, P., Cao, J.B., Reinisch, B.W., Yang, B. (2010). The nightside-to-dayside evolution of the inner magnetosphere: Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration Radio Plasma Imager observations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 115 0-0.
- Shue, J.H., Chao, J.K., Song, P., McFadden, J.P., Suvorova, A., Angelopoulos, V., Glassmeier, K.H., Plaschke, F. (2009). Anomalous magnetosheath flows and distorted subsolar magnetopause for radial interplanetary magnetic fields. Geophysical Research Letters, 36(18).
- Zong, Q.G., Zhou, X.Z., Wang, Y.F., Li, X., Song, P., Baker, D.N., Fritz, T.A., Daly, P.W., Dunlop, M., Pedersen, A. (2009). Energetic electron response to ULF waves induced by interplanetary shocks in the outer radiation belt. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 114(10).
- Song, P., Vasyliunas, V.M., Zhou, X.Z. (2009). Magnetosphere-ionosphere/thermosphere coupling: Self-consistent solutions for a one-dimensional stratified ionosphere in three-fluid theory. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 114(8).
- Zhou, X.Z., Pu, Z.Y., Zong, Q.G., Song, P., Fu, S.Y., Wang, J., Zhang, H. (2009). On the error estimation of multi-spacecraft timing method. Annales Geophysicae, 27(10) 3949-3955.
- Song, P., Foster, J.C., Mendillo, M., Bilitza, D. (2008). AIP Conference Proceedings: Preface. AIP Conference Proceedings, 974 0-0.
- Savin, S., Amata, E., Zelenyi, L., Budaev, V., Consolini, G., Treumann, R., Lucek, E., Safrankova, J., Nemecek, Z., Khotyaintsev, Y., Andre, M., Buechner, J., Alleyne, H., Song, P., Blecki, J., Rauch, J.L., Romanov, S., Klimov, S., Skalsky, A. (2008). High energy jets in the Earth's magnetosheath: Implications for plasma dynamics and anomalous transport. JETP Letters, 87(11) 593-599.
- Starks, M.J., Quinn, R.A., Ginet, G.P., Albert, J.M., Sales, G.S., Reinisch, B.W., Song, P. (2008). Illumination of the plasmasphere by terrestrial very low frequency transmitters: Model validation. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 113(9).
- Nsumei, P.A., Song, P., Reinisch, B.W., Tu, J., Huang, X. (2008). Ionospheric electron upflow in the polar cap region: Derived from ISIS 2 measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 113(3).
- Du, J., Wang, C., Song, P., Zhang, T. (2008). Low-frequency fluctuations in the magnetosheath: Double Star TC-1 and Cluster observations. Science in China, Series E: Technological Sciences, 51(10) 1626-1638.
- Tu, J., Song, P., Reinisch, B.W. (2008). Plasma sheath structures around a radio frequency antenna. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 113(7).
- Nsumei, P.A., Reinisch, B.W., Song, P., Tu, J., Huang, X. (2008). Polar cap electron density distribution from IMAGE radio plasma imager measurements: Empirical model with the effects of solar illumination and geomagnetic activity. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 113(1).
- Song, P. (2008). Radio soundings and plasma physics : 2007 Radio Plasma Imager Science Team Meeting, April 27, 2007; Radio Sounding and Plasma Physics Symposium, April 29, 2007; XI International Digisonde Forum, April 30-May 3, 2007 / editors, Paul Song ... [et. al.].
- Zong, Q.G., Fu, S.Y., Baker, D.N., Goldstein, M.L., Song, P., Slavin, J.A., Fritz, T.A., Cao, J.B., Amm, O., Frey, H., Korth, A., Daly, P.W., Reme, H., Pedersen, A. (2007). Earthward flowing plasmoid: Structure and its related ionospheric signature. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 112(7).
- Tu, J.N., Dhar, M., Song, P., Reinisch, B.W., Green, J.L., Benson, R.F., Coster, A.J. (2007). Extreme polar cap density enhancements along magnetic field lines during an intense geomagnetic storm. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 112(5).
