- connect socially with the RHSA students in their department and college and increase students’ academic support network
- create a sense of community among RHSA students
- provide RHSA students an opportunity to engage in a student-friendly manner with research and learning opportunities
- directly mentor and meet with RHSA students
RHSA At-Large Faculty Advocates (Leadership Group)
Associate Teaching Professor, Undergraduate Pharmaceutical Sciences Program DirectorBiomedical & Nutritional Sciences
Anatomy & Physiology, Molecular and Cellular Biology
- Phone978-934-4543
- EmailArlee_Dulak@uml.edu
Chair, Associate ProfessorSchool of Education, ADVANCE Office for Faculty Equity
- Phone978-934-4608
- EmailHsienYuan_Hsu@uml.edu
Associate Teaching ProfessorPhysics & Applied Physics
THz Medical Imaging Development
- Phone978-934-3764
- EmailCecil_Joseph@uml.edu
Assistant ProfessorPsychology
Behavior analysis, behavioral health; instructional design; applied behavioral pharmacology; developmental disabilities; diversity
- Emailanita_li@uml.edu
Assistant ProfessorMechanical and Industrial Engineering, Robotics
Biomedical Robotics, Connected Healthcare, Biomedical/Rehabilitative/Assistive Device Design and Control, Biosignal Interfaces, Applied Linear/Nonlinear Control and Estimation
- Phone978-934-3357
- EmailKelilah_Wolkowicz@uml.edu
RHSA Faculty Advocates
Assistant ProfessorMiner School of Computer & Information Sciences
Algorithms, Computational Geometry, Graph Drawing
- Phone978-934-3621
- Emailhugo_akitaya@uml.edu
Associate Teaching ProfessorManagement
Organizational Learning, Knowledge Management, Change Management
- Phone(978) 934-2966
- EmailMichael_Beers@uml.edu
Assistant ProfessorMiner School of Computer & Information Sciences
Human-Robot Interaction, Assistive Technologies, Accessibility
- Phone978-934-3620
- EmailMaru_Cabrera@uml.edu
Associate Professor, Graduate CoordinatorChemistry
Analytical Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Nanomaterials
- Phone978-934-4022
- Emailkwokfan_chow@uml.edu
ProfessorMarketing, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Sports Collaborative for Open Research and Education (SCORE)
Entrepreneurship; Strategic Management; Organization Theory
- Phone(978) 934-2993
- Emailmichael_ciuchta@uml.edu
Associate Teaching ProfessorMusic Department
Music History, Jazz History
- Phone978-934-3863
- Emailtimothy_crain@uml.edu
Assistant Teaching ProfessorMiner School of Computer & Information Sciences
- Phone978-934-3625
- EmailJames_Daly@uml.edu
Clinical InstructorNursing
Pediatric Nursing Acute and Chronic care; Pediatric research; Pediatric respiratory care
- Phone978-934-4321
- EmailAnnMarie_Foustoukos@uml.edu
Department Chair, Associate ProfessorBiomedical Engineering
Medical Devices, Biomedical Optics, Computational Modeling
- Phone 978-934-3825
- EmailWalfre_Franco@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Marketing, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation, Climate Change Initiative
Buyer-supplier relationship; marketing innovations; mobile marketing; international marketing; emerging markets.
- Phone(978) 934-5236
- Emailtao_gao@uml.edu
Assistant Teaching ProfessorPolitical Science, Climate Change Initiative
Latin American Politics, Comparative Politics, Global Environment
- Phone978-934-4256
- EmailVanessa_Gray@uml.edu
Associate Teaching ProfessorBiological Sciences
Evolution, Biodiversity, Phylogenetics, Herpetology
- Phone978-934-2748
- EmailAlison_Hamilton@uml.edu
Associate Teaching Professor, 51ÊÓƵ Core Curriculum CoordinatorBiomedical and Nutritional Sciences
Anatomy and Physiology
- Phone978-934-6611
- EmailMichelle_Hunt@uml.edu
Clinical InstructorSolomont School of NursingAcute Care Nursing; Gerontological Nursing ; RHSA Faculty Advocate
- Phone978-934-4349
- EmailKymberly_Hussey@uml.edu
Assistant Teaching ProfessorPsychology
Children/family interactions with legal system, child maltreatment, prevention science, research methods, psychology and law.
