Joel Therrien is an Associate Professor in the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department at 51视频.

Joel M. Therrien

Associate Chair for Graduate MS Programs, Associate Professor

Francis College of Engineering
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Ball Hall - 319


Nanoelectronic Devices, Scanning Probe Microscopy, Wide badgap semiconductors and sensors

Research Interests

Nanotechnology, 2-D materials, Device Physics, Sensors, Biosensors, Nanotoxicology, Nanoelectronic Devices, Scanning Probe Microscopy, Wide badgap semiconductors and sensors.


  • Ph D: Physics, (2002), U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Urbana, Illinois
    Supporting Area: Condensed Matter Physics
    Dissertation/Thesis Title: Size Dependence of the Electrical Characteristics of Silicon Nanoparticles
  • MS: Energy Engineering, (1997), University of Massachusetts-Lowell - Lowell, MA
  • BS: Physics, (1996), University of Massachusetts-Lowell - Lowell, MA

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Excellence in teaching Award (2009) - Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, UML
  • Silver Award winner in MRS Graduate Student Award Competition (2000) - MRS

Selected Publications

  • Therrien, J.M., Li, Y., Schmidt, D., Masaki, M., Syed, A. (2016). Optical and Electronic Properties of 2D Graphitic Carbon-Nitride and Carbon Enriched Alloys.
  • Tan, B. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Li, Y. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Palacios, M. (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Therrien, J.M., Sobkowicz Kline, M.J. (2016). Effect of surfactant conjugation on structure and properties of poly (3-hexylthiophene) colloids and field effect transistors. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects , 488 7-14.
  • Therrien, J.M., Schmidt, D., Li, Y. (2015). Chemical vapor deposition of 2D polymeric carbon nitride. ," 250th ACS National Meeting, PMSE-409
  • Wang, G., Zhang, J., Dewilde, A.H., Pal, A.K., Bello, D., Therrien, J.M., Braunhut, S.J., Marx, K.A. (2012). Understanding and correcting for carbon nanotube interferences with a commercial LDH cytotoxicity assay. Toxicology, 299(2-3) 99-111.
  • Dewilde, A.H., Wang, G., , Marx, K.A., Therrien, J.M., Braunhut, S.J. (2012). Use of the Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) to Measure Mitochondrial Depolarization in Real Time and Predict Chemically-Induced Apoptosis of Human Pulmonary Endothelial Cells and Macrophages. Analytical Biochemistry.
  • Wang, G., Dewilde, A.H., Zhang, J., Pal, A., Vashist, M., Bello, D., Marx, K.A., Braunhut, S.J., Therrien, J.M. (2011). A living cell quartz crystal microbalance biosensor for continuous monitoring of cytotoxic responses of macrophages to single-walled carbon nanotubes. Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 8.
  • Therrien, J.M., Mil'shtein, S., Chin, A. (2011). Measurement of Quasi-Fermi Levels in Quantum Well Lasers. MRS Proceedings, 441.
  • Jiang, T., Emerson, D., Twarowski, K., Finkenstadt, D., Therrien, J.M. (2010). Rotation of the linear-polarization plane of transmitted and reflected light by single- and few-layer graphene. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 82(23).
  • Therrien, J.M., Dindar, A., Smith, D. (2007). AFM studies of nanoparticle deposition via electrospray ionization. Microscopy research and technique, 70(6) 530-533.
  • Rao, S., Mantey, K., Therrien, J.M., Smith, A., Nayfeh, M. (2007). Molecular behavior in the vibronic and excitonic properties of hydrogenated silicon nanoparticles. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 76(15).
  • Mil'shtein, S., Jr, Eric, ., Merritt, N., Novaris, K., Therrien, J.M. (2006). Sectional voltage contrast topography of quantum well diodes. Scanning, 23 232 - 234.
  • Therrien, J.M., Mil'shtein, S. (2006). Improvements to differential voltage contrast and light and electron scanning beam analysis of solar cells. Scanning, 20 104-105.
  • Nayfeh, M.H., Rao, S., Nayfeh, O.M., Smith, A., Therrien, J.M. (2005). UV photodetectors with thin-film Si nanoparticle active medium. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 4(6) 660-668.
