Meg Sobkowicz-Kline is an Assistant Professor in the Plastics Engineering department in the Francis College of Engineering at 51ÊÓƵ.

Margaret J. Sobkowicz Kline, Ph.D.


Francis College of Engineering
Plastics Engineering
Ball Hall - 121


Renewable polymers, Plastics recycling, extrusion, nanocomposites, organic photovoltaics and electronics, rheology, scattering

Research Interests

Renewable Polymers, Plastics Processing, Rheology, Organic Electronics, Green Chemistry

Polymer Nanocomposites, Functional Coatings, Plastics Recycling, Biomaterials, Climate Change


  • Ph.D.: Chemical Engineering, (2010), Colorado School of Mines - Golden, CO
    • Supporting Area: Polymer Science
    • Dissertation/Thesis Title: Sustainable Polymer Nanocomposites with Carbon Nanostructures: Synthesis and Properties
  • BS: Chemical Engineering, (2001), Columbia University - New York, NY


Meg Sobkowicz Kline was born and raised in Massachusetts. During her undergraduate studies at Columbia University she discovered her interest in human impacts on the planet through a summer course on ecology at the Biosphere II facility in southern Arizona. She worked as a field engineer in the petroleum industry and in the municipal water treatment industry in New Mexico and Colorado before returning to school to complete her doctorate with Professor John Dorgan in the area of renewable polymer nanocomposites. Following her graduate studies she accepted a National Research Council postdoctoral fellowship at National Institute of Standards and Technology in Maryland to research polymeric materials for photovoltaic applications. She joined the Plastics Engineering Department in 2011.

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Foundation Fellow
  • 2015 Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence (2015), Teaching - University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • CAREER Award (2014), Scholarship/Research - National Science Foundation
  • Arthur B. Sacks Award (2010)
  • POLY division graduate student travel award (2009) - ACS National Spring Meeting
  • National Research Council Postdoctoral Associateship Award (2009)
  • ACS Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference top poster travel award (2007)
  • Bioenvironmental Polymer Society graduate student travel award (2007)
  • Colorado School of Mines Graduate Student Research Fair top doctoral candidate (2007)

