51视频 Pathway for Psychology, Health Psychology Concentration

For students who entered fall 2018 to spring 2022.

Freshman Year

Fall Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
ENGL.1010 /
College Writing I /
First Year Seminar in Honors: Text in the City (CW)
FAHS.1090First Year Seminar31
PSYC.1010Introduction to Psychological Science3
MATH.xxxxMath Perspective (MATH)3
WLxx.xxxxLanguage 1 and Culture3
xxxx.xxxxSocial Sciences Perspective (SS)3

Spring Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
ENGL.1020College Writing II (CW)3
PSYC.2600Child and Adolescent Development3
WLxx.xxxxLanguage 2 and Culture3
xxxx.xxxxSciences with Lab Perspective (SCL)4
xxxx.xxxxArts and Humanities Perspective (AH)3

Sophomore Year

Fall Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
PSYC.2690Research I: Methods (IL)13
PSYC.2720Abnormal Psychology3
PSYC.2010Professional Development in Psychology1
xxxx.xxxxSocial Sciences Persp. (SS)3
xxxx.xxxxScience with Lab Persp. (SCL)4
xxxx.xxxxLanguage 3 and Culture / World Ready Elective23

Spring Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
PSYC.2090 /
Social Psychology / Community Psychology (DCA)3
PSYC.2730Brain, Mind and Behavior3
xxxx.xxxxArts and Humanities Perspective (AH)3
xxxx.xxxxSTEM Perspective聽(STEM)3
xxxx.xxxxLanguage 4 and Culture / World Ready Elective23

Junior Year

Fall Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
PSYC.3690Research II: Statistics (QL)13
xxxx.xxxxPsychology / Free Elective3
xxxx.xxxxArts and Humanities Perspective (AH)3
xxxx.xxxxSocial Sciences Perspective (SS)3
xxxx.xxxxWorld Ready Elective2聽/ Free Elective3

Spring Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
PSYC.4690Research III: Laboratory (CTPS), (AIL)3
PSYC.3450Health Psychology3
PSYCH.3/4xxxUpper-Level Psychology Elective3
xxxx.3/4xxxUpper-Level Non-Psychology Elective3
xxxx.xxxxPsychology or Free Elective3

Senior Year

Fall Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
PSYC.4800Concentration Practicum I3
PSYC.47xxAdvanced Seminar (SRE), (WOC)43
xxxx.3/4xxxUpper-Level Non-Psychology Elective3
xxxx.xxxxPsychology / Free Elective3
xxxx.xxxxFree Elective3

Spring Semester

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
PSYC.48xxCommunity / Research Service Learning / Directed Study3
xxxx.xxxxPsychology / Free Elective3
xxxx.xxxxFree Elective3
xxxx.xxxxFree Elective3

Total Minimum Credits = 121.

1Students must earn a grade of C or higher.

2World Ready Language Track (WR track) requires successful completion of a two course sequence in a World Language (depending on placement) and three approved courses on the culture/history/literature/film related to that language, but taught in English. (Total of 15 credits.) For detailed information refer to Policies - Language Requirements in the undergraduate catalog. The World Language requirement for Psychology majors can be met with sign language courses taken at Northern Essex Community College (NECC). More information about this policy is available on the Psychology Department website. For information about the sign language courses and program at NECC, please visit . As with all off-campus courses, students taking sign language courses at NECC must complete a Prior Authorization for Off Campus Courses form.

3Required for entering Freshmen in the College of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

4Choose from PSYC.4710, PSYC.4730, PSYC.4740, PSYC.4750, PSYC.4770, PSYC.4780, or PSYC.4790, but must be approved as having a health focus.

A major in Psychology consists of 36-54 psychology credits with at least 18 credits at the 3000 level or higher. Students transferring to the college and wishing to major in Psychology must make individual arrangements with the department chairperson regarding satisfaction of major course requirements. To graduate with a concentration as part of the Psychology degree, student must have both an overall GPA and a Psychology GPA of at least a 3.000.

Core Curriculum Essential Learning Outcomes in the major are met as follows:

  • Diversity and Cultural Awareness (DCA) is met by taking PSYC.2090 or PSYC.2550
  • Information Literacy (IL) is met by taking PSYC.2690
  • Social Responsibility and Ethics (SRE) is met by taking PSYC.47xx
  • Written and Oral Communication (emphasizing Writing in the Discipline) (WOC) is met by taking PSYC.47xx
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (CTPS) is met by taking PSYC.3750
  • Applied and Integrative Learning (AIL) is met by taking PSYC.3750
  • Quantitative Literacy (QL) is met by taking PSYC.3690

No more than two Breadth of Knowledge courses can be taken with the same prefix. The Core Curriculum courses may be taken in any sequence. Refer to the Core Curriculum policy for further details. You should meet with your faculty adviser to determine how you will meet the Core Curriculum requirements.

Current 51视频 students should be using their Advisement Report in . If you need assistance, please contact your adviser.

Restriction on off-campus study:

Be advised that any course taken at another institution must be formally approved prior to enrollment.

See the catalog policy for details.