  • Nayfeh, O.M., Rao, S., Smith, A., Therrien, J.M., Nayfeh, M.H. (2004). Thin film silicon nanoparticle UV photodetector. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 16(8) 1927-1929.
  • Belomoin, G., Rogozhina, E., Therrien, J.M., Braun, P.V., Abuhassan, L., Nayfeh, M.H., Wagner, L., Mitas, L. (2002). Effects of surface termination on the band gap of ultrabright Si 29 nanoparticles: Experiments and computational models. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 65(19) 1934061-1934064.
  • Belomoin, G., Therrien, J.M., Smith, A., Rao, S., Twesten, R., Chaieb, S., Nayfeh, M.H., Wagner, L., Mitas, L. (2002). Observation of a magic discrete family of ultrabright Si nanoparticles. Applied Physics Letters, 80(5) 841-843.
  • Nayfeh, M.H., Rao, S., Barry, N., Therrien, J.M., Belomoin, G., Smith, A., Chaieb, S. (2002). Observation of laser oscillation in aggregates of ultrasmall silicon nanoparticles. Applied Physics Letters, 80(1) 121-123.
  • Mitas, L., Therrien, J.M., Twesten, R., Belomoin, G., Nayfeh, M.H. (2001). Effect of surface reconstruction on the structural prototypes of ultrasmall ultrabright Si29 nanoparticles. Applied Physics Letters, 78(13) 1918-1920.
  • Mil'Shtein, S., Thurkins E., J., Merritt, N., Novaris, K., Therrien, J.M. (2001). Sectional voltage contrast topography of quantum well diodes. Scanning, 23(4) 232-234.
  • Mil'shtein, S., Thurkins, Jr, E., Merritt, N., Novaris, K., Therrien, J.M. (2001). Sectional voltage contrast topography of quantum well diodes. Scanning, 23(4) 232--234.
  • Nayfeh, M.H., Barry, N., Therrien, J.M., Akcakir, O., Gratton, E., Belomoin, G. (2001). Stimulated blue emission in reconstituted films of ultrasmall silicon nanoparticles. Applied Physics Letters, 78(8) 1131-1133.
  • Akcakir, O., Therrien, J.M., Belomoin, G., Barry, N., Muller, J.D., Gratton, E., Nayfeh, M. (2000). Detection of luminescent single ultrasmall silicon nanoparticles using fluctuation correlation spectroscopy. Applied Physics Letters, 76(14) 1857-1859.
  • Therrien, J.M., Belomoin, G., Nayfeh, M. (2000). Light-induced conductance resonance in ultrasmall Si nanoparticles. Applied Physics Letters, 77(11) 1668-1670.
  • Belomoin, G., Therrien, J.M., Nayfeh, M. (2000). Oxide and hydrogen capped ultrasmall blue luminescent Si nanoparticles. Applied Physics Letters, 77(6) 779-781.
  • Nayfeh, M.H., Akcakir, O., Belomoin, G., Barry, N., Therrien, J.M., Gratton, E. (2000). Second harmonic generation in microcrystallite films of ultrasmall Si nanoparticles. Applied Physics Letters, 77(25) 4086-4088.
  • Therrien, J.M., Belomoin, G., Nayfeh, M.H. (2000). Synthesis of ultra-small Si nano particle colloids and thin films-high temperature single electronics. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 582 0-0.
  • Nayfeh, M., Akcakir, O., Therrien, J.M., Yamani, Z., Barry, N., Yu, W., Gratton, E. (1999). Highly nonlinear photoluminescence threshold in porous silicon. Applied Physics Letters, 75(26) 4112-4114.
  • Yamani, Z., Alaql, A., Therrien, J.M., Nayfeh, O., Nayfeh, M. (1999). Revival of interband crystalline reflectance from nanocrystallites in porous silicon by immersion plating. Applied Physics Letters, 74(23) 3483-3485.
  • Mil'shtein, S., Therrien, J.M., Thurkins Jr., E.J., Chin, A.K., Dabkowski, F.P. (1998). Assessment of current and optical confinement in operational quantum well laser. Microelectronic Engineering, 43-44 539-543.
  • Therrien, J.M., Mil'shtein, S. (1998). Improvements to differential voltage contrast and light and electron scanning beam analysis of solar cells. Scanning, 20(2) 104-105.
  • Mil'shtein, S., Therrien, J.M., Chin, A.K., Zarrabi, J.H. (1998). Nonequilibrium diagrams of a single quantum well laser. Superlattices and Microstructures, 23(5) 1064-1066.
  • Mil'shtein, S., Therrien, J.M. (1996). Impact of etching on doping profiles in CZ silicon photo-diodes. Materials Science and Engineering B, 41(3) 386-388.
  • Therrien, J.M., Mil'shtein, S., Chin, A. (1996). Measurement of Quasi-Fermi Levels in Quantum Well Lasers. MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive, 441.