Selected Publications

  • Thakkar, J.; Annavajjala, S. B.; Kosny, J.; Sobkowicz, M. J.   2024, 91, 111936.
  • Law, K. L.; Sobkowicz, M. J.; Shaver, M. P.; Hahn, M. E. Nat Rev Mater 2024.
  • Patel, A.; Chang, A. C.; Perry, S.; Soong, Y.-H. V.; Ayafor, C.; Wong, H.-W.; Xie, D.; Sobkowicz, M. J. Melt Processing Pretreatment Effects on Enzymatic Depolymerization of Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate). ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2022, 10 (41), 13619–13628. (10.1021/acssuschemeng.2c03142).
  • Sobkowicz Margaret J. Polymer Design for the Circular Economy. Science 2021, 374 (6567), 540–540. (10.1126/science.abm23006).
  • Venoor, V.; Park, J. H.; Kazmer, D. O.; Sobkowicz, MJ Understanding the Effect of Water in Polyamides: A Review. Polymer Reviews 2020, 1–49. (10.1080/15583724.2020.1855196)
  • Martey, S.; Addison, B.; Wilson, A. N.; Tan, B.; Yu, J.; Dorgan, J. R.; Sobkowicz, M. J. Hybrid Chemo-Mechanical Plastics Recycling: Solvent-free, High-speed Reactive Extrusion of Low-Density Polyethylene. ChemSusChem 2021, cssc.202100968. (10.1002/cssc.202100968).
  • Bi, S.; Pan, H.; Barinelli, V.; Eriksen, B.; Ruiz, S.; Sobkowicz, M. J. Biodegradable Polyester Coated Mulch Paper for Controlled Release of Fertilizer. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021, 126348. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.126348).
  • Calderón, BA, McCaughey MS, Thompson CW Barinelli VL, Sobkowicz MJ; Evaluating the Influence of Specific Mechanical Energy on Biopolymer Blends Prepared via High-Speed Reactive Extrusion. ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2019, 1(6) 1410-1419. (10.1021/acsapm.9b00177)
  • Pan, H. (University of Massachusetts), Tan, B. (University of Massachusetts), Yazdani, A. (University of Massachusetts), Budhlall, B. (University of Massachusetts), Sobkowicz Kline, M.J. (University of Massachusetts) (2020). Controlling the particle size of aqueous conjugated polymer colloids and impact on transistor performance. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,594 124633.
  • Gug, J., Soule, J., Tan, B., Sobkowicz Kline, M.J. (2018). Effects of chain-extending stabilizer on bioplastic poly (lactic acid)/polyamide blends compatibilized by reactive extrusion. Polymer degradation and stability,153 118--129.
  • Bi, S., Tan, B., Soule, J.L., Sobkowicz Kline, M.J. (2018). Enzymatic degradation of poly (butylene succinate-co-hexamethylene succinate). Polymer Degradation and Stability,155 9--14.
  • Calderon, B., Sobkowicz Kline, M.J. (2018). Evidence of compatibility and thermal stability improvement of poly (propylene carbonate) and polyoxymethylene blends. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,135(6) 45823.
  • Farahanchi, A., Malloy, R.A., Sobkowicz Kline, M.J. (2018). Extreme shear processing for exfoliating organoclay in nanocomposites with incompatible polymers. Polymer,145 117--126.
  • Tan, B., Pan, H., Budhlall, B., Sobkowicz Kline, M.J. (2018). Poly(3-hexylthiophene)/Poly(styrene) blended colloids: exploiting the effects of composition and marginal solvent. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,539 221-228.
  • Tan, B., Pan, H., Li, H., Minus, M.L., Budhlall, B., Sobkowicz Kline, M.J. (2018). Improving charge carrier mobility of polymer blend field effect transistors with majority insulating polymer phase. Journal of Physical Chemistry C,122(5) 2918-2930.