- Paznukhov, V.V., Reinisch, B.W., Song, P., Huang, X., Bullett, T.W., Veliz, O. (2007). Formation of an F3 layer in the equatorial ionosphere: A result from strong IMF changes. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 69(10-11 SPEC. ISS.) 1292-1304.
- Song, P., Reinisch, B.W., Paznukhov, V., Sales, G., Cooke, D., Tu, J.N., Huang, X., Bibl, K., Galkin, I. (2007). High-voltage antenna-plasma interaction in whistler wave transmission: Plasma sheath effects. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 112(3).
- Tu, J., Song, P., Reinisch, B.W., Green, J.L. (2007). Smooth electron density transition from plasmasphere to the subauroral region. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 112(5).
- Zong, Q.G., Zhou, X.Z., Li, X., Song, P., Fu, S.Y., Baker, D.N., Pu, Z.Y., Fritz, T.A., Daly, P., Balogh, A., Réme, H. (2007). Ultralow frequency modulation of energetic particles in the dayside magnetosphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 34(12).
- Tu, J., Song, P., Reinisch, B.W., Green, J.L., Huang, X. (2006). Empirical specification of field-aligned plasma density profiles for plasmasphere refilling. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 111(6).
- Savin, S., Amata, E., Andre, M., Dunlop, M., Khotyaintsev, Y., Decreau, P.M., Rauch, J.L., Trotignon, J.G., Buechner, J., Nikutowski, B., Blecki, J., Skalsky, A., Romanov, S., Zelenyi, L., Buckley, A.M., Carozzi, T.D., Gough, M.P., Song, P., Reme, H., Volosevich, A., Alleyne, H., Panov, E. (2006). Experimental study of nonlinear interaction of plasma flow with charged thin current sheets: 2. Hall dynamics, mass and momentum transfer. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 13(4).
- Song, P., Russell, C.T., Gosling, J.T., Thomsen, M.F., Elphic, R.C. (2005). Comment on "Steady state slow shock inside the Earth's magnetosheath: To be or not to be? 1. The original observation revisited" by D. Hubert and A. Samsonov. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 110(A11).
- Tu, J., Song, P., Reinisch, B.W., Huang, X., Green, J.L., Frey, H.U., Reiff, P.H. (2005). Electron density images of the middle- And high-latitude magnetosphere in response to the solar wind. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 110(A12).
- Savin, S., Skalsky, A., Zelenyi, L., Avanov, L., Borodkova, N., Klimov, S., Lutsenko, V., Panov, E., Romanov, S., Smirnov, V., Yermolaev, Y., Song, P., Amata, E., Consolini, G., Fritz, T.A., Buechner, J., Nikutowski, B., Blecki, J., Farrugia, C., Maynard, N., Pickett, J., Sauvaud, J.A., Rauch, J.L., Trotignon, J.G., Khotyaintsev, Y., Stasiewicz, K. (2005). Magnetosheath interaction with the high latitude magnetopause. Surveys in Geophysics, 26(1-3) 95-133.
- Vasyliunas, V.M., Song, P. (2005). Meaning of ionospheric Joule heating. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 110(A2).
- Song, P., Vasyliunas, V.M., Ma, L. (2005). Solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling: Neutral atmosphere effects on signal propagation. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 110(A9).
- Huang, X., Reinisch, B.W., Song, P., Green, J.L., Gallagher, D.L. (2004). Developing an empirical density model of the plasmasphere using IMAGE/RPI observations. Advances in Space Research, 33(6) 829-832.
- Savin, S.P., Zelenyi, L.M., Amata, E., Buechner, J., Blecki, J., Klimov, S.I., Nikutowski, B., Rauch, J.L., Romanov, S.A., Skalsky, A.A., Smirnov, V.N., Song, P., Stasiewicz, K. (2004). Dynamic interaction of plasma flow with the hot boundary layer of a geomagnetic trap. JETP Letters, 79(8) 368-371.
