Administrative Dismissal
A student may be administratively dismissed from the University through cancellation of registration for due cause, through suspension or expulsion for academic dishonesty (cf. Academic Dishonesty, Cheating and Plagiarism), and through disciplinary procedures for violations of good conduct. For information concerning procedures that govern violations of campus conduct contact the Dean of Students.
Administrative dismissal may be invoked when a student fails to comply, after due notice, with an administrative regulation of the University. Official notification of an administrative dismissal is noted on the permanent record card by the symbol X, which is entered for each course carried by the dismissed student.
Reinstatement of a student who has been administratively dismissed may be made only by application for readmission with the Office of the Registrar and only when the condition that has necessitated administrative dismissal can be ameliorated to the satisfaction of University officials. Examples of some conditions that may justify administrative dismissal are:
- forgery or fraudulent use of University records, documents, or forms; unauthorized entry into University records (including computerized records);
- non-payment of tuition, board, room charges, student fees, library fines, overdue University loans, and other official University fiscal obligations;
- failure to comply with a duly authorized administrative order relating to the safety of persons or the protection of University property;
- failure to submit required health forms to University Health Services.聽