  • Gug, J. (51ÊÓƵ), Tan, B. (51ÊÓƵ), Soule, J. (51ÊÓƵ), Downie, M. (51ÊÓƵ), Barrington, J. (51ÊÓƵ), Sobkowicz Kline, M.J. (2017). Analysis of models predicting morphology transitions in reactive twin-screw extrusion of bio-based polyester/polyamide blends. International Polymer Processing,32(3) 363-377.
  • Sobkowicz Kline, M.J., Budhlall, B., Mead, J.L. (2017). Synthetic Resins and Plastics (2 pp. 1397-1462). Springer
  • Farahanchi, A. (51ÊÓƵ), Sobkowicz Kline, M.J. (2017). Kinetic and process modeling of thermal and mechanical degradation in ultrahigh speed twin screw extrusion. Polymer Degradation and Stability,138 40-46.
  • Tan, B. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Bi, S. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Emery, K. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Sobkowicz Kline, M.J. (2017). Bio-based Poly(butylene succinate-co-hexamethylene succinate) Copolyesters with Tunable Thermal and Mechanical Properties. European Polymer Journal, (86) 162-172.
  • Hassan, S., Anandakathir, R., Sobkowicz Kline, M.J., Budhlall, B. (2016). Tuning oxygen permeability in azobenzene-containing side-chain liquid crystalline polymers. Polymer Chemistry,7(7) 1452-1460.
  • Jahir Hussain, A. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Alahyari, A.A. (United Technologies Research Center), Eastman, S.A. (United Technologies Research Center), Thibaud-Erkey, C. (United Technologies Research Center), Johnston, S.P., Sobkowicz Kline, M.J. (2016). Review of polymers for heat exchanger applications: Factors concerning thermal conductivity. Applied Thermal Engineering,113 1118-1127.
  • Farahanchi, A., Malloy, R.A., Sobkowicz Kline, M.J. (2016). Effects of ultrahigh speed twin screw extrusion on the thermal and mechanical degradation of polystyrene. Polymer Engineering & Science!!!,56(7) 743-751.
  • Farahanchi, A. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Malloy, R.A., Sobkowicz Kline, M.J. (2016). Effects of Ultra-High Speed Twin Screw Extrusion on the Thermal and Mechanical Degradation of Polystyrene . Polymer Engineering and Science,56(7) 743-751.
  • Chen, X. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Sobkowicz Kline, M.J., (2016). Decoupling the Effects of Screw Speed and Particle Surface Functionality on the Filler Suspension State in PBS/Fumed Silica Nanocomposites. Journal of Polymer Science B: Polymer Physics,54 1820-1824.
  • Tan, B. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Li, Y. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Palacios, M. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Therrien, J.M., Sobkowicz Kline, M.J. (2016). Effect of surfactant conjugation on structure and properties of poly (3-hexylthiophene) colloids and field effect transistors. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects ,488 7-14.
  • Sobkowicz Kline, M.J., Gug, J. (University of Massachusetts Lowell) (2016). Improvement of the mechanical behavior of bioplastic poly (lactic acid)/polyamide blends by reactive compatibilization. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,133(45) 43350.
  • Chen, X. (University of Massachusetts Lowell) (2015). Modeling Confinement in Polymer Nanocomposites from Linear Viscoelasticity Data. Rheologica Acta,54(9) 847 - 857.
  • Chen, X. (University of Massachusetts Lowell) (2015). Shear-Induced Reinforcement Effect in Polymer/Fumed Silica Nanocomposites. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering,300(10) 960-965.
  • Gug, J. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Cacciola, D. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Sobkowicz, M.J. (University of Massachusetts Lowell) (2015). Processing and properties of a solid energy fuel from municipal solid waste (MSW) and recycled plastics. Waste Management,35 283-292.