- Reinisch, B.W., Huang, X., Song, P., Green, J.L., Fung, S.F., Vasyliunas, V.M., Gallagher, D.L., Sandel, B.R. (2004). Plasmaspheric mass loss and refilling as a result of a magnetic storm. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 109(A1).
- Tu, J.N., Horwitz, J.L., Nsumei, P.A., Song, P., Huang, X.Q., Reinisch, B.W. (2004). Simulation of polar cap field-aligned electron density profiles measured with the IMAGE radio plasma imager. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 109(A7).
- Nsumei, P.A., Huang, X., Reinisch, B.W., Song, P., Vasyliunas, V.M., Green, J.L., Fung, S.F., Benson, R.F., Gallagher, D.L. (2003). Electron density distribution over the northern polar region deduced from IMAGE/radio plasma imager sounding. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 108(A2).
- Huang, C.S., Foster, J.C., Reeves, G.D., Watermann, J., Sastri, J.H., Yumoto, K., Song, P. (2003). Global magnetospheric-ionospheric oscillations initiated by a solar wind pressure impulse. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 108(A6).
- Tu, J.N., Horwitz, J.L., Song, P., Huang, X.Q., Reinisch, B.W., Richards, P.G. (2003). Simulating plasmaspheric field-aligned density profiles measured with IMAGE/RPI: Effects of plasmasphere refilling and ion heating. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 108(A1).
- Yang, Y.H., Chao, J.K., Lin, C.H., Shue, J.H., Wang, X.Y., Song, P., Russell, C.T., Lepping, R.P., Lazarus, A.J. (2002). Comparison of three magnetopause prediction models under extreme solar wind conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 107(A1).
- Song, P., Russell, C.T. (2002). Flow in the magnetosheath: The legacy of John Spreiter. Planetary and Space Science, 50(5-6) 447-460.
- Huang, C.S., Foster, J.C., Song, P., Sofko, G.J., Frank, L.A., Paterson, W.R. (2002). Geotail observations of magnetospheric midtail during an extended period of strongly northward interplanetary magnetic field. Geophysical Research Letters, 29(4) 15-1.
- Savin, S., Zelenyi, L., Maynard, N., Sandahl, I., Kawano, H., Russell, C.T., Romanov, S., Amata, E., Avanov, L., Blecki, J., Buechner, J., Consolini, G., Gustafsson, G., Klimov, S., Marcucci, F., Nemecek, Z., Nikutowski, B., Pickett, J., Rauch, J.L., Safrankova, J., Skalsky, A., Smirnov, V., Stasiewicz, K., Song, P., Trotignon, J.G., Yermolaev, Y. (2002). Multi-spacecraft tracing of turbulent boundary layer. Advances in Space Research, 30(12) 2821-2830.
- Savin, S., Büchner, J., Consolini, G., Nikutowski, B., Zelenyi, L., Amata, E., Auster, H.U., Blecki, J., Dubinin, E., Fornacon, K.H., Kawano, H., Klimov, S., Marcucci, F., Nemecek, Z., Pedersen, A., Rauch, J.L., Romanov, S., Safrankova, J., Sauvaud, J.A., Skalsky, A., Song, P., Yermolaev, Y. (2002). On the properties of turbulent boundary layer over polar cusps. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 9(5-6) 443-451.
- Song, P., Vasyliunas, V.M. (2002). Solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling: Signal arrival time and perturbation relations. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 107(A11).
- Shue, J.H., Song, P. (2002). The location and shape of the magnetopause. Planetary and Space Science, 50(5-6) 549-558.
- Shue, J.H., Song, P., Russell, C.T., Thomsen, M.F., Petrinec, S.M. (2001). Dependence of magnetopause erosion on southward interplanetary magnetic field. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 106(A9) 18777-18788.
