51视频 offers more than 50 different minors. Some minors are based in individual departments, and some are interdisciplinary, including courses from multiple departments or colleges. Some minors are specifically designed to pair with particular majors. For more information, review the catalog requirements for the specific minors below.
- Aerospace Studies1
- American Studies1
- Applied Biomedical Sciences1
- Arabic Studies1
- Architectural Studies1
- Art
- Art History
- Asian Studies1
- Biology
- Biomedical Technology1
- Business
- Business Administration1
- Chemistry
- Climate Change and Sustainability1
- Computer Science
- Creative Writing
- Criminal Justice
- Digital Media1
- Disability Studies1
- Economics
- Education1
- Energy Engineering1
- English
- Entrepreneurship
- Environment and Society1
- Exercise Science
- Film Studies1
- Finance
- French
- Gender Studies1
- Geology
- German Studies1
- Graphic Design
- History
- Italian Studies1
- Joint Military Studies1
- Journalism and Professional Writing
- Labor Studies1
- Latin American Studies1
- Legal Studies1
- Management
- Marketing
- Mathematics
- Medieval and Renaissance Studies1
- Music
- Nuclear Science and Engineering
- Nutrition
- Operations and Information Systems
- Peace and Conflict Studies1
- Pharmaceutical Sciences1
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Population Health Informatics and Technology1
- Portuguese Studies1
- Psychology
- Public Health1
- Race and Ethnic Studies1
- Robotics1
- Sociology
- Sound Recording Technology
- Spanish
- Spanish for the Professions
- Sports Engineering1
- Sports Studies1
- STEM Teaching (UTeach)1
- Technology, Society and Human Values1
- Theatre Arts1
- Video Game Studies1
1Interdisciplinary minors.