Mark Tries is an Associate Professor in the Physics and Applied Physics Department at 51ÊÓƵ.

Mark A. Tries

Associate Professor, Coordinator - Radiological Sciences

College of Sciences
Olney Hall 133


Radiological sciences and protection

Research Interests

Radiological sciences and protection

Radiation dosimetry, radiation detection and measurement, and reactor health physics


  • Ph D: Philosophy (Physics, Radiological Sciences option), (2000), University of Massachusetts Lowell
    Dissertation/Thesis Title: Dissertation: An Evaluation of Distributions, Detection Limits, and Applications for Non-Poisson Variance Associated With Counting Data
  • MS: Radiological Sciences and Protection, (1994), University of Massachusetts Lowell - Lowell, MA
    Dissertation/Thesis Title: Thesis: Environmental Monitoring for an Incinerator Partly Used for the Volume Reduction of Low-Level Radioactive Waste
  • BS: Radiological Health Physics, (1990), University of Lowell
  • Other: Associate of Arts (Business Administration), (1988), North Shore Community College - Danvers, MA

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Merit Scholarship - North Shore Community College (Danvers, MA)
  • Teaching Excellence Award - University of Massachusetts Lowell: the Department of Physics and Applied Physics
  • Recipient of the 2012-2013 Burton J. Moyer Graduate Fellowship in Radiological Protection (2012)
  • (2009)
  • 2002 Distinguished Alumni Award (2002) - North Shore Community College (Danvers, MA)
  • Elda E. Anderson Award Nomination (2002) - The New England Chapter of the Health Physics Society
  • College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Research Scholar Award (1999) - University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Edward L. Alexander Outstanding Graduate Student Award in Radiological Sciences (1999) - University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Patrick F. Dugan Outstanding Physics Teaching Assistant Award (1997) - University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Outstanding Graduate Student in Radiological Sciences (1994) - University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Burton J. Moyer Graduate Fellowship in Radiological Protection (1991) - University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • First Year Graduate Student Award in Radiological Sciences (1991) - University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Dean's Award for Academic Achievement (1990) - University of Lowell
  • Kenneth W. Skrable Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award in Radiological Sciences (1990) - University of Lowell
  • Engineering Science Program Award (1988) - North Shore Community College (Danvers, MA)
  • Math and Physics Department Awards (1988) - North Shore Community College (Danvers, MA)
  • GTE Foundation Scholarship (1987) - North Shore Community College (Danvers, MA)

Selected Publications

  • Korir, G.K., Wambani, J.S., Boen, P.K., Korir, I.K., Tries, M.A. (2016). NATIONAL DIAGNOSTIC REFERENCE LEVEL INITIATIVE FORCOMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY EXAMINATIONS IN KENYA. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 168(2) 242.
  • Korir, G.K., Wambani, J.S., Korir, I.K., Tries, M.A., Boen, P.K. (2015). NATIONAL DIAGNOSTIC REFERENCE LEVEL INITIATIVE FOR COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY EXAMINATIONS IN KENYA. Radiation protection dosimetry, ncv020.
  • Korir, G.K., Wambani, J.S., Yuko-Jowi, C.A., Korir, I.K., Tries, M.A., Kidali, M.M. (2014). Establishing diagnostic reference levels for interventional procedures in Kenya. Radiography, 20(2) 148–152.
  • Wambani, J.S., Korir, G.K., Tries, M.A., Korir, I.K., Sakwa, J.M. (2014). Patient radiation exposure during general fluoroscopy examinations. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 15(2).
  • Carey, M., Kryskow, A., Straccia, F., Tries, M.A. (2014). Portal Monitor Characterization for Internally and Externally Deposited Radionuclides. Health physics, 107(5) S188–S197.
  • Korir, G.K., Wambani, J.S., Korir, I.K., Tries, M.A., Kidali, M.M. (2013). Frequency and collective dose of medical procedures in Kenya. Health physics, 105(6) 522–533.
  • Korir, G., Wambani, J., Korir, I., Tries, M.A., Mulama, B. (2013). Quality management systems in radiology: original article.
  • Hale, A.C., Tries, M.A. (2011). Determination of 239Pu airborne concentration alpha correction factor for a zinc sulfide detector via ambient 222Rn progeny air sampling. Health physics, 100(2) 201-209.
  • Vorotnikova, E., Rosenthal, R.A., Tries, M.A., Doctrow, S.R., Braunhut, S.J. (2010). Novel synthetic SOD/catalase mimetics can mitigate capillary endothelial cell apoptosis caused by ionizing radiation. Radiation research, 173(6) 748-759.
  • Chin, J., Chin, D., Medich, D., Gao, Z., French, C.S., Tries, M.A., Xu, H., Acker, B., Napier, T., Yunes, M., others, . (2010). SU-GG-T-536: A New Treatment Plan Evaluation Index for Comparing Various SRS Treatment Technique. Medical Physics, 37(6) 3310–3310.
  • Medich, D.C., Tries, M.A., Munro III, J.J. (2006). Monte Carlo characterization of an ytterbium-169 high dose rate brachytherapy source with analysis of statistical uncertainty. Medical physics, 33(1) 163-172.
  • Vorotnikova, E., Ivkov, R., Foreman, A., Tries, M.A., Braunhut, S.J. (2006). The magnitude and time-dependence of the apoptotic response of normal and malignant cells subjected to ionizing radiation versus hyperthermia. International journal of radiation biology, 82(8) 549-559.
  • Tries, M.A., Mancevice, C.G., Munro III, J.J. (2005). Experimental determination of the dosimetric characteristics for the I-Plant model 3600 125I brachytherapy source. Medical physics, 32(6) 1469-1472.
  • Tries, M.A., Bobek, L.M. (2004). A proposed method for the determination of leakage rate for a reactor containment vessel. Nuclear Technology, 145(3) 319-323.
  • Vorotnikova, E., Tries, M.A., Braunhut, S.J. (2004). Retinoids and TIMP1 Prevent Radiation-Induced Apoptosis of Capillary Endothelial Cells. Radiation research, 161(2) 174–184.
  • Tries, M.A., Holloman, R.L., Bobek, L.M. (2002). Predicted responses for a particulate detection system in a continuous stack monitor. Health physics, 83(4) 558-566.
  • Reinhardt, C.P., Dalhberg, S., Tries, M.A., Marcel, R., Leppo, J.A. (2001). Stable labeled microspheres to measure perfusion: Validation of a neutron activation assay technique. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 280(1 49-1) 0-0.
  • Tries, M.A. (2000). An evaluation of distributions, detection limits, and applications for Non-Poisson variance associated with counting data.
  • Tries, M.A. (2000). Applications of a quadratic variance model for counting data. Health physics, 78(3) 322-328.
  • Tries, M.A., Skrable, K.W., French, C.S., Chabot, G.E. (1999). Basic applications of the chi-square statistic using counting data. Health physics, 77(4) 441-454.
  • Tries, M.A., Ring, J.P., Chabot, G.E. (1997). Carbon cartridge standards for 125I and suggested applications. Health physics, 73(3) 502-511.
  • Tries, M.A. (1997). Detection limits for samples that give rise to counting data with extra- poisson variance. Health physics, 72(3) 458-464.
  • Tries, M.A., Ring, J.P., Chabot, G.E. (1996). Environmental monitoring for a low-level radioactive waste management facility: Incinerator operations. Health physics, 71(3) 384-394.

Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research

  • Centers for Medical Countermeasures Against Radiation Terrorism (CMCRT) (1990), Grant - NIH
    Moulder, J. (Principal), Braunhut, S.J. (Co-Principal), Tries, M.A. (Co-Principal)
  • Radiation Absorbed Dose Calibration (2013), -
    Tries, M.A. (Principal)
  • Total Integrated Dose and Neutron Testing for Raytheon (2012), -
    Tries, M.A. (Principal)
  • RES Neutron, Gamma, and Proton Irradiations for Raytheon Damage Studies (2013), -
    Tries, M.A. (Principal)
  • Major Equipment Upgrade for the University of Massachusetts Lowell Research React (2011), Grant -
    Tries, M.A. (Principal)
  • Facilitate Relicensing Efforts, Maintain Reactor Operations, and Expand Research and Educational Capabilities (2011), Grant - DOE
    Tries, M.A. (Principal), Braunhut, S.J. (Co-Principal), Therrien, J.M. (Co-Principal)
  • Curriculum Development for the University of Massachusetts Lowell Radiological Sc (2010), Grant -
    Tries, M.A. (Principal)
  • Parallel Imaging Applications to MRI (2009), Contract -
    Tries, M.A. (Principal)
  • Nuclear Experiential Education and Training Program at the University of Massachusetts (2007), Grant -
    Tries, M.A. (Principal)
  • Evaluation of pulmonary function parameters (2008), -
    Tries, M.A. (Principal)
  • Evaluation of orally available small Mn porphyrins for treatment of non-hematolg (2007), Grant - NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH
    Tries, M.A. (Principal)
  • Hyperpolarized Xe-129 Gas (2007), Grant - NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH
    Tries, M.A. (Principal)

Research Currently in Progress

  • Naturally occurring phytochemical such as ingredients found in turmeric Curcumin and green tea (epicatechins)

    The applications of these materials and their derivatives as antitumor agents and radiation protection or mitigation agents is being pursued in collaboration with Prof. Braunhut (Biology), Prof. Mark Tries (Physics) and Prof. David Kaplan (Tufts).
    Kumar, J., Braunhut, S.J., Tries, M.A., Kaplan, D.

  • Naturally occurring phytochemical such as ingredients found in turmeric Curcumin and green tea (epicatechins).

    The applications of these materials and their derivatives as antitumor agents and radiation protection or mitigation agents is being pursued in collaboration with Prof. Braunhut, Prof. Mark Tries and Prof. David Kaplan.
    Kumar, J., Braunhut, S.J., Tries, M.A., Kaplan, D.