- Song, P., DeZeeuw, D.L., Gombosi, T.I., Kozyra, J.U., Powell, K.G. (2001). Global MHD simulations for southward IMF: A pair of wings in the flanks. Advances in Space Research, 28(12) 1763-1771.
- Reinisch, B.W., Huang, X., Song, P., Sales, G.S., Fung, S.F., Green, J.L., Gallagher, D.L., Vasyliunas, V.M. (2001). Plasma density distribution along the magnetospheric field: RPI observations from image. Geophysical Research Letters, 28(24) 4521-4524.
- Song, P., Kozyra, J.U., Chandler, M.O., Russell, C.T., Peterson, W.K., Trattner, K.J., Friedel, R.H., Shue, J.H., Moore, T.E., Ogilvie, K.W., Lepping, R.P., McComas, D.J. (2001). Polar observations and model predictions during May 4, 1998, magnetopause, magnetosheath, and bow shock crossings. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 106(A9) 18927-18942.
- Song, P. (2001). Special section: Space weather, Part I - Foreword. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 106(A10).
- Song, P., Gombosi, T.I., Ridley, A.J. (2001). Three-fluid Ohm's law. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 106(A5).
- Savin, S.P., Zelenyi, L.M., Romanov, S.A., Klimov, S.I., Skalsky, A.A., Galeev, A.A., Smirnov, V.N., Nozdrachev, M.N., Yermolaev, Y.I., Avanov, L.A., Amata, E., Blecki, J., Buechner, J., Nikutowski, B., Dubinin, É.M., Nemecek, Z., Safrankova, J., Pedersen, A., Rauch, J.L., Rustenbach, J., Sauvaud, J.A., Song, P., Stasiewicz, K. (2001). Turbulent boundary layer at the border of geomagnetic trap. JETP Letters, 74(11) 547-551.
Selected Presentations
- Fall AGU, - San Francisco CA
- Next generation of magnetosphere-ionosphere/thermosphere coupling models, September 2012 - Boston MA
- Next generation of magnetosphere-ionosphere/thermosphere coupling models, May 2012 - Cape Town South Africa
- Heating of the solar atmosphere by strong damping of Alfv_n waves, January 2012 - LA CA
- Next generation of magnetosphere-ionosphere/thermosphere coupling models, January 2012 - Albuquerque NM
- A Structured Ionosphere with Self-consistent Electromagnetic Fields,, April 2011 - Lowell MA
- Heating of the solar atmosphere by strong damping of Alfv_n waves, April 2011 - Cambridge MA
- A Structured Ionosphere with Self-consistent Electromagnetic Fields, January 2011 - Dartmouth MA
- Radiation Belt Remediation, December 2010 - Lowell MA
- , February 2009 - Los Angeles CA
- A New Paradigm, September 2008 - Lowell MA
- A New Paradigm, October 2007 - Lindau Germany
- Radio Sounding Technology & Space Physics Applications physics, February 2007 - Lowell MA
- adio Sounding Technology & Space Physics Applications, July 2006 - Beijing China
- A three fluid approach, March 2006 - Lowell MA
- A three fluid approach, February 2006 - Boston MA
- Fall AGU Meeting, December 2005 - San Francisco
- , October 2005 - New Delhi India
- Radio Sounding Technology and Space Physics Applications, June 2005 - Cambridge MA
- Radio Sounding Technology and Space Weather Applications, May 2005 - Boston MA
- Spring AGU Meeting, May 2005 - New Orleans, LA
- 4th Annual International Astrophysical Conference, February 2005 - Palm Springs, CA
- URSI National Meeting, January 2005 - Boulder, CO
- Fall AGU Meeting, December 2004 - San Francisco CA
- Tu, Extending the IRI Topside Electron Density Profiles to Several Re using IMAGE/RPI Measurements, - Fall AGU Meeting, December 2004
- Nuclear and Plasma Sciences, December 2004
- Lower Limit Of Plasma Densities At The Beginning Of Plasmaspheric Flux Tube Refilling - Fall AGU Meeting, 2004 - San Francisco CA
- Air Force Research, November 2004
- AGU Western Pacific Meeting, August 2004 - Honolulu HI
- Spring AGU Meeting, May 2004 - Montreal Canada
- Imaging the Magnetosphere, April 2004
- Plasma sheath surround high-voltage antenna, April 2004 - Lowell MA
- Multiscale Coupling of Sun-Earth Processes, - Conference on Sun-Earth Connection, February 2004 - Kailua-Kona, HI
