Follow the instructions below on how to find your student loan balance on the Federal Student Aid website
- Visit the  and click the login link to enter your login details. This is the same username and password you use each year to complete the FASFA.
- Once logged in, you should arrive to the Dashboard page.
- From the dashboard, there is a section titled My Aid, click the blue "View Details" button in that box.
- This will display your Aid Summary Dashboard (both Loan and Grant information)
- On the right-hand side is a link entitled Download My Aid Data, a feature which allows you to download your federal loan and grant history to a text file.
- To review your loan history, click on the LOANS Tab (vs. Grants Tab).
- On the dashboard itself, as you scroll down the page, you can view all the information on your federal loans – both in writing and with graphic representation.
- The page is organized into 3 sections:
- Number of Loans
- Loan Types
- Loan Breakdown
Number of Loans – This section shows the number of loan servicers you have, your total original loan amount awarded, as well as a breakdown of your current loan balance (the remaining amount you owe) into principal and interest. It includes Helpful Links about Repayment Options, Public Service Loan Forgiveness and Loan Consolidation.
Loan Types – This section shows the number and types (subsidized and/or unsubsidized) of loans you have, the total balance of each type of loan, and the combined total balance. You can detail behind each type of loan to view the individual loan information (balance/principal/interest.) There is also a link to check your subsidized loan usage and eligibility.
Loan Breakdown – This section shows your Loan Servicer (and includes a direct link to the servicer website), any repayment plan, your total loan balance, and your next payment due date. There is a direct link to pay on your servicer’s web site as well. A link entitled View Loan Details shows a complete breakdown of your loan history, including each loan type, the school, loan dates, loan status, and scheduled payment date or repayment start date, interest rate, and total loan balance. A Sort By function allows you to sort this loan history by any criteria in the associated pull down menu. Each individual loan in your loan history also has a View Loan Details link. In addition to a snapshot of the individual loan detail, this section shows specific loan disbursement and loan servicer contact information.