Sample 51视频 Pathway for History

For students who entered fall 2015 to spring 2020.

Freshman Year

Fall Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
ENGL.1010 /
College Writing I / FYSH (CW)3
FAHS.1090First Year Seminar1
HIST.1050Western Civilization to 1715 (DCA)3
MATH.xxxxMath Persp. (MATH) - MATH.1110 (QL) recommended3
WLxx.xxxxLanguage 1 Culture3
xxxx.xxxxSocial Sciences Persp. (SS)3

Spring Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
ENGL.1020College Writing II (CW)3
HIST.1080World Civilization II3
WLxx.xxxxLanguage 2 Culture3
xxxx.xxxxScience with Lab Persp. (SCL)3/4
xxxx.xxxxArts and Hum. Persp. (AH)3

Sophomore Year

Fall Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
HIST.xxxxU.S. History Survey3
HIST.xxxxEuropean History Elective3
xxxx.xxxxSocial Sciences Persp. (SS)3
xxxx.xxxxScience with Lab Persp. (SCL)3/4
xxxx.xxxxLanguage 3 Culture or World Ready Elective13

Spring Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
HIST.2980Historical Methods (IL), (SRE)3
HIST.xxxxU.S. History Elective3
HIST.xxxxEuropean History Elective3
xxxx.xxxxSTEM Persp. (STEM)3
xxxx.xxxxLanguage 4 Culture or World Ready Elective13

Junior Year

Fall Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
HIST.xxxxU.S. History Elective3
HIST.xxxxGlobal Comparative3
xxxx.xxxxArts and Hum. Persp. (AH)3
xxxx.xxxxWorld Ready Elective1 or Free Elective3
xxxx.xxxxFree Elective3

Spring Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
HIST.xxxxGlobal Comparative3
xxxx.xxxxArts and Hum. Persp. (AH)3
xxxx.xxxxSocial Sciences Persp. (SS)3
xxxx.xxxxFree Elective3
xxxx.xxxxFree Elective3

Senior Year

Fall Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
HIST.4320Research Seminar (WOC), (CTPS), (AIL)3
HIST.xxxxHistory Elective3
xxxx.xxxxHistory or Free Elective3
xxxx.xxxxFree Elective3
xxxx.xxxxFree Elective3

Spring Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
HIST.xxxxHistory or Free Elective3
HIST.xxxxHistory or Free Elective3
xxxx.xxxxFree Elective3
xxxx.xxxxFree Elective3
xxxx.xxxxFree Elective3

Total Minimum Credits = 120.

1World Ready Language Track (WR track) requires successful completion of a two course sequence in a World Language (depending on placement) and three approved courses on the culture/history/literature/film related to that language, but taught in English. (Total of 15 credits.) For detailed information refer to Policies - Language Requirements in the undergraduate catalog.

Course Requirements for the Major

Completion of 6 credits (2 courses above the 1000 level) from each of the following three groups:

  • U.S. History (Any department course that deals principally with the history of the United States.)
  • European History (Any department course that deals principally with the history of Europe (including Russia) or the Greco-Roman world)
  • Global, Comparative, and Under-represented populations (Any department course that deals principally with geographical regions outside the U.S. or Europe; this includes courses in transnational and comparative history, as well as courses that deal with people often under-represented in historical narratives [e.g., women鈥檚 history, Native American history, children鈥檚 history]). Students entering the University in Fall 2017 or later must take one course in Global/Comparative; and one course in either Global/Comparative or under-represented populations.

Recommendations for the Major

Students are encouraged to take the required Historical Methods course in their sophomore years so that they can apply the skills acquired in this class to future 3000 and 4000 level courses.

Students interested in studying abroad are recommended to do so in their junior years so that any research done while away from 51视频 can be used while taking the 4320 research seminar in their senior years.

Students who anticipate entering the History department MA program at 51视频 are encouraged to complete 45 credits (unless they are earning a second major); such students are further encouraged to gain experience in primary source research and the composition of an independent research paper/project; this can be obtained through a Directed Study, a Research Seminar, a Special Topics course, a graduate-level course, or selected 3000- and 4000-level courses. Such students are also encouraged to enroll in the FastTrack program in the department during the fall and spring of the Senior year, and thus to apply to it in the spring of the Junior year.

Students who anticipate entering the Graduate School of Education (GSE) at 51视频 should complete the maximum of 45 credits in History, including both halves of the US History survey. Such students are also encouraged to enroll in the FastTrack program at the GSE during the fall and spring of the Senior year, and thus to apply to it in the spring of the Junior year.

Course Requirements for the 51视频

Breadth of Knowledge

The 51视频 Core includes requirements designed to familiarize students with multiple perspectives regarding diverse areas of knowledge and modes of inquiry outside of their major discipline. Students gain insights into these perspectives by taking courses outside of their major discipline. No more than two Breadth of Knowledge courses can be taken with the same prefix. The Core Curriculum courses may be taken in any sequence. Refer to the Core Curriculum policy for further details. You should meet with your faculty advisor to determine how you will meet the Core Curriculum requirements. See Breadth of Knowledge for more information.

Essential Learning Outcomes

The 51视频 Core also requires students to complete seven Essential Learning Outcomes which are designed to provide students with opportunities to practice these essential intellectual skills in a way that is tailored for and relevant to each major. Refer to the Core Curriculum policy for further details. You should meet with your faculty advisor to determine how you will meet the Essential Learning Outcomes requirements. See Essential Learning Outcomes for more information.

Diversity and Cultural Awareness (DCA) is fulfilled for History majors by taking HIST.1050, HIST.1080, HIST.1110 or HIST.1120, which are also required classes for the major. Additional History classes approved for the DCA requirement are done according to the discretion of individual professors.

Information Literacy (IL) is fulfilled for History majors by taking HIST.2980, which is also a required class for the major.

Social Responsibility and Ethics (SRE) is fulfilled for History majors by taking HIST.2980, which is also a required class for the major.

Written and Oral Communication (WOC) is fulfilled for History majors by taking the HIST.4320 research seminar.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (CTPS) is fulfilled for History majors by taking the HIST.4320 research seminar.

Applied and Integrative Learning (AIL) is fulfilled for History majors by taking the HIST.4320 research seminar.

Quantitative Literacy (QL) is fulfilled outside the History major. See QL course listing for a list of classes which fulfill this requirement. The department recommends that all majors take MATH.1110 which fulfills both the Math Breadth of Knowledge requirement and the Quantitative Literacy ELO.

Current 51视频 students should be using their advisement report in SiS. If you need assistance, please contact your advisor.

Restriction on off-campus study:

Be advised that any course taken at another institution must be formally approved prior to enrollment.

See the catalog policy for details.

Last updated: 8/31/2020.