- URSI National Radio Science Meeting, January 2004 - Boulder CO
- Artificial Depletion of the Relativistic Electrons in the Radiation Belt - Fall AGU Meeting, December 2003 - San Francisco CA
- Latitudinal variation of the electron density over the northern polar cusp from RPI/IMAGE observations - Fall AGU Meeting, December 2003 - San Francisco CA
- Modeling polar cap field-aligned electron density profiles measured with IMAGE Radio Plasma Imager - Fall AGU Meeting, December 2003 - San Francisco CA
- Monitoring the Ground-Based VLF transmissions from Space using IMAGE/RPI - Fall AGU Meeting, December 2003 - San Francisco CA
- Remote Radio Sounding for JIMO - Fall AGU Meeting, December 2003 - San Francisco CA
- AMS annual meeting, September 2003 - Seattle WA
- , January 2003 - Lowell MA
- , January 2003 - Standford University
- RPI Science Meeting, January 2003 - Lowell MA
- Fall AGU, December 2002 - San Francisco CA
- Fall AGU, December 2002 - San Francisco CA
- Fall AGU, December 2002 - San Francisco CA
- 2nd World Space Congress and 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, October 2002 - Houston TX
- COSPAR, October 2002 - Houston TX
- COSPAR, October 2002 - Houston TX
- COSPAR, October 2002 - Houston TX
- COSPAR, October 2002 - Houston TX
- URSI General Assembly, Maastricht, August 2002 - The Netherlands
- Radio plasma imager observation of magnetostorm effects on the plasmaspheric density distribution - URSI General Assembly, Maastricht, August 2002 - The Netherlands
- XXVIIth URSI General Assembly, August 2002 - The Netherlands
- A model of solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction for northward IMF,, July 2002 - Toyokawa Japan
- Active Wave Experiments, Center of Space Science and Applied Technology,, July 2002 - Beijing China
- , July 2002 - Beijing China
- Inversion of RPI/IMAGE plasmagram - GEM Workshops, June 2002 - Colorado
- Measuring the Plasma Density Along the Magnetic Field: A Radio Sounding Technique - GEM Workshops, June 2002 - Colorado
- The Variation of High Latitude Electron Density Distribution with Geomagnetic Activity deduced from IMAGE/RPI Sounding - GEM Workshops, June 2002 - Colorado
- The Variation of High Latitude Electron Density Distribution with Geomagnetic Activity deduced from IMAGE/RPI Sounding - GEM Workshops, June 2002 - Colorado
- , June 2002 - Tokyo Japan
- Field-Aligned Plasma Density Profiles Derived from RPI Plasma Sounding, Ionospheric Effect Symposium, May 2002 - Virginia
- Green, Effects of Magnetostorms on the Plasmaspheric Density Distribution, Ionospheric Effect Symposium, May 2002 - Virginia
- Ionospheric Effect Symposium, May 2002 - Virginia
- RPI Case Studies, Ionospheric Effect Symposium, May 2002 - Virginia
- A high latitude electron density model derived from IMAGE/RPI sounding, - Spring AGU, May 2002 - Washington DC
- Can field-aligned propagation satisfy the propagation requirement of index of refraction? - Spring AGU, May 2002 - Washington DC
- Depletion and refilling of the plasmasphere as a results of a magnetostorm - Spring AGU, May 2002 - Washington DC
- Dispersion relation and perturbation relation for a three-fluid plasma - Spring AGU, May 2002 - Washington DC
- Empty flux tube and plasmasphere refilling as seen by IMAGE - Spring AGU, May 2002 - Washington DC
- Simulating plasmasphere field-aligned density profiles measured with IMAGE/RPI: Effects of ion heating and refilling - Spring AGU, May 2002 - Washington DC
- A Radio Sounding Technique, February 2002 - California
- Aligned Radio Wave Propagation in the Plasmasphere Observed with IMAGE/RPI", - AGU Fall Meeting, December 2001 - San Francisco CA
- Changes in the Plasma Density Content in the Inner Magnetosphere During the March 31, 2001 event - AGU Fall Meeting, December 2001 - San Francisco CA
