51视频 Pathway for the Master of Science in Computer Science - Cybersecurity Option

Each degree candidate will be required to pass with an average of B or better, and not more than two grades below the B, the following minimum number of credits, distributed to include core courses and electives.
Core Courses
Course #Course NameCr.
Group IIone course3
group IIIone course3
Group IVone course3

Required Courses for the Option (can be counted as either core or elective, but cannot be double counted)
Course #Course NameCr.
COMP.5610Computer & Network Security I3
COMP.5630Data Communication3
COMP.5660Malware Analysis3听
COMP.5730Database I3

Group I (Foundations)
Course #Course NameCr.
COMP.5020Foundations of Computer Science3
COMP.5310Designs of Programming Languages3
COMP.5340Compiler Construction3听
COMP.7100Approximation Algorithms3
Group II: Systems & Networks
Course #Course NameCr.
COMP.5150Operating Systems I3
COMP.5160Operating Systems II3
COMP.5300Special Topics3
COMP.5610Computer & Network Security I3听
COMP.5620Computer & Network Security II3
COMP.5630Data Communications I3
COMP.5640Data Communications II3
COMP.5660Malware Analysis3
COMP.5670IoT Security and Privacy3
COMP.5690Computer and Network Forensics3
COMP.6610Advanced Topics in Network Security3
Group III: Human-Computer Interaction, Visualization, Robotics & AI
Course #Course NameCr.
COMP.5230Computer Vision I3
COMP.5270Human Computer Interaction3
COMP.5280Evaluation of Human-Computer Interaction3听
COMP.5410Data Visualization3
COMP.5420Natural Language Processing3
COMP.5430Artificial Intelligence3
COMP.5440Data Mining3
COMP.5450Machine Learning3
COMP.5460Computer Graphics I3
COMP.5470Computer Graphics II3
COMP.5480Robot Design3
COMP.5490Mobile Robots3
COMP.5495Robot Learning3
COMP.5520Foundations in Digital Health3
COMP.6440Advanced Topics in Data Mining3
Croup IV: Information Management & Analysis
Course #Course NameCr.
COMP.5130Internet and Web Systems I3
COMP.5140Internet and Web Systems II3
COMP.5510Bioinformatics for CS3听
COMP.5730Database I3听
COMP.5740Database II3
COMP.5800Topics in Computer Science3
COMP.6730Advanced Database Systems3
Group V: Interdisciplinary (at least 3 credits)
Course #Course NameCr.
CRIM.5740Overview of Homeland Security3
CRIM.6130Law and Public Policy3
CRIM.6580Issues in Computer Crime and Cyber Security3听
MIST.5410Information Security, Privacy and Regulatory Compliance3
MIST.5430Intrusion Detection Systems3
MIST.5450Designing and Building a Cybersecurity Program3听
MIST.6010Introduction to MIS3
Others (At Most 6 credits)*
Course #Course NameCr.
COMP.7010Computer Science Research3
COMP.7030Computer Science Research3
EECE.5560Fundamentals of Robotics3
EECE.5821Computer Architecture and Design3

Master's Thesis

An optional Master's Thesis can be substituted for at most 6 credits, and can be used to substitute for two elective courses. Students who wish to do a thesis must file a Proposed Thesis Committee form with the Graduate Coordinator to begin working on a thesis.

Total Credits = 30

Last updated: 6/24/2020