  • Chen, X. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Tan, B. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), SobkowiczKline, M.J. (2014). Morphological and rheological properties of PBS/silica nanocomposite manufactured using a high-speed twin-screw compounder. ANTEC 2014. Proceedings of the 72nd SPE Annual Technical Conference held in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 28-30 April 2014
  • Dorgan, J.R., Sobkowicz, M.J., Liu, B., Sosa, R., Braun, B., Hollingsworth, L. (2014). Supramolecular EcoBioNanocomposites incorporating stereocomplexation (slides only).
  • Chen, X. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Gug, J. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Sobkowicz Kline, M.J. (2014). Role of Polymer/Filler Interaction in the Linear Viscoelasticity of Poly(butylenesuccinate)/Fumed Silica Nanocomposite. Composites Science and Technology ,95 8-15.
  • Sobkowicz Kline, M.J., Palacios, M., Tan, B. (2014). Aqueous Colloidal Suspensions of Polymers for Conformal Coatings. ANTEC Society of Plastic Engineers Annual Conference Proceedings
  • Chen, X., Sobkowicz Kline, M.J. (2014). Morphological and Rheological Properties of PBS/silia nanocomposite manufactured using a high-speed twin screw compounder. ANTEC Society of Plastic Engineers Annual Conference Proceedings
  • Sobkowicz Kline, M.J., Jones, R.L., Kline, R.J., DeLongchamp, D.M. (2012). Solvent Studies for Solution Processing of Polymer-Fullerene Bulk Heterojunctions. Bulletin of the American Physical Society,57.
  • Sobkowicz Kline, M.J., Jones, R.L., Kline, R.J., DeLongchamp, D.M. (2011). Effect of Fullerenes on Crystallization-Induced Aggregation in Polymer Photovoltaics Casting Solutions. Macromolecules,45(2) 1046-1055.
  • Sobkowicz Kline, M.J., Jones, R., Kline, R.J., DeLongchamp, D. (2011). Kinetics of Structure Formation in Polymer-Fullerene Solutions for Organic Photovoltaics. Bulletin of the American Physical Society,56.
  • Sobkowicz Kline, M.J., White, F.A., Dorgan, J.R. (2011). SUPRAMOLECULAR BIONANOCOMPOSITES 3: EFFECTS OF SURFACE FUNCTIONALITY ON ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL PERCOLATION. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,122(4) 2563-2572.
  • Sobkowicz Kline, M.J., Dorgan, J.R., Gneshin, K.W., Herring, A.M., McKinnon, J.T. (2009). Carbon Nanostructures for Applications in Biopolymer Nanocomposites: Functionalization Strategies. Polymer Preprints,50(1) 451.
  • Sobkowicz Kline, M.J., Dorgan, J.R., Gneshin, K.W., Herring, A.M., McKinnon, J.T. (2009). Controlled dispersion of carbon nanospheres through surface functionalization. Carbon,47(3) 622-628.
  • Sobkowicz Kline, M.J., Braun, B., Dorgan, J.R. (2009). Decorating in green: surface esterification of carbon and cellulosic nanoparticlesElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental details. See DOI: 10.1039/b817223d. Green Chemistry,11(5) 680-682.
  • Sobkowicz Kline, M.J., Feaver, J.L., Dorgan, J.A. (2008). Clean and Green Bioplastic Composites: Comparison of Calcium Sulfate and Carbon Nanospheres in Polylactide Composites. CLEAN: Soil, Air, Water,36(8) 706-713.
  • Sobkowicz Kline, M.J., Dorgan, J.R., Gneshin, K.W., Herring, A.M., McKinnon, J. (2008). Renewable Cellulose Derived Carbon Nanospheres as Nucleating Agents for Polylactide and Polypropylene. Journal of Polymers and the Environment,16(2) 131-140.