- Electron Density Distribution Over the Northern Polar Cap Deduced from IMAGE/RPI Sounding - AGU Fall Meeting, December 2001 - San Francisco CA
- Inner Magnetospheric Plasma Density Distribution as a Function of Latitude and L-Shell - AGU Fall Meeting, December 2001 - San Francisco CA
- Measuring the Plasma Density Along the Magnetic Field - AGU Fall Meeting, December 2001 - San Francisco CA
- Sounding the Magnetosphere, November 2001 - Los Angeles CA
- Direct Measurements of the Ionospheric Current - URSI, July 2001 - Boston MA
- Dynamic Processes of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling: A Three-fluid Treatment - URSI, July 2001 - Boston MA
- Electron density distributions along magnetic field lines in the magnetosphere deduced from RPI plasmagrams - URSI, July 2001 - Boston MA
- Observations of ducts in the plasmasphere by RPI - URSI, July 2001 - Boston MA
- A Study of Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Modulations of HAARP-RPI Experiments, - Spring AGU, May 2001 - Boston MA
- Comparison of Three Magnetopause Prediction Models Under Extreme Solar-Wind Conditions - Spring AGU, May 2001 - Boston MA
- Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere/Thermosphere Coupling - Spring AGU, May 2001 - Boston MA
- , April 2001 - New Orlean LA
- A model of solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction for northward IMF, January 2001 - Nashua NH
- Fall AGU, December 2000 - San Francisco CA
- Direct Measurements of the Ionospheric Current - Fall AGU, December 2000 - San Francisco CA
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling: Three-fluid Generalized Ohm's Law - Fall AGU, December 2000 - San Francisco CA
- Observations of reconnection pulses at high latitudes by INTERBALL-TAIL,MAGION-4 and POLAR under a dominant Y-component of IMF - Fall AGU, December 2000 - San Francisco CA
- The Dayside Magnetosheath - Fall AGU, December 2000 - San Francisco CA
- The location and shape of the magnetopause - Fall AGU, December 2000 - San Francisco CA
- A model of solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction for northward IMF, November 2000
- Three-fluid theory of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, November 2000 - Lowell MA
- , October 2000 - Los Angeles CA
- S-RAMP Conference, October 2000 - Japan
- Magnetosheath Workshop, September 2000 - Turkey
- Magnetopause Studies: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow,, May 2000 - Lowell MA
- On the magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere interaction: A three-fluid treatment - Spring Meeting, May 2000 - DC
- POLAR-Interbal coordinated observations of plasma characteristics in the northern and southern distant cusps - Spring Meeting, May 2000 - DC
- Relationship between solar wind and plasma sheet density and between solar wind velocity and plasma sheet temperature in a series global MHD simulations - Spring Meeting, May 2000 - DC
- Solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere momentum coupling: A new mechanism - Spring Meeting, May 2000 - DC
- , April 2000 - France
- Results from global MHD simulations, April 2000 - France
- Multiscale MHD simulations of Sun-Earth connection - Chapman Conference on Space Weather, March 2000 - Clear Water FL
- Prediction of the Magnetopause, Magnetosheath and Bow Shock - Chapman Conference on Space Weather, March 2000 - Clear Water FL
- Specification of magnetosheath conditions - Chapman Conference on Space Weather, March 2000 - Clear Water FL
- ISTP Workshop, March 2000 - Greenbelt MD
- , March 2000 - Greenbelt MD
- A model of solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction for northward IMF, January 2000 - Leicester UK
- A model of solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction for northward IMF, January 2000 - Leicester UK