- Phone978-934-3967
- EmailHannah_Johnson@uml.edu
Assistant Teaching ProfessorMechanical & Industrial Engineering
Industrial Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing Processes, Additive Manufacturing, Process Planning, Material Behavior, and Engineering Education
- Phone978-934-3316
- EmailCarter_Keough@uml.edu
Assistant Teaching ProfessorPlastics Engineering
Organic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Polymer Science, Materials Science, Nanoscience & Technology, Opto-electronic devices, Photophysical characterization
- Phone978-934-5219
- EmailAkshay_Kokil@uml.edu
Assistant ProfessorBiological Sciences
Epigenetics, longevity, chromatin, molecular genetics
- Phone978-934-2868
- Emailteresa_lee@uml.edu
Associate Teaching Professor, Director of Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) AccreditationPublic Health
Substance addiction prevention, public health interventions
Assistant ProfessorPsychology
Pediatric health psychology; childhood chronic conditions; asthma; sleep; pain; behavior genetics; ecological momentary assessment
- Phone978-934-3941
- EmailSamantha_Miadich@uml.edu
Associate Professor, Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies - Prospective StudentsChemical Engineering
- Phone978-934-3141
- EmailNese_Orbey@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorEnglish
Rhetoric and Composition; Publishing and Editing; Gender and Sexuality; Digital Rhetoric and Video Games
- Phone978-934-4115
- EmailRebecca_Richards@uml.edu
Assistant ProfessorMechanical and Industrial Engineering, Structural Dynamics & Acoustic Systems Laboratory (SDASL), SCORE
- Phone978-934-5253
- EmailAlessandro_Sabato@uml.edu
Director of Legal Studies, Teaching ProfessorSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
Business Law and Ethics, Commercial Transactions, Business Entities, Real Estate Law, Estate Planning and Administration
- Phone978-934-2822
- EmailMichelle_Veilleux@uml.edu
Assistant Professor of Special EducationSchool of Education
Single case Design Research, Multi-tiered systems of Support, Early literacy and behavioral Intervention, Immigrant Family empowerment and engagement, International Special Education
- Phone978-934-4676
- EmailRobai_Werunga@uml.edu
Associate Teaching ProfessorMiner School of Computer & Information Sciences
Operating Systems, Programming Language Design and Implementation, High Speed Networks, and Computer Science Education
- Phone978-934-3634
- EmailCharles_Wilkes@uml.edu
InstructorBiomedical & Nutritional Sciences
Anatomy & Physiology
- Phone(978) 934-4000
- EmailMichelle_Williams@uml.edu
Associate Professor, Scientific Lead in Physiological Measurement, NERVE CenterPhysical Therapy and Kinesiology, NERVE, HEROES, FDC, SCORE
Technology-based Neurorehabilitation, Home-based Rehabilitation and Monitoring Technology, Human and Human-Robot Performance.
- Phone978-934-6456
- EmailYiNing_Wu@uml.edu
Associate Professor, Associate Chair for Graduate Environmental StudiesCivil and Environmental Engineering
Environmental Engineering, Subsurface Remediation, Environmental Interface Chemistry, Critical Mineral Recovery.
- Phone978-934-2256
- EmailWeile_Yan@uml.edu
Associate Teaching ProfessorMathematics & Statistics
- Phone978-934-5393
- EmailErica_Yankowskas@uml.edu
Assistant Teaching ProfessorOperations and Information Systems
Operations Management, Business Analytics, Supply Chain Management, Optimization and Simulation
- Phone978-934-5469
- Emailwen_zhu@uml.edu