Selected Presentations

  • Seminars and presentations given at UML - Lowell, MA
  • Magnetism in graphene, November 2010 - U. of Connecticut
  • The Nanocanary: A Living Biosensor - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, March 2010
  • Silicon Carbide for Photovoltaics, July 2009 - Gloucester, MA
  • Optical Handedness in Graphene, June 2009 - Burlington, MA
  • A CdSe quantum dot photodetector for hyperspectral imaging in the visible region - Advanced Materials and Devices for Sensing and Imaging III conference proceedings, 2008
  • "FEM simulation of nanotubes manipulation using dielectrophoresis" - COMSOL conference, 2007 - Boston, MA
  • Fabrication of Silicon Carbide AFM Cantilevers, 2007 - New Hampshire, Durham, NH
  • Nanoelectronics,, 2007 - Nanjing, China
  • A resonant tunneling CdSe quantum dot photodetector for spectral resolution in the visible region - SPIE Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices IV conference proceedings, 2007
  • Tunnel gap modulation spectroscopy: a scanning probe high-frequency nanoscale oscillator - 6th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, 2006
  • Stimulated Blue Emission and Second Harmonic Generation From Films of Ultrasmall Si Nanoparticles, 2000
  • Emission Failures of Single Quantum Well Lasers, 1999
  • Synthesis of Ultrasmall Si Nanoparticles, Colloids and Thin Films-High Temperature Single Electronics, 1999

Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research

  • Use of polymer-derived SiC as a passivation layer for silicon solar cells (2012), -
    Schmidt, D. (Co-Principal), Therrien, J.M.
  • The Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing (Renewal) (2009), Contract - NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION
    Therrien, J.M. (Co-Principal)
  • Use of polymer derived SIC as A passivation layer for silicon solar cells (2012), -
    Therrien, J.M. (Principal)
  • Investigation of Unconventional Cantilevers for Applications in High Speed Atomic Force Microscopy (2009), - National Science Foundation, Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS)
    Schmidt, D., Therrien, J.M.
  • Investigation of Unconventional Cantilevers for Applications in (2009), Grant -
    Therrien, J.M. (Principal)
  • Development of a 1st Generation Acoustic Wave Biosensor Platform (), Grant - CVIP
    Therrien, J.M. (Principal), Braunhut, S.J. (Principal), Marx, K.A. (Principal)
  • Facilitate Relicensing Efforts, Maintain Reactor Operations, and Expand Research and Educational Capabilities (2011), Grant - DOE
    Tries, M.A. (Principal), Braunhut, S.J. (Co-Principal), Therrien, J.M. (Co-Principal)
  • NSF Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing (2011), Grant - NSF
    Braunhut, S.J. (Principal), Therrien, J.M. (Principal)
  • Nanomanufacturing Center For Excellence (2011), -
    Therrien, J.M. (Principal)
  • Nanomanufacturing of Multifunctional Sensors (2010), Contract -
    Therrien, J.M. (Co-Principal)
  • SiC Nanowire Field Effect Transistors using Preceramic Polymers (2008), Grant -
    Therrien, J.M. (Principal)
  • SiC Nanowire Field Effect Transistors using Preceramic Polymers (), - Small Grants for Exploratory Research (SGER), Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS), National Science Foundation
    Schmidt, D., Therrien, J.M.
  • Development of an SPM Platform for High Speed, High Resolution, Large Scale Nanometrology (), - National Science Foundation Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing (CHN) at UML
    Schmidt, D., Therrien, J.M.