- Global responses to an IMF turning from south to north - Fall AGU, December 1999 - San Francisco CA
- Turbulent boundary layer in exterior cusp and tail - Fall AGU, December 1999 - San Francisco CA
- A model of solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction for northward IMF, November 1999 - California
- A model of solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction for northward IMF, October 1999 - Ann Arbor
- Cluster II Workshop on Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, September 1999 - London UK
- , July 1999
- A numerical study of solar wind-magnetosphere interaction for northward IMF - Spring AGU, June 1999 - Boston MA
- Dependence of the magnetopause erosion on southward IMF - Spring AGU, June 1999 - Boston MA
- On the processes in the terrestrial magnetosheath - Spring AGU, June 1999 - Boston MA
- POLAR magnetosheath observations on May 4, 1998, - Spring AGU, June 1999 - Boston MA
- The extreme compression of the magnetosphere, May 4, 1998, as observed by the Polar spacecraft - Spring AGU, June 1999 - Boston MA
- Dependence of the magnetopause erosion on southward IMF - ISTP Workshop, April 1999 - Washington DC
- POLAR magnetosheath observations on May 4, 1998 - ISTP Workshop, April 1999 - Washington DC
- Processes in the magnetosheath, March 1999 - California
- Wave analysis, March 1999 - California
- Global Mapping and convection for northward IMF - Fall AGU, December 1998 - San Francisco CA
- Interball observations of exterior cusp: Evidence for open magnetosphere configuration - Fall AGU, December 1998 - San Francisco CA
- The relationship between low-frequency MHD fluctuations and magnetic shear at the magnetopause - Fall AGU, December 1998 - San Francisco CA
- Transition from magnetopause reconnection to magnetotail reconnection for southward IMF - Fall AGU, December 1998 - San Francisco CA
- COSPAR, 1998 - Japan
- Space Weather, August 1998 - Michigan
- Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Global Numerical Simulations, July 1998 - Taiwan
- Magnetopause location prediction - Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, July 1998 - Taiwan
- On large amplitude MHD waves in high beta plasma - Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, July 1998 - Taiwan
- Prediction of the magnetosheath for space weather program - Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, July 1998 - Taiwan
- Interball observations, June 1998 - Portugal
- GGCM phase 1 model runs with the BATS-R-US code - Spring AGU, May 1998 - Boston MA
- Identification of mirror waves by the phase difference between perturbed magnetic field and plasmas - Spring AGU, May 1998 - Boston MA
- Polar Observations of Magnetosheath plasmas - Spring AGU, May 1998 - Boston MA
- Polar Observations of Magnetosheath plasmas: - Spring AGU, May 1998 - Boston MA
- The response of the global magnetosphere-ionosphere system to changing IMF conditions - Spring AGU, May 1998 - Boston MA
- Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling for various IMF conditions: Results of a 3D AMR MHD simulation - Fall AGU, December 1997 - San Francisco CA
- Structure of the flunk magnetopause for horizontal IMF: Interball observations - Fall AGU, December 1997 - San Francisco CA
- Formation of the Magnetospheric Boundary Layer, October 1997 - Michigan
- , August 1997 - Sweden
- TIDE measurements of thermal plasma properties, August 1997 - Sweden
- A model of solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling for northward IMF - Spring AGU, May 1997 - Baltimore MD
- Magnetopause location on January 11, 1997 event - Spring AGU, May 1997 - Baltimore MD
- Modeling of the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling with a 3D adaptive MHD model - Spring AGU, May 1997 - Baltimore MD
- , February 1997 - Germany
- Space Weather, January 1997 - Colorado