Selected Presentations

  • Dielectrophoretic Field-Driven Suppression of Coffee-ring Effect and P3HT Assembly - Polymer Processing Society (PPS) Regional Conference, November 2018 - Boston, MA
  • Influence of Specific Mechanical Energy on the Reactive Extrusion of Biopolymer Blends; Analysis of High-Speed Extrusion and Process Optimization - Polymer Processing Society (PPS) Regional Conference, November 2018 - Boston, MA
  • Bio-based and Biodegradable Polyesters for Agricultural Applications - PPS Americas Regional Conference, November 2018 - Boston, MA
  • Directed Assembly of Colloids for Nanomanufacturing of Hierarchically Ordered Electronic Films - Polymer Processing Society Americas Regional Conference, November 2018 - Boston, MA
  • Tunable Permeation of Bio-based and Biodegradable Polyesters for Agricultural Applications - 256th ACS National Meeting, August 2018 - Boston, MA
  • Reactive Extrusion of Biopolymers by means of a New Biocompatibilizer - American Chemical Society 256th ACS Fall National Meeting, August 2018 - Boston, MA
  • Reactive Compatibilization Schemes for High Speed Extrusion of Polymer Blends - International Symposium Bioplastics, Biocomposites and Bioprocessing, July 2018 - Guelph, Ontario, Canada
  • Tunable Permeability of Bio-based and Biodegradable Polyester by Copolymerization - 13th National Graduate Research Polymer Conference, June 2018 - Minneapolis, MN
  • Effect of Processing Variables on Crystallization Phases of P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) Thin Films - 76th ANTEC Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) Annual Conference, May 2018 - Orlando, FL
  • Tunable Degradation of Poly (butylene succinate) by Copolymerization and Catalysts - 76th Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference, May 2018 - Orlando, FL
  • Study of Biocompatibilizer for New Renewable Blends of Polypropylene carbonate and Polybutylene succinate - ANTEC Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) Annual Conference, May 2018 - Orlando, FL
  • Reactive Compatibilization of Biopolymers by means of a Quad Screw Extruder - Core Research Facilities Showcase Meeting, March 2018 - Lowell, MA
  • Aqueous Colloidal Suspensions of Polymers for Conformal Coatings - Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference, April 2014 - Las Vegas, NV
  • Biobased Plastics and Recycling Options in the Plastics Industry - Society of Plastics Engineers Pioneer Valley/Eastern New England Chapter Meeting, April 2013
  • Thermal and Rheological Investigation of Surface Interactions in Poly(butylene succinate) Nanocomposites - Materials Research Society Fall National Meeting, November 2012 - Boston, MA
  • Processing of Nanostructured Polymers for Sustainable Applications - Northeastern University Mechanical Engineering Lecture Series, November 2012
  • Solvent studies for solution processing of polymer:fullerene bulk heterojunctions - American Physical Society Spring National Meeting, March 2012 - Boston, MA
  • Structural study of polymer-fullerene solutions for organic photovoltaics - Sukant Tripathy Annual Memorial Symposium, December 2011 - 51ÊÓƵ
  • Stability and structure of casting solutions for polymer photovoltaics - Materials Research Society Fall National Meeting, November 2011 - Boston, MA
  • Nanostructured materials for sustainability - 51ÊÓƵ Faculty Research Symposium, October 2011
  • Sobkowicz MJ, Jones RL, Kline RJ, DeLongchamp DM; Kinetics of structure formation in polymer-fullerene solutions for organic photovoltaics - American Physical Society Spring National Meeting, March 2011 - Dallas, TX
  • Sobkowicz MJ, Jones RL, Kline RJ, DeLongchamp DM; Structural Study of Poly(alkylthiophene)-Fullerene Bulk Heterojunctions Using Neutron Scattering - Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, December 2010 - Boston, MA
  • Sobkowicz MJ, Dorgan JR, Gneshin KW, Herring AM, and McKinnon TJ; Renewable polymer nanocomposites with carbon nanostructures: Functionalization strategies - National Science Foundation Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, June 2009 - Honolulu, HI
  • Sobkowicz MJ, Dorgan JR, Gneshin KW, Herring AM, and McKinnon TJ; Carbon nanostructures for applications in biopolymer nanocomposites: Functionalization strategies - American Chemical Society Spring National Meeting, March 2009 - Salt Lake City, UT
  • Sobkowicz MJ, Dorgan JR, Gneshin KW, Herring AM, and McKinnon TJ; Renewable carbon nanostructures and their application in polylactide nanocomposites - Bioenvironmental Polymer Society Annual Meeting, October 2008 - Nashua, NH
  • Sobkowicz MJ, Dorgan JR, Gneshin KW, Herring AM, and McKinnon TJ; Renewable carbon nanosphere functionalization for applications in polymer nanocomposites - American Chemical Society Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference, June 2008 - Washington, D.C.
  • Sobkowicz MJ, Dorgan JR, Gneshin KW, Herring AM, and McKinnon TJ; Renewable plastic composites with carbon nanospheres derived from cellulose - Colorado Center for Biofuels and Biorefining Spring Meeting, April 2008 - Golden, CO
  • Sobkowicz MJ, Dorgan JR, Gneshin KW, Herring AM, and McKinnon TJ; Surface functionalization of renewable carbon nanospheres for applications in polymer nanocomposites - 3rd Conference on Interfaces and Interphases in Multicomponent Materials, March 2008 - Sonoma, CA
  • Sobkowicz MJ, Dorgan JR, Gneshin KW, Herring AM, and McKinnon TJ; Biobased carbon nanospheres for polylactide nanocomposites - Bioenvironmental Polymer Society Annual Meeting, October 2007 - Vancouver, WA
  • Dorgan JR, Braun B, Sobkowicz MJ, and Gneshin KW; Nanocomposites from renewable resources - American Chemical Society Fall National Meeting, August 2007 - Boston, MA
  • Sobkowicz MJ, Dorgan JR, Gneshin KW, Herring AM, and McKinnon TJ; Green nanocomposites with carbon nanospheres derived from cellulose - Rocky Mountain Regional ACS/AIChE Annual Meeting, August 2007 - Denver, CO
  • Sobkowicz MJ, Dorgan JR, Gneshin KW, Herring AM, and McKinnon TJ; Polylactide nanocomposites containing carbon nanospheres derived from cellulose - American Chemical Society Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference, June 2007 - Washington, D.C.
  • Sobkowicz MJ, Dorgan JR, Gneshin KW, Herring AM, and McKinnon TJ; Carbon nanospheres produced from cellulose: Composite applications - American Institute of Chemical Engineers Fall Meeting, November 2006 - San Francisco, CA
  • Sobkowicz MJ, Dorgan JR, Gneshin KW, Herring AM, and McKinnon TJ; Novel carbon nanospheres derived from cellulose - Bioenvironmental Polymer Society Annual Meeting, October 2006 - Chicago, IL