- Space Weather Workshop, January 1997 - Colorado
- Fall AGU, December 1996 - San Francisco CA
- Consequence of the interaction of the bow shock with solar wind discontinuities - Fall AGU, December 1996 - San Francisco CA
- Consequence of the interaction of the bow shock with solar wind discontinuities - Fall AGU, December 1996 - San Francisco CA
- Derivation of temperature anisotropy from shock jump relations: Theory and observations - Fall AGU, December 1996 - San Francisco CA
- Properties of the ELF emissions in the dayside magnetopause - Fall AGU, December 1996 - San Francisco CA
- Theory and observations - Fall AGU, December 1996 - San Francisco CA
- , 1996 - UK
- A correlative study of the magnetosheath using Geotail and Wind data and Gasdynamic model, July 1996 - UK
- What do we really know about the magnetosheath, July 1996 - UK
- Standing Slow Shock in a Collisionless Magnetized Flow, May 1996 - Alabama
- A correlative study of the magnetosheath using Geotail and Wind data and Gasdynamic model - Fall AGU Meeting, December 1995 - San Fancisco CA
- A statistical study of large scale fluctuations in the magnetosheath - Fall AGU Meeting, December 1995 - San Fancisco CA
- The relationship between ELF-VLF waves and magnetic shear at the dayside magnetopause - Fall AGU Meeting, December 1995 - San Francisco CA
- What Do We Know 51ÊÓƵ the Magnetosheath, October 1995 - Michigan
- Center for Space Science and Applied Research, September 1995 - Beijing China
- IUGG, July 1995 - Colorado
- XXI General Assembly, July 1995 - Colorado
- Large scale structures in the magnetosheath - GEM Workshop, June 1995 - Colorado
- Magnetosheath Structure - GEM Workshop, June 1995 - Colorado
- Large scale structures in the magnetosheath - Spring AGU, May 1995 - Baltimore MD
- Uncertainties in plasma measurements: - Spring AGU, May 1995 - Baltimore MD
- On Large Amplitude MHD Waves in High Beta Plasmas, March 1995
- MIT Workshop on the Physics of Space Plasmas, February 1995 - Bermuda
- Magnetosheath Studies: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, April 1994 - Taiwan
- Identification of the Low Frequency Fluctuations in the Terrestrial Magnetosheath, March 1994 - Los Angeles CA
- Modelling the Low-Latitude Boundary Layer with Reconnection Entry, November 1993
- Identification of the Low Frequency Fluctuations in the Terrestrial Magnetosheath, August 1993 - Boulder CO
- Identification of the Low Frequency Fluctuations in the Terrestrial Magnetosheath,, May 1993 - Boulder CO
- Recent Progress in the Magnetosheath Research, October 1992 - Boulder CO
- The Magnetopause Study: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, September 1992
- The Magnetopause Study: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, July 1992 - Boulder CO
- Current Status of Magnetopause Studies, March 1992
- The Dayside Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction, September 1991 - Alaska
- The Subsolar Magnetopause and Surrounding Plasma Layers, August 1991 - Boulder CO
- Formation of the Low Latitude Boundary Layer, May 1991 - Los Angeles CA
- Slow Mode Transition in the Frontside Magnetosheath, October 1990 - Los Angeles CA
- Solar Wind Interacting with the Earth's Magnetosphere, June 1990
- Wave Properties near the Magnetopause, January 1990 - New Mexico
- Structure of the Magnetopause, November 1989 - Los Angeles CA
- ISEE Observations of the Oscillating Magnetopause, May 1988 - Los Angeles CA
Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Investigation of Magnetosphere and Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling Through a Sel (2012), Grant -
Song, P. (Principal) - GIRO Income Account (2014), -
Song, P. (Principal) - Coupling Between Plasma and Neutrals: Theoretical Development and Applications t (2010), Grant -
Song, P. (Principal) - GIRO Income Account (2010), -
Song, P. (Principal)